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George my Good Friend

George my Good Friend
George was a young man full of hope and dreams. There was always something he had to say about every single aspect of life. He knew a lot about politics, football, games, the country, economics, and almost everything I could think of. He was a genius. The first time I met him in my first year, during 100 level, I admired him. I admired his enthusiasm for life, his gifted nature, and his dreamy perspective.

However, as we moved into 200 level, I began to notice a mental shift in George. He didn't always behave the way he used to. His speech changed too; he seemed different, almost like someone who was becoming unwell or perhaps struggling with depression.

We reached out to George's family and expressed our concerns about his increasingly troubling condition. They assured us that they would take care of it. However, when the next semester rolled around and we were supposed to advance to 300 level, George was nowhere to be found.

We tried contacting his family again, but they were not forthcoming with any vital information about George's whereabouts. They acknowledged that they had taken him somewhere for help, but they offered no updates on his health or progress. Their only response was that we should pray for him.

George was my good friend, or rather, he is my good friend and I haven't heard from him in almost two years now. I truly hope he is doing well and that he is safe.

@kingsleysom would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 13th Feb. 2025.
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Brink of Sting

Brink of Sting
I was already on the brink of sleeping when I heard my younger sister shout. I didn’t want to be disturbed. I didn’t want her to get me out of my warm bed. So, I laid there, trying to go back to sleep, until she called my name for a second time. Reluctantly, I dragged myself off the bed and headed toward the direction of her voice.

It was coming from the sitting room. When I opened the curtains to glance in, I saw her staring closely at one of her footwear. I wondered what could possibly make her call me and pull me from the depths of my beautiful sleep, which I cherished so much.
Everybody in the house knew that I don't joke with my daytime sleep, this is because I hardly slept at night.

As I moved closer to inspect what had caught her attention, I saw a scorpion. A king scorpion, to be precise. It lay there ready, waiting to sting her leg.

I held her gently and moved her back urgently, stepping in closer to protect her. My sister blinked up at me, with innocence in her eyes. It was her first time seeing a Scorpion that close.
I got rid of it afterwards and checked if there were more around the area.

@patrickodo would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Thu, 13th Feb. 2025.
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The Night Fight

Something happened some nights ago in our compound, a fight between two roommates, Calista and Juliet. Juliet is the oldest, a 400 level student, while Calista is a 200 level student. They have been living together for some months, during which time I noticed that they don't get along very well, they are two different human beings who behave very differently. Juliet is a calm and straightforward person, while Calista will even trade her lectures for clubbing.

Though they are roommates, Calista's boyfriend do visit them in their room and stays till midnight, making Juliet very uncomfortable in the house, especially if she wants to change up or take her bath. Calista refused to heed to any advise or warning of letting her boyfriend visit her and stay that late till night, she will even insult Juliet in the process. Anything that Juliet objects that is not good, Calista will cease the opportunity to insult her.

There was a day I overheard Calista telling her friends that she will do anything she wants, and that Juliet can't do anything to her, and that even if she tries, she will fight her back. I laughed silently, knowing very well, that physically, Juliet will literally crush Calista like a bug. So many other incidents where Calista took advantage of Juliet's quietness and softness piled up till it was filled up some nights back. I always suspected that a physical fight is likely to happen between the two.

They use the same gas cylinder, and often contribute money equally to fill it. And Calista is a type of human being that baths hot water in the morning, afternoon and evening, she says she can't bath cold water. Juliet was not happy with it, she saw it as a waste of gas and tried to advise Calista to instead try and put the water under the sun. It was a complain that every human being jointly filling gas would do.

As usual, Calista replied with insults and dared Juliet to the face that she can't do anything about it. I'll say that her words provoked Juliet and there was a retaliation. Juliet got tired from all the piled up insults and landed Calista a slap, of which beatings followed after. They literally scattered everything inside their room, as Calista tried to fight back. This was around 11 pm and the neighbors came out to separate them, and see how it could be settled that night.

The two of them were so enraged that they still wanted to get back at each other and continue the fight, Calista knew she can't beat Juliet, but didn't want to feel like a weakling, so she refused to give up. Juliet that has always been known to be gentle and quiet was now looking violent and wild, all because she was pushed too much by her room mate. At least Calista learnt her lesson that Juliet isn't a weakling, she just doesn't like problems. We were outside till 2 am, trying to settle the issue, but it didn't work. They had to sleep in different rooms for that night. Calista has changed in a good way because of that incident, even though they were fined for fighting, but the fight had to come so somebody can learn.

