A son dwells in the house of God, he does not come and go; sons ensure that His presence is with them, wherever they go.
Don't joke with your quiet time with Him. That is when it is just you and Him in the morning, conversing.
Become addicted to speaking to Him every morning to start your day, then dwell continually in His presence by living basically on His voice. -Psalm 10:4
A son is always seeking to glorify his Father's name. He never wants to do anything that will make people say 'And You call yourself a child of God.'
“If you are a son of God, abiding in His presence must be like breathing to you. *-1 Corinthians 10:31”
Memorise: And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. -John 8:35
How attached are you to the one you call your father?