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bossle0 ✓☆ 🏆31 🌟4
Olutayo Oloruntoba @bossle0

Olutayo Oloruntoba @bossle0

Really fun to interact with
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Last Seen: 21h 43m Block
About bossle0
Username: bossle0
Influence: 31, Audience: 4
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Name: Olutayo Oloruntoba
Gender: male
Account Privacy: public
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From: Kogi, Nigeria
Joined: 1st Aug 2024, 10:15am
User ID: 41699
Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me


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Good Morning Everyone
I hope you all have a wonderful day to God
Always make sure to put God first in everything.


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Everywhere Jamaica
They have lots of speedsters in that countrt
“In Olympic relay, Sha′Carri Richardson saves US women, while men advance easily and Jamaica is out - The Associated Press”

Sports Opinion Screenshot

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Proverbs 1:7 (KJV) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Foolishness is not accepted in heaven so we must make sure we are wise and to be wise we need to have the fear of the Lord.


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The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us and Bless us now and forever more


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Everyone pls 🙏 I need likes on this story
Read and enjoy it
God bless you all


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Oh what a wonderful day
Let's praise The Almighty God for the wonderful things he has done


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How God helps us

How God helps us
It was a bright Monday morning, I woke up from the sound of the noisy chickens their cages where right behind my room so it was unavoidable I stood from my bed had a long stretch then got on my knees to have my morning prayer after i was done i woke my brothers and my mum up so we could have our morning devotion after the devotion me and my brothers went on to do our chores
I went to feed one the chickens who disturb me every morning and then. I realized one of the chickens was behaving weird I went to tell my mom she followed me to see it and wechecked the chicken out and found out it was bleeding it looked like it injured itself during the night my mom told me to kill it at once so we would still be able to eat it i was so happy we were going yo eat chicken today.
After killing and cooking my mum made rice.
By that time we all had taken our baths my 2 of my Junior brothers had gone to school my eldest brother had to go to his shop where he works has a fashion designer so it was left with only my mum one of my younger brothers and me.
Later in the day my mum decided to go out so it was me and my brother that was around . We then watched football together then all of a sudden my brother fainted, At first I thought he was just playing but when I kept calling him he didn't respond I didn't want to believe that something happened to him so I tapped him yet he didn't respond at that moment shivers ran down to my spine I was so scared I didn't know what to do I tried calling my mum but the network was bad I kept pacing around calling my bro my dad but nothing was going I rushed out to check for my neighbors and luckily he was around I explained everything to him and we carried him to the Hospital i was later able to reach my mum who came rushing to the hospital we kept praying to God to help us.
After several test and treatment on him the doctor told us that it was due to tiredness but he was okay. I was so relieved i couldn't believe I could experience something like this my brother was allowed to go home so we all went home together
When we got home my two smallest brother where already back from school it was my neighbors wife that took them from the bus we where very grateful for how our neighbors helped us that day
When we got inside my mum told us not to allow my brother to do any hard work for like a month that we should let him rest well. when my elder brother came home we told him everything he was shocked to but Glory be to God my brother was alright that night My dad who has travelled for business trip called us. We explained everything to him he prayed for my brother and instructed us to watch him very well and let him rest well. Then my daddy announced the biggest news of the day I had been given admission in to the prestigious university of Ilorin I was so filled to joy everyone was so happy we decided to celebrate it we danced and praised God for what he had done that day.
It will definitely not be a day to forget.
Remember always trust God He will help you when he needs you because he loves you.

Show some love. Gift @bossle0 something as TIPs

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Grateful to God for making me see another wonderful day
Happy Sunday Everyone 🌞
God Bless you all. 🙏


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