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Open Heaven Recaps
Read daily commentary on the open heavens devotional, in 3 to 4 power-points.
Open Heavens is a daily bible study devotional by Pastor E. A. Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God; RCCG.

Open Heaven For Today 2024: Daily Devotional

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Open Heavens 27 July 2024

2 Keypoints From: Good Followership (2)

  • Good followers recognise that their leader needs help and seek to provide it before the leader asks for it.
  • Sometimes, supporting your leader will not be convenient. When you step in to help your leader's weakness, others might laugh at you and even call you names.

  • “Some followers, because their leader doesn't know how to keep track of money, start stealing from the accounts instead of helping to manage them. Some others tell people about their leader's weaknesses to discredit them.”

    Never try to take advantage of your leaders' weakness. Help them instead.

    Memorise: But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. (Exodus 17:12)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 26th Jul. 2024, between 04:40pm to 05:39pm wins 500 NGN.
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    3 Keypoints From: The Good Followership (1)

  • Leaders are raised from amongst the followers, so the better the followers, the better the quality of leaders.
  • Submission is one of the greatest attributes that a follower can have. It is different from cooperation.
  • Some follower steal because they are ready to sacrifice the interest of the entire group to satisfy their personal interest.

  • “Some people may say, "I don't steal, I just disobey my leader because I don't like him." This is, however, just as bas as stealing. In Matthew 25:24-30, the servant who was given one talent to trade did not steal the talent also, yet called unfaithful.”

    If you want to be a good leader, you must first be a good follower by obeying your leader and putting common interests above yours.

    Memorise: Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1)

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    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 25th Jul. 2024, between 04:40pm to 05:39pm wins 500 NGN.
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    4 Keypoints From: Growing In Faith

  • For your faith to really grow, don't just study the word and pray; seek to hear from God concerning your life. His voice will cause a surge in your faith.
  • Just as you grow your muscles through physical exercise, grow your faith by exercising it as well.
  • If you believe god for something and don't make any move in line with what you believe, your faith will never grow.
  • Testimonies will also grow your faith. Hearing someone's testimony builds faith in you to know that God can also move on your behalf.

  • “Purposely search for testimonies of people who have gone through what you are going through. As you hear their testimonies, your faith will rise, and you will also get a miracle.”

    Prayer Point: Father, please help me to continuall y grow my faith in You.

    Memorise: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 24th Jul. 2024, between 04:40pm to 05:39pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    3 Keypoints From: Dangerous And Benign

  • When you're baptised in the Holy Spirit, it might seem like nothing has changed about you, but the reality is, you have become very dangerous to the enemy and his cohorts. (2 Kings 1:9-12)
  • To become dangerous to your enemies, ensure that you carry the fire of God inside you in great measure. If the devil as been tormenting you, the way to get him off your shoulder is to carry the fire of God.
  • Become addicted to praying in the Holy Ghost. As you do this (praying often), the fire of God starts boiling inside you.

  • “Speak in tongues for at least one hour today, and make this a daily practice going forward.”

    Memorise: And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand. (Acts 13:11)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 23rd Jul. 2024, between 09:50am to 10:49am wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
    You can only win once per day in this group.

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    3 Keypoints From: Content vs Container

  • It doesn't matter if everyone in the world thinks that a fellow is the closest person to Jesus Christ. If he or she is not truly born again, Jesus will deny the fellow on the last day.
  • Don't pretend to be a Christian, genuinely give your life to Christ if you haven't done so and live a holy life henceforth. You cannot call Jesus 'Lord' and keep on obeying the devil.
  • Make your inside clean first, and then the outside will be clean as well. It is not the other way round.

  • “Some people can deceive the whole world with their container, but that will only put them in more trouble because it will become more difficult for them to get on the right track with God.”

    Memorise: Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. (2 Timothy 3:5)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 22nd Jul. 2024, between 03:40pm to 04:39pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    3 Keypoints From: Elders Are Wise

  • There are certain things that elders know that Google, as vast as it is, does not know.
  • There are some experiences that they have when it comes to relating with other people that you cannot learn in any book or university.
  • If you take care of your elders and learn from them, there is a lot you will know and have as an advantage over your peers.