@grandmaster would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 12th Feb. 2025.
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Brand Ambassador

Brand Ambassador
Some time ago, I saw an advert from Opay on Facebook, looking for workers in various aspect, and a minimum payment of 100k monthly. The opportunity was mostly for students, so I took it because of the pay and applied, I didn't even know the position I was applying for, I just wanted a side job alongside my studentship, to help relieve some financial burden. I filled the form online and submitted it, really hoping that I will be called upon.

Few days ago, I received a phone call from an Opay agent, telling me that my application has been accepted and the work position given to me is to work as an ambassador. I didn't know what the full detail was about, so I decided to go and find out if it's something that won't stress me too much or affect my academic activities. I went and met with the agent, who is also a student, but he's married, and he surely looks very responsible as a family man he is.

The agent told me that my work is to buy Opay ATM Cards from them, and register/sell it for people at a higher price. Which means I will have to walk around, and meet people and get to talk to them, and try to convince them to get the Opay Card. Right there, I thought to myself that even I, don't have the card, because I do transfers all through, and so it might be tough to convince somebody. He asked me if I could do it, I told him I wouldn't know unless I tried.

I bought some cards from him and decided to give it a try, honestly I doubted the possibility of carrying out that task effectively, because I don't know how to persuade somebody. I was willing to try, so I started off in earnest, with the students in school. I approached people that said that they don't have money, people that said they don't want to use Opay, people that said they have Opay Card already and people that behaved very rudely.

At the end of the day, I wasn't able to register anybody, I automatically knew that this line of work wasn't for me, I don't have what it takes to go round get all this different kind of reactions. I went home straight and registered the cards for my neighbors and friends for free, so it won't waste. I don't see myself fitting in, especially as a student who is rarely free, at least it was worth trying, maybe something different next time.

@solovick would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 12th Feb. 2025.
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The Raffle Draw

The Raffle Draw
Yesterday was the day that Xiaomi Brand did promo for their customers, a Chinese company that is here in Nigeria and produces electronic devices and gadgets. The event was streamed live on Facebook and there were giveaway and gifts for some lucky viewers. I heard about the event many days ago and made up my mind to join the live stream, with full hope of winning something. I really believed that I will go home with something.

I had loaded my phone with enough browsing data, so that the live stream won't disconnect for any reason, I even skipped something that I wanted to do, just to be a part of the promo. The live season kicked off, and about 100 people joined, still I believe I will win, I was even the first to comment in the live stream. I sat at a very quiet and comfortable spot, so that I won't be distracted for any reason, to show I was serious.

We were asked to drop a particular comment and the winner will be picked randomly for the first prize, I dropped the comment as many as possible but didn't get picked for the gift. It happened again like that for a second time, I was beginning to get very upset. The person in charge at least mentioned people's name in the live stream, but my name was not mentioned. At this point I was angry, and before I knew it, all the gifts and giveaway were all won.

The feeling that I was sure I'll be lucky to win, and then I didn't win, I was really pained that I angrily switched off my data and left where I was sitting. Someone even greeted me, but I refused to answer, me that is looking for a new phone, yet couldn't win where phones were given out for free. The whole thing ruined my day, it was in the evening that I was calm and had a rethink that it was a raffle draw, it's called luck, and that is why you shouldn't hang your hope on it.

I'm fine now sha, just that anything that has to do with raffle draw, I don't wish to be part of it again, I hate heartbreaks, and since I can't absorb it, I better stay away completely.

@fairy would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Wed, 12th Feb. 2025.
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The Choice we Make

The Choice we Make
Jude was a young man born in the heart of Benin, cherished by his community and admired because he came from a reputable family known for their integrity and hard work. As Jude grew older, he fell in with a group of friends who lead him down a bad and immoral path.
His new companions were involved in fraudulent activities, yet they cunningly presented their lifestyle as a result of inherited wealth. They insisted their actions were legitimate, playing on Jude’s mind and ambitions.

