Seven Ways To Deal With Lust
1. Don't Isolate.
An idle mind is the devil's workshop. Always keep busy with productive activities
2. Keep Godly friends.
Evil communication corrupts good manners. Surround yourself with good friends that will hold you accountable for your actions and help you become a better person.
3. Filter Your Social Media.
One of the channels through which lust can trap you and get you hooked is via social media. Ensure to carry-out periodic cleansing of the accounts and pages you follow on social media. Do not hesitate to unfollow accounts that are not in line with your values.
4. Seek adult help.
There are some things that are just beyond us as teenagers and children. If you notice you're becoming helpless in your quest to defeating lust or you're becoming addicted and can no longer help yourself, seek the counsel of a trusted adult; teacher, religious leaders or counselor.
5. Read productive books and materials.
Hidden in books are the solutions to !any problems of life. Develop a penchant for reading. Read self help books, study the Bible, fill your mind with positive content.
6. Be resilient.
In your quest to defeating lust the worst thing that can happen to you is that you quit. No matter how heavy the burden seems on your shoulder know that you're not alone, we at YDN stand with you and most importantly God is with you. Never quit! Never stop fighting for change.
7. Be prayerful.
Learn to talk to God frequently about your secret struggles. There's no one on earth that has better intensions for you than Him. He is your father, he loves and cares for you. He will never leave you even in the midst of the darkest of times.