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betty 134🏆 178🌟
Bethrand Chibuike @betty

Bethrand Chibuike @betty

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About betty
Username: betty
Influence: 134, Audience: 178
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= shares + comments + half-likes on your un-boosted posts by unique audience; over the previous 30days (only timeline posts are considered).
"🌟 audience" Is the average number of unique people that views a person's unboosted timeline-post, within 24 hours.
Name: Bethrand Chibuike
Gender: male
Age: 22 years old
Account Privacy: public
From: Enugu, Nigeria
Joined: 28th Mar 2022, 6:29pm
User ID: 6284

Withdrawal Issues

Withdrawal Issues
Most transaction failures are recorded mostly from Opay users and vtn users, other banks seems to be going smoothly to an extent.
If you use either of these banks, please switch to another bank account for the mean time while the Flutterwave issue is solved.

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Taskful Day

Taskful Day
I was determined to conquer the day's chores with a dedicated approach. I rolled out of bed, feeling eager to get a head start on my laundry and house cleaning. With a fresh cup of tea in hand, I set about gathering and sorting the pile of dirty laundry. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, and I welcomed the early hour as an opportunity to make the most of my day.

I loaded up the washing basket, carefully adding detergent and setting to work
I swiftly moved through the rooms, picking up clutter, organizing stray items, and dusting surfaces. As the morning turned into afternoon, I was pleased with my progress. However, as the day progressed, I realized that time was slipping away from me.

After a moment of disbelief, I glanced outside and noticed the sun was already on its descent, casting a warm, golden glow throughout the house. I had underestimated the amount of time it would take to complete each chore, and it had quickly slipped into evening by the time I finished washing the plates, mopping the floors, and tidying up every corner of my home.

Despite the unexpected turn of events, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. My home was now tidy, my laundry was clean, and a wave of relief washed over me. I may have started early with the intention of finishing early, but the satisfaction of completing everything I had set out to do was worth the extra time and effort.

@betty would win 2000 NGN in if this story gets 15+ likes and higher likes than other stories of Fri, 19th Apr. 2024.
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Not Enough

Not Enough
I can't believe I almost missed my exam today. The clock was ticking, and I was furiously flipping through extra slides, desperately trying to soak up every bit of information left. Little did I know, it was already 11 a.m. Just an hour left before the exam – panic started swirling in my mind. How could I let time slip away like that?

I bolted out of my bed and dashed to school, praying that I wouldn't be too late. As I rushed inside, my heart was pounding in my chest. I glanced at the clock, and to my relief, I was only a few minutes past 12 p.m. Thank goodness the class hadn't started. I swiftly took my seat and delved straight into the remaining slides.

In the solitude of the exam room, I feverishly began to craft my answers. The lecturer had emphasized the need for voluminous responses, calling for a deep understanding of the subject matter. I took this to heart and wrote earnestly, delving deep into every question. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't writing enough, that perhaps my efforts were coming up short.

After pouring out my thoughts onto the pages, I looked down at the clock. Time had slipped past me in a blur. Even after submitting my paper, I found myself grappling with self-doubt. What if I should have written more? What if I had missed out something crucial? The sinking feeling of uncertainty hung heavy over me.
But nonetheless, I wrote a lot.

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It all started this morning, as I entered a provision store to buy something for breakfast since my regular OKP (normal okpa) seller was nowhere to be found. I have trained myself over time to go for cooked food than the piles of junk, soda, and sweeteners stocked in all the shops along the street.

I had no option but to go for junk, bread to be precise. I was to go for butter too but at that instant, an article I read on cholesterol health risk dawned on me. While the seller continued to look in awe as I stylishly switched from the butter section to some canned milk.

"I thought you wanted butter", she said looking into my soul.
"hmmm, yes ma. But butter has so many health risk and contains cholesterol which causes lump in blood and leads to 70% of human deaths because it's hard to identify ", I said confidently.

After the woman stared and nodded in agreement for a while, she asked that I pick up a particular butter plate and examine the compositions.
I quickly noted that it says no cholesterol and then quickly added that it was all deceitful. No way you could have such greasy fatty mixture and there's no cholesterol in it.

