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Best Advise Wednesdays

Best Advise Wednesdays
Read and share some great advise or quotes let′s make life better for each other.

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Group ID: 1036
Group admin: mindviewer 🏆82 🌟418
Group created: 15-Apr-2022 01:30:09 (2y 1mo ago)
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259 Posts Found
Never force yourself to do something that doesn't give u joy, always follow happiness

Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @emmyiyke's wallet

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The secret to success is not putting all eggs in a basket , your ideas should be wide so that if this crumblse the other will still work


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Prize successfully withdrawn to @jaymelody162's wallet

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Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.


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Be kind. Always.

You never know what someone else is going through. Be gentle. Have compassion. Default to empathy. If you can’t find any love in a situation, it’s a signal to be the love the situation desperately needs.
As humans, kindness is a nutrient for the heart. Love is the purest expression of this kindness. When all else fails, sprinkle a little love on it. You just might be surprised at how well it heals what appears broken. Especially when it’s turned inward.


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Life is a gift that has been given to you. It is in your hands to make the best out of it--dare to believe that you can. Through the ups and downs, you'll find a lesson to learn that will make you a better person. Each experience good and bad makes you grow. Get along with life and surely, things will become easier for you. Live for today and enjoy every moment. Capture the best that life has to offer you.


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In everything do your best and leave the rest you don't necessarily have to kill your self trying , do your best and still breathe fine


Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @amosajas's wallet

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Listen more than you speak.

You were given two ears and one mouth for a reason. Perhaps it’s because you were meant to spend more time listening than speaking.
As humans, one of our basic needs is to feel heard, seen and understood. When you honor someone else with your undivided attention, you help assuage their anxiety, wash away their worry and find clarity in the chaos. Because you’re showing them that, despite how bad things might seem, they’re not alone.
Listen intently. Don’t just hear the words and syllables—listen so you can understand and relate. Listen to learn. Open your mind up to comprehend what’s happening in the world around you and within you. Listen to empathize. Open your heart up to imagine what someone else is going through.
Sometimes, we just need someone to lend an ear. The more adept you are at doing so, the better. And the more likely you are to get the same in return.



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Please guys avoid over crowd , things are happening this days , have a wonderful Wednesday


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"Who never masturbates hands in the air? No hands"
Millions of people have been victims of masturbation  (including myself). I have sought help on how to stop it, as many people also have, but you know, in the end, I always seem to go back. Many people think it's because they are single, but I've seen people who also do it while in relationships.
One of the many pieces of advice I've received online from people on how to stop masturbation was to read your Bible, stay close to God, and pray. It didn't work as well. The feeling after masturbating tells you that you have done wrong, but Google tells you otherwise.
Using myself as an example, let me tell you the truth. If you want to stop masturbating, you have to actually, I repeat, actually stop being alone all the time, my friend. You have too much free time on your hands. That's why you think of masturbating all the time.
Here's what I do now. Of course the thought would come in, but I go to a place where I am not alone and stay there until the thought goes away. The secret to stopping masturbation isn't only or actually about reading your Bible and staying close to God, it's actually about discipline.
You don't have self control over your emotions and yourself. That's why you can't stop masturbating every time you see the slightest opportunity and then you hate yourself after you cum. I used to be like that and I didn't know how to grow anymore. It was always pulling me down.
At that very moment, the thought comes up that you just need to force yourself to leave the area immediately. I'll stop here for now to avoid a very lengthy post.
Like this post if you want to see me talk about how to also avoid masturbating during your bedtime. That one is the worst.


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Just keep going. No matter what.

You might lack skill, you might lack hope, you might lack money—honestly, most people, at one point or another, have lacked these seemingly important endowments. But if you have grit, determination and persistence, you will always make it through to brighter days because you can outlast the days that make you want to give up.
If you learn to become comfortable with the discomfort of rejection, uncertainty and obscurity, you will forever persevere to claim the moments of joy and accomplishment you seek. It won’t always look how you imagined because life is rarely predictable, but it will feel familiar, it will feel right, it will feel like home.

All you have to do is keep going. No matter what.

Category Competition Winner!

Prize successfully withdrawn to @gineertony's wallet

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Irrespective of what you are going through be rest assured that it is just a phase and there must surely 😉 be an end to it so do not allow the happenstance you are in to swallow you up , just have high hopes that there must surely be an end to it.


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