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ajibola33 ✓☆ 🏆47 🌟23
Olarinoye Ajibola @ajibola33

Olarinoye Ajibola @ajibola33

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About ajibola33
Username: ajibola33
Influence: 47, Audience: 23
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Name: Olarinoye Ajibola
Gender: male
Age: 40 years old
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From: Lagos, Nigeria
Joined: 15th Oct 2023, 5:05pm
User ID: 31964
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Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar this evening tweeted the absurd: he warned security agencies against using lethal force against looters and arsonists who masqueraded as protesters. As a statesman, his warning ought to be to the looting mob in Kaduna,Kano, Plateau, Jigawa states, who hijacked what was advertised by organizers as a peaceful protest.

Our security forces have remained professional, even-handed, and observed every restraint in the face of extreme provocation by the rioters. We are surprised that Alhaji Atiku is still relying on Section 40 of our constitution (as amended) to justify a protest that is now clearly a riot, a rampage in some parts of the country. Section 45 of the constitution says the right of assembly and the right of freedom of expression are not absolute. They can be abridged and fettered in the interest of public peace, public safety, law, and order. The Service Chiefs reiterated the rights of Nigerians to protest and gather freely. They, however, reinforced their constitutional duty, today, when they said they can not sit by idly and watch hoodlums destroy the country and its democracy.

The Service Chiefs and the officers and men of our security outfits should be commended for their patriotic duty to our country.

As a supporter and enabler of the destructive 'protests', Alhaji Atiku certainly wants the sinister protest to continue despite the red signals from the streets.
A tweet that condones the destruction of private and public property and investments of citizens is unbecoming of a former vice president of Nigeria.

Alhaji Atiku ought to have risen above the sentiment he expressed and put the interest of our countryโ€™s stability ahead of whatever advantages he hoped to reap from the insurrection on our streets.

We encourage Alhaji Atiku to borrow a leaf from opposition figures in United Kingdom who have rallied behind the government to condemn the ongoing riots in UK, calling for the arrest and prosecution of those behind the wanton destruction of public and private assets. Such nationalistic temperament as displayed by opposition figures like Rishi Sunak, the immediate-past Prime Minister of UK is expected of Alhaji Atiku.

Bayo Onanuga
Special Adviser to the President on Information and Strategy

August 6, 2024

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"I am a married man with 2 children. My wife traveled to UK after successfull scholarships for 2years only, but still now is 4yrs, she has not yet returned. Every time I ask her why she hasn't returned yet as we agreed she will complained about different challenges she's going through over there.

Before the end of last year, she met a white man who promised to help her have a stay and give her a better life on a condition of divorcing me and getting married to him.

My wife sent me a divorce letter which I need to sign to prove we are no more married . She told me I should act along because through the White man she will have more opportunities over there and also have financial stability and be given a stay in UK and she will be sending me money to support our 2 children.

If I didn't sign it, she might be deported anytime. She also warned me not to tell anyone including our families because she told me we should make it a secret.

I am confused. ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ

pls advice me before its to late. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”"

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How is the protest in your area?


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Titus 2:11-12 ASV
[11] For the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men, [12] instructing us, to the intent that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world;

1. Brings salvation: free, no work on your part just believe

2. Teaches us to say no to ungodliness: work in obedience, and guide ourselves from going back to sin. You are dead to sin.

Let me help make this simple... Grace is a person! His name is Jesus!!!
Grace removed the power of sin over our lives when He came and brought a new covenant in His blood.
When you understand who Grace is what He did for you, and what the cross has done for you, the finished work, Grace (Jesus) is never an excuse to continue in a sin... in fact, when you understand that you were crucified with Christ and it's no longer I that lives, but Christ lives in me and the life I live in the flesh I live through Him, there is an identity change.

The whole issue comes down to an identity issue! That's why the enemy is working so hard to destroy identity! But when you know and believe that as He is so are we in the world, it changes how you think. It is not enough to say I know who I am, I am rich, I am great, and I am more than a conqueror. But you should know you are dead to sin, sin is no longer your master, and knowing who you are starts from here.

You move from sin consciousness to Christ consciousness. Sin has no more power over you, for you are not under the law, but under Grace!

I don't worry or think about sin. It doesn't cross my mind most days. Because that's not who I am in Christ! All sin forever has been forgiven and the Son sat down at the right hand of the Father so show it is done! So now being redeemed, born of His Spirit, adopted into His family! It's all about Jesus! The only begotten has become the Firstborn among many brothers and sisters!

We who believed and received were given the right to be sons and daughters! Moreover, to all who receive the abundance of Grace and His gift of righteousness, reign with Christ on earth!

Why would we want to ever go back and become slaves again to sin?? We wouldn't, so we fix our eyes on Jesus and receive the abundant life He came and died for us to have! We live by faith in Him. When we do mess up, fall down, fall from Grace, and change our minds, we get up and thank Him for the power of His Spirit in us to get up, and we press on! There is no condemnation for they that are in Christ Jesus WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT. ( think about this)

If you think Grace is anything else, you missed it. He would never be an excuse to keep on living in sin or living by the flesh, because He came and died for us to be free from the law of sin and death!

Grace isn't a doctrine, it isn't a catchphrase, He is I AM. He is mine and I am His... the law (the power of sin) was given through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus!

He is the Way, the Truth, the Life! He is Grace, Redeemer, Healer and so much more! Be blessed!

Grace is our Lord and He has been given the name that is above every name! Jesus!! Yeshua!! And He lives in us and through us! We are members of His body!! Stop dwelling on sin and fix your thoughts on things above! Put your eyes on Jesus. Change your mind!!

Submission and surrender to His Spirit! What a beautiful life!!

Dr. Ose Festus Oluwaseun.

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Happy Sunday to you all . How do you see Tinubu's speech?


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