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Chinedu Nwabuisi @psionic

Chinedu Nwabuisi @psionic

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About psionic
Username: psionic
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Name: Chinedu Nwabuisi
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From: Anambra, Nigeria
Joined: 27th Mar 2022, 4:01pm
User ID: 4598
The 3 M(s) Of Money That Can Catapult You To Wealth

A lot of people have heard of financial freedom, a lot more people desire financial freedom but only a few people know what financial freedom is and even fewer people have attained financial freedom.

Alot more do not even know how to get there. This shows that the fact that you desire financial freedom does not mean it will jump at you if you don't do what is required to experience it.

Financial freedom is a point in life where the returns from your investments and assets can fund your lifestyle or pay for your needs without you having to work another day, and even when you work you do it for fun.

This is the level wealthy people have attained and the average people still struggle to reach. Do you desire financial freedom? Do you want to get to a place where you work for fun? If you must attain financial freedom, you must know the path to take to get there. Here is a guaranteed pathway to financial freedom:

1]: Make Money - A lot of people desire financial freedom, yet they do not increase their income. One of the very first steps towards financial freedom is increasing your income. To be financially free you must ensure that you increase the amount of money you make by at least 15% every year and you can do this by learning a skill that you can exchange for money or becoming more valuable in your workplace so you can attract more monetry value. The money you do not make you cannot have.

2]: Manage Money - This is another critical step towards financial freedom. To be financially free, you must learn to manage every income that comes into your hand. This you can do by living on a budget, delaying gratification and by not living above your means. What managing money does for you is to help you have enough to save and invest for the future. Making money without managing money is like catching fishes and throwing them back into the river.

3]: Multiply Money - This is a very vital step you must take if you really want to be financially free. You need to multiply the money you have made by investing it into platforms that can guarantee huge return on investment and by so doing your money will increase both in quantity and in value. A penny saved is still a penny, but a penny invested is more than a penny. You must remember that it is not how much you make that makes you financially free but what you do with what you make.

Let me introduce you to a platform where you can invest and earn up to 40% returns in just 30 days. If financial prosperity really matters to you, then don't waste time grabbing this opportunity now and enjoying the reward.

Rich minded persons grab opportunities immediately it surface. While the poor minded individuals will waste so much time contemplating only to come later to pick the crumbs.

You have the power to choose the side where you belong.

Join Zeekron today and enjoy up to 40% returns on your investment in just 30 days. That your ₦10,000 will get you ₦14,000; your ₦100,000 will become ₦140,000 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building massive wealth.


Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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7 Income Sources Of The Rich

I remember preparing for a job interview some time ago. I have read and prepared for this interview for almost two months and after the test I was called up for an interview with other applicants too. I made up my mind to get the job at all cost because it was a place I really wanted to work.

Something happened that morning as I was dressing up to leave for the interview. My leather belt suddenly gave way and the head fell off. That experience taught me a great lesson and that is it is not safe to only one piece of a vital accessory because it can disappoint you, this also goes for our income. It is not safe to have one source of income.

Here are seven types of income you can aspire to have.

1]: Earned Income- This is also called a job income. It is the income you can have by trading hours for income and it is the lowest and most stressful kind of income. People tell you to earn more money by trading more time but the reverse should be the case. If you are in this level, you must begin to think how you can upgrade your skill to become more valuable and earn more for less time.

2]: Business Income- This is the type of income you earn by trading product or service for money. It involves offering digital or physical product for money or service for money. The more you offer the more money you make. It is also called business profits.

3]: Interest Income- This is the income you earn from lending your money out to people. It is also the money you earn from having your money in a saving account but we all know that this is very minute and will be insufficient to fund your desired lifestyle.

4]: Dividend Income- This is also referred to as profit distribution and it is the type of income you earn as result of owning shares in an organization or a company. When you buy shares from a company that has gone public, you earn money from them whenever they declare profit.

5]: Rental Income- This is the income that is earned by those who buy or invest money in real estates. When you own a property and rent it out, you will be paid income on the property monthly or annually and the agreement states. It is a good way to earn.

6]: Licensing Income- This is income you earn from royalties and products you create like books, songs etc. People that have intellectual properties have access to this kind of income.

7]: Investment income- This is the type of income you earn by investing on platforms that gives you guaranteed return on your investment monthly. This is one of the easiest ways to make money because it doesn’t stop you from concentrating on your work and business.

The truth is that you can have more than one income source. It does not matter which income source you have today, you can add the investment income to it and it will positively change the narrative of your financial story. You can take advantage of investment platforms that pay you 20 to 40 percent returns monthly.

Join Zeekron today and enjoy up to 40% returns on your investment, in just 30 days. That your ₦10,000 will get you ₦14,000; your ₦100,000 may grow up to ₦140,000 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building massive wealth.

Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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5 Critical Investments That Can Make You Rich And Successful

It is no longer news that investment is a major secret of rich and success people. While the rich invest in things that will have major positive impact in their lives, average people invest in things that do not really hold any importance.

Rich people invest consciously and consistently but average people are not deliberate nor consistent about their investment. Here are five critical types of investment rich people make:

1]: Health Investment - Rich and successful people invest in their health. They understand that they need good health and stamina to pursue wealth and become successful and maintain wealth. So they make conscious effort to eat well and live healthy. They take part in exercises, take enough rest and are intentional about their health. They reckon that if your body is stronger and healthier, your mind and soul will be stronger and healthier too to capture and process.

2]: Expertise Investment - Rich and successful people consciously invest in their skills and level of expertise. They seek every opportunity to increase their capacity to handle projects and assignments, learn new skills and become more versatile. They read books, attend training, watch educational videos, follow up and learn new trends in technology. They do not allow laziness to promote ignorance in their lives.

3]: Relationship Investment - Rich and successful people know that their relationships and connection with people play a huge role in their ability to achieve their desired success in life. So they deliberately cultivate relationship that will help them become better and achieve success faster. They invest in relationship by spending time with friends family and loved ones. They also go out of their way to build networks that will be profitable to their growth and success. They know that quality relationship is very vital to success.

4]: Happiness Investment - A man that is not happy will most likely be unsuccessful. Rich and successful invest in their happiness. They do things that make them happy and consciously focus on improving their happiness. Life can be challenging and life can be interesting, it is important to make conscious effort to focus on growing your happiness. Being happy boosts your immune system which in turn makes you healthy enough to pursue your dreams.

5]: Financial Investment - Rich people invest in their financial well-being. They decide where they want to get to financially and work assiduously towards getting there by investing their finances to secure the financial future they desire. This is where a lot of people miss it because they don't consciously invest in their financial future. This is a critical investment to make as it does not only affect your today, it decides the quality of life you will live tomorrow.

Will you love to start your wealth building journey by joining a trusted investment platform guaranteed to grow your monthly? If so let me introduce you to Zeekron, a platform that grow it members money by 20 to 40 percent in just 30 days.

If financial prosperity really matters to you, then don't waste time grabbing this opportunity now and enjoying the reward.

Rich minded persons grab opportunities immediately it surface. While the poor minded will waste so much time contemplating only to come later to pick the crumbs.

You have the power to choose the side where you belong.

Join Zeekron today and enjoy 20% to 40% returns on your investment in just 30 days. That your ₦10,000 can get you ₦14,000; your ₦100,000 may become ₦140,000 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building massive wealth.

Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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5 Money Mistakes To Avoid Making This Year

Is beginning of a new year. A lot of people made and are still making mistakes that are taking so much toll on their money matters. Here are five money mistakes to avoid during this year:

1]: Avoiding Financial Education- A lot of people desire to become wealthy but they make the mistake of avoiding financial education. Financial education is not taught in school but needed if you must succeed financially. Therefore avoiding financial education a a gross mistake against your success.

2]: Being Unnecessarily Wasteful- This is another mistake you must avoid during this pandemic. A wasteful person cannot become successful because waste of time, money, opportunities and resources is an enemy of wealth and success.

3]: Focusing On Only One Source Of Income- having more than one source of income is not a luxury but a necessity as only one source of income can be suicidal. If you have more than one thing you spend money on then wisdom demands that you should focus on having more than one source of income.

4]: Passing Over Opportunity Repeatedly- Passing over opportunity repeatedly has been tagged to be the acronym for poor. A lot of people make the mistake of passing over opportunity probably because they are afraid or they feel incompetent or they are simply ignorant.

5]: Avoiding Savings And Investment Platforms- Another mistake to avoid during this pandemic is the mistake of avoiding savings and investment platforms that is guaranteed to pay you returns on your investment. If you don’t save now then you are not safe  and if you do not invest, you cannot harvest.

If you desire growth and progress in your life and finances you will avoid these money mistakes and make conscious effort to build wealth that will last. If you wish to start now by maximizing the opportunity to join a platform that is guaranteed to pay your returns monthly, then join...

Zeekron today and enjoy up to 40% returns on your investment in just 30 days. That your ₦10,000 will get you ₦14,000; your ₦100,000 may become ₦140,000 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building wealth and success.

Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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5 Ways Successful People Handle Change

Change they say is the most constant thing in life and whether we like it or not, there must be need for change in one way or the other as we journey through life. Change comes to readjust the way we do things and the right response to change can help bring about a lot of improvement.

