The Burden Bearer Matt 11:23

The Burden Bearer Matt 11:23
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

In John 5: 1-15 the Bible talks about the man by the pool of Bethsaida. He was an impotent man and he had now been there thirty eight years. He had been thirty eight years in the same position with the same condition. On that fateful day when Jesus came by intending to do for him his most desired miracle Jesus asked “would thou be made whole?” Interestingly, this impotent man replied “I have no man”. What a pity! I don’t know what has brought the man to this conclusion. I don’t know why he had become so despondent that he now saw his problems more clearly than he would see his miracle. The best of men was right before him ready to cure him of his troubles of thirty eight years and all he could muster was negativity. Many of us are like that man thinking more highly of our problems than of our God.
But his predicament was not an easy one to be honest. This man must have been serially disappointed by men for him to come to such painful conclusion. He must have concluded; like the Bible says that “Vain is the help of man” Ps 60:11. It is my estimation that the man would likely have siblings. He probably had parents, uncles and aunts. He probably had neighbors and may be even fellow brethren in church. He must have concluded based on his experiences of repeated disappointments that the men around him lacked enough humanity in them to be called men at all. He must have concluded that their humanity was dead based on their numbness to his predicament. You see, people don’t really care so much about others. Even when they show some sympathy at an instance, it is for a moment. After a while they move on with their lives.
Interestingly, when Jesus showed up on that scene, on that day that impotent man needed no one else. He stopped needing men. It is my prayer for you today dear reader that in any aspect of your life where you have been waiting for men to show up God Himself will show up for you in their stead.
In spite of the wrongful answer of this man Jesus was not going to leave him in his dejection. He spoke straight to his situation. He said “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (John 5: 😎. He rose up at once and walked.

Jesus speaking in Matthew 11:23 says “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest”. Jesus is yearning to give succor to them that are broken hearted. Jesus is eager to provide help to men who have suffered losses in the journey of destiny. Jesus wants to give you a hope and a future. He said in the book of John… That is his ministry. That is his life assignment.
While he is ever-ready to bear your burdens I should state though that Jesus is not a lay about looking for any available loads to carry. Jesus is not a jobless “wheel barrow. He certainly provides help based on set criteria. Whatever promise that the Bible makes there are always conditions for fulfilling it.

So what are the conditions for deserving to be helped by Heaven? What are the conditions to receive the help of the burden bearer?
Number one. You must submit to his Lordship. Jesus only bears the burden of those who submit to him. He only offers help to men who hand over the reins of their lives to him. Jesus only carries the loads of his children. He is not a meddlesome interloper “jumping” into matters that do not concern him. If you want him to lighten your burden you first must make him your Lord.

Secondly, Jesus does not carry “loads of sin”. The Bible says his eyes cannot behold iniquity- neither can his hands “be-hold” a load of sin. If you want Jesus to be involved in the affairs of your life you must “travel light”. You can’t be encumbered with sin and iniquities and expect the Lord of righteousness to bear the burden of sin in your stead. He already did that on Calvary. If you want him to be your burden bearer you must consistently walk in righteousness. And as you do that I see the Lord turning around your story and changing your lives for good permanently.

Happy new month

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