One fateful afternoon, as he was already influenced by the feeling of quick success and the influence of his friends, Jude approached his father, seeking his birthright. He wanted to establish himself, just like his friends. After a long and challenging discussion with him, Jude's father reluctantly agreed. He decided to share a portion of the family’s property, which included a house and five plots of land to take and set himself up

With his inheritance in hand, he was so filled with ego and instead of investing or building a future, he chose to sell the properties. The money flowed in, and Jude, high on a sense of newfound wealth, lavished it all away through parties, extravagant outings, and fast cars lending.

But as the weeks passed, the reality of his choices began to set in. The lifestyle he had dreamed of was fleeting, and soon, Jude found himself staring at empty bank accounts and dwindling resources.
The lavish parties turned into lonely nights
He would call his friends for help but all he received was mockery.
His father kept in contact with him and employed him in one of his business structures just so he could sustain himself but not to expect any share of the family assets or properties.

@emmanuelofoma would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 11th Feb. 2025.
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Stomach Reset

Stomach Reset
I decided to stay inside my house today. I didn’t want to eat much, so I took out a special bread called love bites. I planned to eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I thought that the next day I would eat something really tasty and cooked.

But by the evening, something strange happened. My stomach started making loud and funny noises. It felt upset! I went to visit my friend, and every time my stomach made a sound, he couldn’t help but laugh. I wondered how a simple piece of bread could make my stomach feel so weird. Bread is normally dry and should not cause problems, right?

I knew I had to eat something real because I didn’t feel good. Even though it’s usually not a good idea to eat heavy food at night, I ran to get a nice meal. I felt so much better when I ate and swallowed the food that evening.
Incase you are asking which heavy meal I went for, it's Swallow and Soup.

@destinyhunter would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 11th Feb. 2025.
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Anyone living in Lagos knows that the best Google map is to ask someone and keep asking till you get to your destination.

On this fateful day I set out to an event after my friend had described how I would get there to me over the phone, although she gave me a very good description, she did mention that I should ask keke (tricycle) riders where the exact location of the event center was so they can take me there.

As soon as I got to the keke park, I approached one of the drivers and he confirmed that he knows the place but could only drop me close to the place, I told him it was fine. When we got to the bus stop, the driver kept to his word and I alighted from the keke, while he described the place I was going to me, and then he zoomed off, only for me to remember that I had not paid him his fare even though I was holding the money.

I tried hailing him as he zoomed off but it was too late. I felt really bad but there was really nothing I could do, I promised myself I was going to look for him at the park when I was done with my event. As soon as I got to the park I looked for him to no avail and just accepted my fate that he forgot the money and I also forgot, it was really an honest mistake.

@mantha would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 11th Feb. 2025.
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How a Simple Habit Made Me a More Effective Head Boy

How a Simple Habit Made Me a More Effective Head Boy
When I was appointed Head Boy of my high school, I quickly realized the role came with a lot of responsibilities. From managing meetings to organizing events and keeping track of student concerns, the list seemed endless. At first, I struggled to keep everything in check and often felt overwhelmed by all the tasks I had to juggle.

One day, I decided to implement a simple habit to help me stay on top of things: dedicating just five minutes at the end of each school day to plan my tasks for the next day. I didn’t make elaborate lists—just a quick jot of the main things I needed to accomplish.

At first, it felt like a small change, but the effect was immediate. The next day, I was more focused and knew exactly what needed my attention. I wasn’t wasting time figuring out what to do first. I could prioritize my responsibilities more efficiently, which helped me balance my duties as Head Boy and my personal schoolwork.

This five-minute habit soon became a routine, and by the end of my tenure in office as the Head Boy, I found I was managing my responsibilities much better. It wasn’t about doing everything at once—it was about starting each day with a clear plan.

@pam_pee72 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 11th Feb. 2025.
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Crypto Wahala: Garri to the Rescue 🤦🏽‍♂️😂

Crypto Wahala: Garri to the Rescue 🤦🏽‍♂️😂
I don tire for this crypto life. One minute, my portfolio dey shine like Christmas light 🎄💰, the next minute, e don red pass my village masquerade’s face 😭📉. I no go lie, I be big boy last month. I dey tell people how to invest, dey shout "Buy the dip!" anyhow. My guy even call me "Crypto Professor." Who send me message? 🤡

Last week, I check my Binance wallet, my heart nearly stop 💔. My $100 don turn to $12 😭. Na so I call my guy, Chidi, say, "Bro, e be like say this crypto don finish me." Chidi just laugh, say, "Omo, you never see anything. Sell am buy garri, at least that one dey rise when you add water." 😭😂

At first, I think say na cruise 🚢, but as I check my fridge and see only empty nylon, reality slap me 🤦🏽‍♂️. I no waste time. I sell my last USDT, rush go buy garri, sugar, and groundnut. Now, anytime I dey sip my soaked garri with style 😎🥂, I dey tell myself, "At least this one no go dip."

