MindViewers Highlights
MindViewers lets you meet, and exchange insightful or hilarious opinions with people, about current news headlines; while also getting paid for doing simple activities.
Spending some time here will result in a significant increase in your intellect.
Here is your typical daily routine on Mindviewers, to brighten up your day:

Start from the homepage, mindviewers.com to skim through the current news, and drop one or two opinions.
Doing this automatically qualifies you for winning some cash from the daily opinion-quiz
Next, go through mindviewers.com/opinions to see interesting standpoints of intellectual people, for the day. 😉
This part is also sprinkled here-and-there with hourly competitions, where the last people to comment shares the prize equally.
Then, visit mindviewers.com/stories and see what stories are people posting for the day.
Here, the posts with highest likes wins the daily prize. So, you're advised to try and post something too.
Finally, at this point, you're free to just check up your @timeline
(Unless you have some inbox messages and notifications from others on MindViewers)
(Unless you have some inbox messages and notifications from others on MindViewers)
Meanwhile, the questions & answers section is always opened. Just in case you will like to ask the community something.
And, that's it. Get started from the top.
Rules of MindViewers
Basic rules of MindViewers platform for maintaining sanity and sanctity.
About Account
Profile submissions will be reviewed manually by humans before approval.
Creating a fake or spam account is a waste of your time; it'll be purged in a single click.
Creating a fake or spam account is a waste of your time; it'll be purged in a single click.
If you change your name, Facebook or Twitter handle; your verification status will be temporarily removed (for review).
Operating multiple MindViewers accounts is prohibited. If detected, your account will be permanently suspended.
Instead, you can create a page for your brand or business here.
Instead, you can create a page for your brand or business here.
You can access your MindViewers account from as many browsers as you have; however, rewarding or withdrawal activities (such as opinion quizzes, paid tasks, paid polls, and daily login rewards) are only allowed from the Chrome browser on Android or Safari on Apple.
Whenever you newly login, the account will be prevented from rewarding or transactional activities for 24 hours. (to curb incognito mode)
About Posts
Erotic contents are not allowed on this platform. This is a serene environment.
Also, sport betting discussion or other gambling promotion is prohibited.
Also, sport betting discussion or other gambling promotion is prohibited.
To avoid suspension, DO NOT copy and dump news or articles from other sites here; there's already a means to search for, and comment on any news from here.
If you post meaningless or spam comments, your account will be flagged as non-eloquent, meaning: nobody else will be seeing your posts henceforth.
Do not like posts indescriminately. If you like a meaningless post, you will lose -2 influences for each of such posts when they eventually get flagged.
Getting to -ve influence would effectively turn your account into read-only mode. (Check your profile for details, if you've been penalized)
Getting to -ve influence would effectively turn your account into read-only mode. (Check your profile for details, if you've been penalized)
Post that insinuates or glorifies depravity and other immoral behaviors would be tagged as vulgar (red background).
Vulgarism score (% of vulgar/total posts of a user) also affects the account's visibility in suggestions, and posts suppressions.
Vulgarism score (% of vulgar/total posts of a user) also affects the account's visibility in suggestions, and posts suppressions.
This quality control measure enforces sanctity and intellectually impactful contents on the platform.
It also safeguards anyone sponsoring tasks/polls from getting fake results from multiple spam accounts thats are maintained by same persons.
It also safeguards anyone sponsoring tasks/polls from getting fake results from multiple spam accounts thats are maintained by same persons.
"🏆 influence" Is the measure of the number of likely reactions that a person's post could generate.
= shares + comments + half-likes on your posts by unique audience; over the previous 30days (only un-boosted timeline posts are considered).
"🌟 audience" Is the average number of unique people that views a person's unboosted timeline-post, within 24 hours.
= shares + comments + half-likes on your posts by unique audience; over the previous 30days (only un-boosted timeline posts are considered).
"🌟 audience" Is the average number of unique people that views a person's unboosted timeline-post, within 24 hours.
Redundancy Exclusion: You can't like your own posts. Also, your own views on your posts doesn't reflect in statistics.
To make a bold text, wrap the text between two asterisks *Bold Text*.
To make an italized text, wrap the text between two underscores _Italized Text_.
To make a quoted text, wrap the text between two tildes ~"Quoted Text"~.
To make an horizontal line, type asterisk-unserscore-asterisk *_*
To make a big bold text, wrap the text between two double-asterisks **Bold Text**. (It must be the first text written in the content).
To make a list, start each line with an asterisk and space.
- * Item 1
- * Item 2
- * Item 3
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