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Thing you don't know about "TOMORROW":

1. Instead of worrying about how bad TOMORROW could be, have faith in how
great it will be.

2. Your Past doesn't disqualify your future from being amazing. What's done is done.
Don't let Yesterday define your TOMORROW.

3. Be careful who you judge today because their struggle could be yours TOMORROW.

4. Sow a seed of encouragement today and you'll reap a harvest of support TOMORROW.

5. Try not to become so worried about what TOMORROW could be that you fail to
appreciate what today already is.

6. Even if today feels like a nightmare, don't allow it to hinder you from dreaming

7. Tell your critics , 'If you are jealous of my success today, TOMORROW will certainly drive you crazy.

8. A fool puts off the important matters of today, thinking that TOMORROW is always
an option.

9. Don't live for anyone's approval. People will shout 'hosanna' today and 'crucify him' TOMORROW. Don't be their flavor of the month.

10. Everyday isn't the same. So don't let today define you. Whether you won or lost
today, always remember this : TOMORROW is another day.

Good morning, and Have a nice day ahead!


175 NGA

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