My fellow hustlers, make we no kill ourselves over crypto 😆. If market no favor you, just go back to the basics—garri no dey disappoint! 😋👌

@pam_pee72 would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 11th Feb. 2025.
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Little gains

As I focused on the road ahead, my attention was suddenly distracted by a commotion in the distance. Through the bus window, I spotted a fallen tanker beside the drainage, surrounded by a crowd of people. It was a petrol tanker, and the sight left me feeling uneasy.

I couldn’t help but wonder how news of such incidents about fallen tanker explosions often circulates widely, yet it seems to have little effect on people’s behavior. It was disheartening to witness individuals risking their lives for a little gains.

The crowd was acting dramatic, running helter in and out of the danger zone, running back and forth, they know what they were doing was risky and it showed on their faces as they scavenged for the tanker’s contents. As for me, I had to pass before I make another headline on a beautiful day that was going alright.

@borah would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 10th Feb. 2025.
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It won′t fall

I remember when drinking used to be part of my life, but that all changed when I repented and gave my life to Christ. Back then, a night out with friends almost always involved alcohol. One particular night stands out in my memory. We had just finished drinking, but I kept my intake low so I could see the road clearly. The rain had poured heavily earlier, leaving the streets wet and muddy. By the time we left the bar, it was already dark, and all we had was a dim torchlight to guide us home.

As we walked, I kept cautioning my friend to put away his beer bottle so he wouldn’t get more intoxicated, but he paid no attention. He was holding on to it like it was the most precious thing in the world. The road was slippery, and puddles of rainwater filled the usual spots. We moved carefully, but my torchlight battery was running low. Just as we reached a particularly tricky junction, the light finally died. I quickly turned to a nearby shop, hoping to get new batteries before we continued.

In the brief moment I got distracted, I completely forgot about my friend. The next thing I heard was a loud splash, followed by the sound of someone struggling to get up. I turned around to see him sprawled in a large puddle of stagnant water. But what shocked me the most was that, even in his fall, he still held the beer bottle high, making sure not a drop spilled.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter. I reached out and helped him up, and we both burst into laughter, walking the rest of the way home.

@thestephen would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 10th Feb. 2025.
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For this day

I sat downstairs, hands folded, enjoying the quiet of the night. My mind drifted back to the night before I traveled to a faraway state, all for this very moment—the day I would write my final exam. The journey had been long, full of ups and downs, but now, here I was, at the finish line. The mosquitoes buzzing around me were just distractions; nothing could shake the deep sense of fulfillment I felt.

All week, my thoughts had been filled with one question—what next? After years of studying, preparing, and pushing through challenges, where do I go from here? The book in front of me wasn’t making things any easier. Each page was packed with information, demanding my full attention. But no matter how tough, there had never been a time I couldn’t understand. I just needed to press on a little more.

The night felt longer than usual, and sleep was the last thing on my mind. I had promised myself to keep going until 2am, squeezing in every last bit of revision. Fatigue tried to creep in, but the thought of finally crossing this stage kept me alert. Just a little more effort, and then I could rest, knowing I had done my best.

In five hours, it would be time to face the final test. Whatever happens, I know I have given my all. I take a deep breath, ready to push through these last moments. The journey is almost over, but a new one is about to begin.

@applecoral would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Mon, 10th Feb. 2025.
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Eye Opening

Eye Opening
In today’s story, I want to share my recent experience with illness and my attempts to regain my health. The last time I was sick, I tried various remedies. First, I focused on protein-rich meals for a while, but they didn’t seem to help at all. Then I turned to fruits, which made a noticeable difference. For a day, I felt strong and healthy. However, I decided to add some vitamin C to my regimen alongside my medication, which ended up complicating things and adding to my sickness.