She told me some and plant based and mostly doesn't have cholesterol.
I smiled and looked at the smart woman.(was it a way to talk me into buying this)
I slid my phone from my pocket and googled up some things.

Voila! The woman was right.
In amazement, I bought both the butter and milk just to show how excited I was about how much she knows about what she was selling.

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New haircut, new me

New haircut, new me
The buzz of the clippers masked the other customers' conversation as I sat in the chair at the barbershop. I kept a close eye on the barber as he skillfully cut my long hair into a smooth, low cut while I observed in the mirror. I felt like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders with each pass of the clippers, both physically and metaphorically. It was a symbolic moment, letting go of the past to welcome the present.

I couldn't resist feeling the freshly cut hair with my hand while the barber was finishing up. At first, it felt weird since it was so unlike anything I was used to, but there was also a liberating quality about it. I felt a rush of confidence come over me as I paid the barber and ventured out onto the busy street. It seemed as though I had let go of previous uncertainties and fears along with my hair.

I couldn't help but notice the looks people gave me as I walked home. While some expressed astonishment and others curiosity, I maintained my composure and smiled slightly. It was wonderful to reject expectations and welcome change without hesitation. I felt like the finest version of myself, free from expectations and conventions from society, with every step.

When I opened the door after returning home, my living room's well-known sights and sounds welcomed me. However, there was a noticeable difference, like though energy was popping in the air. I couldn't help but smile when I saw myself in the corridor mirror. The individual gazing back at me was unfamiliar, but at the same time, incredibly recognizable. It was me, but a brave, fearless me willing to accept change and venture into what lay ahead. And even as I stood there, I knew that I was prepared to take on whatever lay ahead of me.

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There is nothing like a failure, we only have temptations and that's it.
Good evening family.

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Let′s Solve It

Let′s Solve It
I woke up that sunny morning with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. My friend and I had just returned from a registration process that felt like a never-ending trek of 2,000 miles, even though we hadn't left the school campus.

As we stared at the long list of courses we needed to register for, my aching legs rebelled against the idea of traversing the vast campus to reach their respective faculties and centers. I saw my friend's determination to conquer the tasks at hand, but my energy levels were rapidly depleting. I hesitated, wondering if my legs could handle the exhausting series of journeys.

It was then that my friend saw my hesitation and offered words of encouragement and support. "We're in this together," they said, with a reassuring smile.

Buoyed by their confidence and support, I found the strength to press on. With my friend by my side, we ventured into the maze of campus buildings, racing against the clock to complete our registration tasks.

As we made our way from one faculty to the next, time seemed to warp around us. The seemingly endless distances melted away as we guided each other through the bustling corridors. My friend's unwavering support and our shared determination transformed a daunting experience into an adventure.

Before I knew it, we had accomplished our mission with time to spare.

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Secret to a smooth face

Secret to a smooth face
"Avoid Touching the Face: Minimize touching your face throughout the day to reduce the transfer of bacteria, dirt, and oils from your hands to your skin. This can help prevent breakouts and irritation."

Generally, we should all avoid any pressure on our faces as it will definitely lead to break out and skin irregularities.

While I was younger, I often had oily face and I wondered what caused it, not like I ate too much oils back at home, but then I realized that it was the action of scrubbing my face hard with sponge while I bathe that caused it.
After I learned the secrets to a smooth face, I now washed my face only with bare hands and soap or I use a soft sponge.

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Underrated fruit

Underrated fruit
Avocado is often celebrated for its impressive nutritional profile. It is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, particularly oleic acid, which is beneficial for heart health. Additionally, avocados are a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin C, and various B vitamins. They also contain small amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and other nutrients.

The health benefits of avocado include:

1. Heart Health: The monounsaturated fats in avocados may help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2. Eye Health: Avocados contain antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health and may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

3. Nutrient Absorption: The fat content in avocados helps enhance the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients from other foods, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K.

4. Blood Sugar Regulation: The fiber and monounsaturated fats in avocados may help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, supporting diabetes management.

5. Weight Management: Despite their rich content of healthy fats, avocados have been associated with weight management when consumed as part of a balanced diet, possibly due to their satiating effects.

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