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Group ID: 1115
Group admin: mindviewer 88🏆 169🌟
Group created: 07-Nov-2022 01:33:34 (1y 6mo ago)
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223 Posts Found
Who wrote this on 10th Nov. 2022?
“For instance, it is important to remind Nigerians that part of the reasons ASUU went on strike was government’s failure to pay university lecturers their about eight years arrears of Earned Academic Allowances which work they had done. Does the same government that has failed to pay the lecturers their EAA for work already done for eight years possess the moral rectitude to talk about”

Paid Quiz

The first person to answer correctly on 11th Nov. 2022, between 04:00pm to 04:59pm wins 500 NGN.
Prize successfully withdrawn to @applecoral's wallet
applecoral's comment won.See @opinion_quiz for more competitions.
You can only win once per day in this group.
194 NGA

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Who wrote this on 8th Nov. 2022?
“It is not enough for FG to issue warning about flooding, she should do something to save and protect her citizens.”

Paid Quiz

The first person to answer correctly on 9th Nov. 2022, between 07:00pm to 07:59pm wins 500 NGN.
Prize successfully withdrawn to @emmyiyke's wallet
emmyiyke's comment won.See @opinion_quiz for more competitions.
You can only win once per day in this group.
273 NGA

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Who wrote this on 7th Nov. 2022?
“Elon is making them wet their pants already”

Paid Quiz

The first person to answer correctly on 8th Nov. 2022, between 04:00pm to 04:59pm wins 500 NGN.
Prize successfully withdrawn to @upgradedman's wallet
upgradedman's comment won.See @opinion_quiz for more competitions.
You can only win once per day in this group.
381 NGA

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