Next, I tried vegetables and some herbs into my diet. While they provided a mild improvement, it wasn't enough to make a significant impact. Eventually, once I started feeling better, I turned to the internet to research more about health and recovery.

In my quest for further enlightenment, I learned about the impact of vitamin C and how it interacts with medications. I discovered that it can actually interfere with drug efficacy, acting as an antagonist. By neglecting this knowledge, I inadvertently reignited my sickness, which had begun to subside thanks to the medicine and fruits I had consumed.

Additionally, I found that remaining bed-ridden without taking a bath can worsen one’s condition. It seems that not bathing can compound the illness, making it more severe. On the other hand, taking a bath can provide a slight improvement in health. So, my advice when you’re feeling under the weather is to bathe as frequently as you can and to avoid vitamin C together with your medications.
NB: This is not a professional advice

@china would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 9th Feb. 2025.
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Tales of Childhood

Tales of Childhood
It was one of those days when memories of childhood came rushing back to me. I remember how, during that time, I was completely engrossed in movies and all kinds of fictional dramas. Every Saturday, we went for fellowship prayer at the top of the mountain—a tradition I cherished while growing up.

There was one particular time I remember vividly. On that day, I raced ahead of my siblings and family to reach the mountain top first, and I did it! Standing at the peak, my childish imagination took over, and I felt like a superhero, just like in the movies. A tempting voice whispered to me, suggesting that I jump with my umbrella. What if I jumped and floated through the air, landing safely back on the ground?

This thought filled my mind, and I began to picture it. The idea of soaring through the sky, gliding with my umbrella.
I was incredibly tempted to jump, filled with the thrill of the moment, but then a wave of fright washed over me. It was a thought about my mother that struck fear into my heart. What if she saw me leaping with the umbrella? The panic that might create in her was the only thing that held me back. If I had been alone on that mountaintop, I probably would have taken that leap.

And who knows? I might not be here now, typing this. I could have been gone, far gone. For that, I thank God for life and for every childish thought that our parents helped us set aside.

@agozie would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 9th Feb. 2025.
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Oblivion in Gender language

Oblivion in Gender language
Most times, I wonder about how women behave and the complexities of their attitudes. I had gone to a particular cyber café to have my work printed, and I noticed a girl staring at me. She held her gaze for almost ten straight minutes, and I wouldn’t react; I wouldn’t even look her in the eye. I felt unsettled by how someone—a grown, disciplined person—could stare for that long.

I tried to ignore her until she raised her hands and, honestly, it wasn’t anything important that warranted annoyance. Yet, she became irritated with me and started raising her voice. It was as if she was trying hard to get my attention, but I still didn’t acknowledge her. I finished what I needed to do and left immediately without even looking back. Some girls can be very deceptive.

Even aside from this, I often pray for the ability to understand the complex behaviors of girls. Many times, my female friends can become upset over the slightest things, yet they won’t talk about it. I know these issues need to be addressed, but since I lack the skills to interpret their subtle cues and body language, I find it difficult to grasp what's really going on

@victorugochukwu would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sun, 9th Feb. 2025.
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The final defeat

The final defeat
We've been having a hard time sleeping because of the hot weather. Every night, we would lie awake, feeling the heat and wishing we had a way to cool down. Our old fan broke and we didn't want to buy a new one because we're moving soon. But the heat was too much.

We tried to find ways to stay cool, but nothing seemed to work. We would take cold showers, wear light clothes, and even try to stay in the shade. But as soon as we lay down to sleep, the heat would become unbearable.

So, we decided to go to the market and buy a new fan. We looked around and compared different models. Some were too expensive, while others didn't seem powerful enough. But then, we found a good one. It was affordable and had good reviews.

Happily we left the market for our house anticipating how best to unbox our new product and enjoy the best it can offer but unfortunately there was no power when we go home my friend became disappointed why must it be today he asked. But I just knew that we only had to patient wait for the power to be restored.

Not too long we heard a sound from our metal and will smiles on our faces we knew the power has been restored and we can now enjoy the cool breeze from our fan. We can finally sleep without feeling hot. It's a big relief. And such feeling has been missing for a very long time.