Successful people understand this and they work out ways to handle and adapt to change instead of trying to fight change like the average people do. Here are five ways successful people handle change: 

1]: They Anticipate Change - Successful people understand that change is inevitable and it will surely come at one point or the other. So they do not resist change or allow change meet them unprepared, rather they anticipate possible changes in their office, jobs or businesses and position themselves to take advantage of such changes in the positive way. 

2]: They Accept Change - Unlike average people, successful people do not fight change when it comes, rather they embrace positive change and go with the flow. Having anticipated change and prepared for change, they know that the next thing is to accept change and adapt to it in the most positive and productive way.

3]: They See The Good In Every Change - Every change has its positive side, successful people see the good side of every change and see how they can maximize it to their advantage.

4]: They Avoid Stress - Every change also comes with its down side. Successful people identify the downaside of change and tactically avoid stress that will bring negativity and unproductivity.

5]: They seek Help - Nobody is an island of knowledge and nobody knows it all. Successful people understand this fact therefore, they seek help where necessary and in areas where they feel inadequate. They leverage on other people's ideas, strenght and even resources to navigate change.

If you desire to navigate change in the economic landscape, build wealth and grow your finances, then, join Zeekron today and enjoy up to 30% returns on your investment in just 30 days. You can start today with as little as $30(₦15,000). That your $30 can get you $40(₦20,000); your $100 will become $130 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building massive wealth.

Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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4 Habits You Must Acquire To Develop A Growth Mindset

We all desire to make progress in life and if we must grow and progress, we must first develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the mindset that allows you make progress in your life and endeavours.

Every success starts from the mind and before it becomes obvious the mind must accept it. A lot of people do not make progress because they lack the growth mindset. Here are a few ways to develop growth mindset necessary for success.

1]: You Must View Challenges As Opportunities- If you must grow and succeed, you must see challenges as opportunities to improve and become better. Nothing good comes easy and that is why they say that nothing great is ever birthed in the comfort zone. When challenges come, do not shy away rather see it as an opportunity to become better.

2]: Take Ownership Of Your Life- Do not leave your growth and progress to chance or to other people. If it is going to be then it is up to you. So take ownership of your life and do all that is required for you to become better in life. Avoid the blame game because it is only lame people that blame people.

3]: Avoid Negative Energy- Every time there are negative energies and nay-Sayers that will always want to bring our energy down and talk down on our pursuit. If you must grow and make progress, then you must avoid everything targeted against your positive vibes.

4]: Take Calculated Risk- life is all about risk and anybody who is scared of taking risk will never attain to their full potentials. You must take risk in improving yourself, in breaking new ground and achieving more. Success is risk turned inside out.

Do you desire growth and progress in your life and finances?  What opportunities are you currently maximixing? If you desire to maximize opportunities to build wealth, then...

Join Zeekron today and enjoy up to 40% returns on your investment in just 30 days. That your ₦10,000 will get you ₦14,000; your ₦100,000 may become ₦140,000 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building wealth and success.

Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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5 Ways Successful People Handle Change

Change they say is the most constant thing in life and whether we like it or not, there must be need for change in one way or the other as we journey through life. Change comes to readjust the way we do things and the right response to change can help bring about a lot of improvement.

Successful people understand this and they work out ways to handle and adapt to change instead of trying to fight change like the average people do. Here are five ways successful people handle change: 

1]: They Anticipate Change - Successful people understand that change is inevitable and it will surely come at one point or the other. So they do not resist change or allow change meet them unprepared, rather they anticipate possible changes in their office, jobs or businesses and position themselves to take advantage of such changes in the positive way. 

2]: They Accept Change - Unlike average people, successful people do not fight change when it comes, rather they embrace positive change and go with the flow. Having anticipated change and prepared for change, they know that the next thing is to accept change and adapt to it in the most positive and productive way.

3]: They See The Good In Every Change - Every change has its positive side, successful people see the good side of every change and see how they can maximize it to their advantage.

4]: They Avoid Stress - Every change also comes with its down side. Successful people identify the downaside of change and tactically avoid stress that will bring negativity and unproductivity.

5]: They seek Help - Nobody is an island of knowledge and nobody knows it all. Successful people understand this fact therefore, they seek help where necessary and in areas where they feel inadequate. They leverage on other people's ideas, strenght and even resources to navigate change.

If you desire to navigate change in the economic landscape, build wealth and grow your finances, then, join Zeekron today and enjoy up to 30% returns on your investment in just 30 days. You can start today with as little as $30(₦15,000). That your $30 can get you $40(₦20,000); your $100 will become $130 etc. Invest your money with Zeekron today to start your journey of building massive wealth.

Register now, go to: https://zeekron.com/join/?ref=cra73110

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Start Part-Time Job and Earn Money Online.

Make some cool dollars. Easy. Simple.

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“How To Watch ′The Real Housewives Of Lagos′ In The US - Bustle

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