Open Heaven For Today 2024: Daily Devotional


Open Heavens 21 December 2024

3 Key Points From: The Way Upward 1

  • Lifting Jesus up, is a strategy for being drawn upward yourself. -John 12:32
  • Reliable promotion comes, only from above (God). -Psalms 75:6-7 (Your trusted helper may become incapacitated or even die, despite their best intention).
  • Humility is a pre-requisite to divine promotion. (Self exaltation destroys.) -1 Peter 5:6

  • “Jesus is the way upward, but He only lifts the humble.”

    Memory Verse:
    But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. -Psalm 3:3

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    2 Key Points From: The Way Forward.

  • You don't have to be lazy, to be a failure. Luke 5:1-7
  • Even if you're already moving forward; with Jesus, you motion becomes accelerated.

  • “Jesus is the way forward; surrender to him, and start living holy (in obedience)”

    Memory Verse: Proverbs 4:18
    But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day


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    The Way Out. -3 Key Points

  • There are problems that are beyond intelligence.
  • Jesus is the sure way out of all problems .
  • To have joy for the rest of your life, offload your burdens to Jesus Christ. Matthew 11:28 😉

  • Jesus gives rest to the burdened heart, but you would have to surrender to Him first.

    Memory Verses: Exodus 6:6


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    The Way: 3 Key Points

  • Jesus is the way to freedom. John 8:32 (also the truth and the the life. John 14:6)
  • Problems beyond the power of Money or Science, requires only the true freedom. John 8:36
  • By surrendering your life completely to The Way, you'll solve multiple issues simultaneously. Mark 5:1-15

  • Jesus is the only way to true freedom.


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    Call Him By His Names: 4 Key Points

  • Jesus loves names. (See for example: Mat. 18:11, John 10:7, John 6:35, John 11:26, John 14:6, Is. 9:6, Rev. 1:8).
  • When people get closer to God, they compose new nicknames for Him, out of their experiences. (Gen. 22:14, Ex. 17:15)
  • Calling God by names is a recommended strategy, because He enjoys it. Ex. 15:26
  • I am that I am is the general, multi-dimensional name of God. (Meaning, He could be anything you can imagine)

  • If you want God to move in a particular dimension, call Him by a related name.

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    Highlights From: Where Are You?

  • The personal evaluation question "Where Am I?" should best be tackled in comparison to "Where was I yesterday/earlier?"
  • Your day of "return" is on count-down! Ask yourself regularly "Am I fulfilling the purpose of my creation"? Ecclesiastes 12:1-7

  • Other Helpful Questions
    - Am I going on to greater heights?
    - Am I bearing fruits that abide?
    - Am I increasing or decreasing spiritually?
    - Am I spending more time in God's presence?
    - Am I winning more souls?
    - Am I increasing or decreasing financially?

    TIPS: You can actually ask the Holy Spirit for help in personal examination, and tips for positive turn-around right now!”

    Examine yourselves, whether ye be in faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
    - 2 Corinthians 13:5

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    3 Key Points From: Benefits of Righteousness 2

  • Whenever an evil is coming towards a righteous person, God substitutes him with an unbeliever. Proverbs 11:8
  • Everyday, there are some evil around, that must be fed. (e.g. Lions in Daniel 6 & furnace in Daniel 3)
  • A real righteous person goes through life with boldness, knowing that tomorrow will be alright. Proverbs 28:1

  • “Commit to a life of righteousness today, and God will be on your side.”

    "Redeeming times, because days are evil"; means: applying daily, for divine substitution from evils. Ephesians 5:16

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    Benefits Of Righteousness 1 | 5 Key Points

  • It shall be well with the righteous, because the Lord responds to them speedily. Psalm 34:17
  • God doesn't really take an unholy person seriously; in fact He doesn't hear their prayers. Psalm 66.18
  • "The children of righteous people, are God's responsibility; He takes care of their needs Himself". Psalm 37:25
  • Holy lifestyle (above education), is the best legacy/inheritance you can leave for your children. 1 Kings 11:11-12
  • It's even better to teach your children to also live holy themselves. Hebrews 1:9

  • Holiness is the best Legacy

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