  • “Write a list of godly elders that you have around you, and start taking care of them and spending time with them from now. You will learn a lot from them before they go to be with the Lord.”

    Never despise the advice of godly elders.

    MEMORISE: With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding. (Job 12:12)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 21st Jul. 2024, between 06:40pm to 07:39pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    3 Keypoints From: Honour Elders

  • You cannot claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit and dishonour your elders; that would be a lie.
  • A true child of God always honours elders, regardless of his or her status. (1 Timothy 5:1-3)
  • No matter how wrong an elder is, you must share your opinion respectfully and never dishonour them. (Job 32:4)

  • “Don't say you have holy anger and speak to an elder disrespectfully. Don't claim to be fighting for God and dishonour and elder.”

    Memorise: Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:32)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 20th Jul. 2024, between 04:50pm to 05:49pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    3 Keypoints From: Your Arrows

  • Young men can shoot arrows far ahead of them to ward off the enemy or dangerous animal in their path. Likewise, your children are to go ahead of you into your future to make it more pleasurable.
  • Invest in your children, they will be there for you when you are old, and when you are long gone, the results of your investment in them will still be obvious.
  • Choose to spend quality time with them to teach them the basic principles of life and God's word. No investment in your children ever expires. (Ecclesiastes 7:8*

  • “Are you doing your best when it comes to training your children?”

    Memorise: As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. (Psalm 127:4)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 19th Jul. 2024, between 06:30pm to 07:29pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    Don′t Kill A Wounded Soldier

  • When we correct someone just to show how righteous we are, we are attacking their self-esteem, adding to the weight of guilt hey already bear, and making it more difficult for them to come to Christ.
  • Unfortunately, many Christians use their superiority complex to hand their own brothers and sisters over to the devil.
  • If the wounded soldier get help from the enemy's camp, they may never return to their own camp again. This is why many backsliders keep going deeper into sin.
  • If a fellow believer falls, don't condemn the person. Don't turn such a person into an object of gossip, rather, geth other Christians together to pray and follow up on the fellow until he or she comes back to God. (Job 4:3-4)

  • “Show love to any believer you know that may require encouragement by calling or sending a message to say you will always be there for him or her.”

    Memorise: Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. (Galatians 6:1)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 18th Jul. 2024, between 04:50pm to 05:49pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    4 Keypoints From: The Purpose Of Marriage

  • Any marriage where the husband and wife compete against each other will not stand. (Mark 3:25)
  • Husband, your wife is a gift from God to help you achieve His purpose for your life.
  • If your wife is making an impact in places of authority; it doesn't reduce you as a man; it enhances you. The more impact your spouse makes, the prouder you should be. (Proverbs 31:23)
  • Wives, don't follow the recent worldly trend that is seeking to overturn the roles of husbands and wives in marriages.

  • “Don't leave your duty post to compete with your teammate and end up losing in life entirely. Handle your roles support your spouse, and your entire family will win at the end of the day.”

    It is better to be a defender in a winning team that o be a star player in a losing team.

    Memorise: And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him and help meet for him. (Genesis 2:18)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 17th Jul. 2024, between 12:40pm to 01:39pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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    4 Keypoints From: Flee Fornication

  • It is God himself that destroys fornicators (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). When fornication comes knocking on the door of your heart, you must flee!
  • If someone is making sexual advances at you, run! Don't give room for the fellow to try and convince you at all. (Genesis 39:7-12)
  • There is no point in Christians entering into romantic relationship if the mutual intention is not marriage -a relationship like that is a time bomb.
  • If you are mature enough to get married, and the desire to have sexual relations is getting so much that it is difficult to cope, then get married. (1 Corinthians 7:9)

  • “There is absolutely nothing worthwhile to gain or enjoy from fornicating; the result is always destruction.”

    Memorise: Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. (1 Corinthians 6:18)

    Opinion Poll

    The last person to comment (sensibly) on 16th Jul. 2024, between 04:40pm to 05:39pm wins 500 NGN.
    comment(s) has won.See @open_heavens for more competitions.
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