@sorano would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 8th Feb. 2025.
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managing limitations

managing limitations
I woke up feeling sick today. I ate fried eggs last night and they didn't agree with me. I had a big day of studying ahead of me because I have exams coming up. But I didn't let my stomach stop me.

I went to school and decided not to eat anything. I just drank water and focused on my books. This helped me concentrate and I didn't feel any more stomach pain. I was glad I could study without any distractions.

I stayed at school for a while and then went home. When I got home, I ate something and felt better. I'm glad I pushed through the day and got some studying done. Now I feel more ready for my exams.

As I sat down to eat, my friend asked me how my day was. I told her about my stomach and how I had to study for exams. She smiled and said, "I'm proud of you for not giving up." Her words made me feel happy and motivated to keep working hard no matter what life throws at us

@bestie_love would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 8th Feb. 2025.
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Can′t always be lucky

I went to buy food, and when I got there, I saw over ten people already in line, waiting for their turn. I joined the queue and stood patiently as the seller attended to each person. When it finally got to my turn, along with two other guys, a young man pulled up in a Keke, sitting alone like a king. From the way he carried himself, I could already tell – one of those yahoo boys who start acting foolish once they touch a few dollars.

Without even looking at us, he walked straight to the food seller and told her to serve him immediately because he had "chartered" the Keke. As if that wasn't enough, the Keke driver had the audacity to back him up, as if paying for a full ride gave him the right to jump the queue. The rest of us just stood there, watching the drama unfold.

When he tried to pressure the food seller again, one of the guys beside me had enough. He shut him down instantly, saying, "And so? Na only you first see 100 dollars? Dey calm down o before men change am for you here." The whole place went quiet.

Unable to handle the embarrassment, he quickly turned around and jumped back into the Keke, signalling the driver to speed off like a thief in the night. The rest of us continued as if nothing had happened, but deep down, it felt good to see him put in his place. Well deserved.

@bethel would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 8th Feb. 2025.
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Death Sentence

Death Sentence
A stranger comes to you and says help me with only one minute of call from your phone. My phone is dead and I need to call someone urgently, and you, being a nice person, say no problem, take and make the call.

Do you know what you have done? If your phone is used to call someone they want to go and kill or someone they just poisoned and when investigation starts and they have to check who called them last and your number shows up….

Let me break down what will happen to you so that you will learn something today from this.

First of all, you will be arrested for whatever crime because your phone was used to make that call and it will be considered that you know the person that’s why you gave the person your phone and it’s a known deal between both of you.

Secondly, since the inception of Mobile Networks, your phone is your personal property that you will answer for anything that happens on it or through it.

So, for these reasons, you will be arrested and kept in detention until all investigations are
completed. Even if the investigation takes 6 months or 2 years, that means you will be locked up for that period of time over the fact that you just lent someone your phone to make a one minute call.

Do you now see that your good heart that is void of carefulness can lead you to something so bad? And ignorance of the law is not an excuse before the law.

Don’t be stingy with this information. Share it with your family and friends so they can learn from this. If anything like this happens to them, you will be guilty of hiding this information .

@adiaso would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Sat, 8th Feb. 2025.
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It has really been a long and frustrating week. After making my plans, all of them got shattered by either the schedules with my classes or department, by the HOD, or by my project advisor. It has been all ups and downs through the wheel. There has just been one problem after another — one expenditure to the next.

Previously, I had planned and projected to get a new phone, but I can’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that we were going to spend so much on my project work. I don’t know how it happened, but with hope, I had told her before the last month had run out that I would have gotten a replacement for my stolen phone. Yet here I am now, still without a new one and facing many projects.

Just the week before, our project supervisor brought to our attention the open sum of money we were supposed to pay for our project data collections and data analysis. I had initially wanted to handle this myself, but if I was going to collect the project data and do the analysis on my own, I would still need assistance from my project supervisor. However, since he had already billed us for collecting the data himself, I now found it mandatory to make this payment.

Even if it wasn’t mandatory, who would be there to guide me? Who could teach me how to properly collect and analyze the data to meet the department's and faculty's standards, following their guidelines and rules? I ended up paying the money, and it really ruined my plans.
But it's all for a short while, these challenges.
I know y'all miss the Quiz and other services but it won't linger for a long while.

@betty would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Fri, 7th Feb. 2025.
Show some love. Gift @betty something as TIPs

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