This Emeka Ike’s son is obviously being influenced by his mother yet some people are saying he’s speaking up while others said he’s a full grown man who is old enough to speak for himself, and I’m asking… what made him a full grown man, how old is he, is a 20 year old boy who lives with his mom a full grown man or coming out to support his mom and c
@relessly addressing his father as ‘that guy’, Is that what made him a grown man?? In as much as I’m not supporting either Emeka or his wife but we all know the d
@ngers of single parenting, so for the boy to come out to address his father like that only shows what the mother has been feeding him with. The issue is between his mother and father, he shouldn’t be granting interviews and d!srespecting his father like that it doesn’t make sense and the mother shouldn’t use his kids ag
@inst him. This pattern of using kids to manipul
@te your ex partners is evul because one day these kids would grow to have their own families and reality will h!t them. If you can’t co-parent then raise your kids with love in order to help them not to be m onsters tomorrow.
“Why I don′t like my father — Emeka Ike′s son reveals - Vanguard”