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Olufemi Noah @banner_trust6

Olufemi Noah @banner_trust6

Business Man At Abeokuta
Am cool, calm and disciplined
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Name: Olufemi Noah
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Age: 37 years old
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Joined: 29th Jan 2024, 8:27pm
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(Episode 10 & 11)

"Please where is this place?...How did we get here? Where are the other passengers and driver and our bus? I asked, disrupting his thinking mood.

"We are in Abuja and we are in the estate where my family house is located"

I widened my eyes in surprise. "How did we come to Abuja? Our car was sumersaulting and was at the verge of killing us all, the last time I checked" I said.

"With the help of my friends, I disappeared with you the moment our car wanted to fall into a river and we appeared here. I never knew disappearing with you would work"

I kept my eyes fixed on him. So as I am like this, I've disappeared as a human? I thought to myself. If Jeremiah had followed us and this accident happened, maybe Somadina wouldn't have been able to disappear with him also, he would have been in that car and would have died.

For a moment I felt grateful that I was alive and that Jeremiah didn't come with us.

"So where is your house? Because we need to go inform your family that you are trapped in a coffin." I said.

"This is the street of my house. My house is ten poles away from here, but before I take you to my house, I will first show you Shegu's house"

"Ok, that's good.... Let's get going then" I said and led the way as if I knew the right way.
"Hold on please, I need to tell you something" Somadina said and I turned and fixed my eyes on him.

"The moment people who knew me starts walking by, I may disappear or become invisible especially if we approach my family. You may be the only one seeing me or you may not see me at all. So when you don't see me anymore, just know that my magic has expired and I've gone back to the coffin, this means you will have to do your best to save my life, please don't give up on me, especially when my family doubts you."

"Don't worry, I will do my best" I told him.

"One more thing!" He said and I listened.

"Shegu's father is a womanizer. He likes to bring women over, every night especially young ladies like you, and half of the ladies he brings home never return back to where they come from and they are never found anywhere in Shegu's father house. This means that they get missing and only God knows what Shegu's father does to them."

Fear gripped me immediately as my heart started to beat but I behaved myself.

"I'm not telling you this to scare you..." He continued "... I'm telling you to get you informed about the man you are going to his house to rescue me. And also to tell you the strategy my friends and I came up with, incase you enter the secret room and Shegu's father suddenly appears."

Somadina held my hands. "Don't be scared, nothing will happen to you" He told me.

"... Now here's the plan." He started to explain.

"You will go to Shegu's house when his father is yet to return from work. He comes back around 6:00pm, so you will have to go to his house by 4:30 pm or 5:00pm. When you get to Shegu's house, the security man would not want to allow you in, so you've got to pretend like you are a prostitute who had come to see Shegu's father on his invitation. The security man will claim that Shegu's father doesn't invite a lady, instead, he drives them himself into the compound in his car. You will agree but claim that he got an important call and asked you to go to his house and wait, if the security man still refuses to let you in, you will have to shout at him and tell him angrily that he will loose his job if Mr. Damilola (the real name of Shegu's father) comes back and meets you outside.

At this statement, he will let you in and ask you to go sit at the garden. Ignore him and just go straight to the entrance of the mansion. The door is not always locked, open it and enter inside the house, if the security man tries to stop you from entering, tell him Mr. Damilola asked you to wait for him inside his sitting room. Once you enter the sitting room, hurry upstairs, Mr Damilola's room is the last door by the right, in his room, you will never know there's a secret room, so the moment you enter, at your left, you will see two wardrobes, one at the right, the other at the left with a little space between them. Go to the one at the right, you will see three different crafted short staffs hung beside the wardrobe and a black plain cloth, hung above those three staffs. The cloth makes someone invisible so take the cloth first and cover yourself, it will make you invisible, even if Mr. Damilola enters suddenly, he won't see you. And you can walk around the house and nobody will see you but the noise you make, or if you talk, anyone can hear you. So when you cover yourself with the cloth, among those three crafted short staffs, take the staff which has the head of a snake. Be careful not to choose the staff with the head of a duck, because it looks like the one with the head of a snake and if you choose the wrong staff, the snake on the other staff will come alive and bite you, it is too sensitive and it is the python Mr. Damilola sacrifices those ladies to"

On hearing this, great fear caught hold of me and my heart began to beat profoundly. This is a deadly mission I thought to myself. I was beginning to quiver, yet Somadina didn't notice, he just continued talking. "Please grab the snake-head staff on its head and try as much as you can to press the snake mouth closed. Don't grab it on the middle, otherwise it will turn its head and bite you and it's extremely venomous and you will die of its poison within few minutes. Now, while holding the snake staff on its head, pull the wardrobe on your left forward, a door is behind it... It is the secret door to the secret room. Open the door and enter the room, from your left to your right, you will see five coffins lined up on a shelf, with three eggs placed on their tops, each coffin contains the people he trapped and is yet to decide their fate whether to sacrifice or k**l them. I am inside the fourth coffin while my friend Goerge Solomon is inside the fifth coffin.

Among the three eggs which are placed on top of the coffins, take the smallest of them and put inside your mouth, then take the second to the smallest eggs and break it on the ground close to the coffin, then take the last egg and the coffin will open by itself. Once the coffin opens, the person Shegu's father had trapped, will rise up but will not be in his or her right senses. So you will break the third egg inside his or her coffin, take out the smallest egg inside your mouth and break it on the person's body, and the person will realize himself or come to his senses. But you must be fast in doing all this so that Shegu's father won't come back and meet you because he senses when someone intrudes into his mansion and you have to free me first"

Somadina kept quiet now, he had told me all he has to tell me and was just looking at me. Perhaps, he was examining me, to know if I have heard what he said.

I was scared! really scared yet I told him ' I've heard him and that we should get going'

"Now, remember this, if Shegu's father suddenly comes in or appears to you, don't panick, throw the snake head staff on him, and the snake will bite him.

"Okay" I said and we started going.
But of a truth, a part of me, was not willing to continue with this voyage of simbad, in fact I heard a voice like that of Frank, the moderator of who wants to be a millionaire in my head, asking me " you can walkaway now, if you choose not to use your last lifeline" hmmm

To be continued...

Hmmm finally you all can now breath down, Jacinta is still alive thanks to the timely intervention of Somadina's ghost friends who helped to teleport her, but the wahala never finish o, in fact na now the main wahala tie gele comot πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Very scary right? πŸ˜†πŸ˜† If you were the rescurer at this point, will you still go ahead knowing that if you miss any of the sequences, there will be a great consequence or you may end up as the next victim? Even the teacher don dey cut lever o. O boyee! This mission choke o, Let's see how good you are in predicting what happens next, in the comment session. Hey you! Yes you, stop complaining of the shortness of the episode, e get why! πŸ˜† rather appreciate and encourage me for more. Please stop sending me friend's request coz I can't accept rather hit the follow button on my wall for notifications on the next episode, no tagging also but if you must get tagged, then chat me up privately first. A very good morning to you, thanks and have a fabulous ghost-free Friday ahead.πŸ“πŸ‰πŸπŸŒ

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(πŸ₯°Episode 9πŸ˜‹)

It was like I became unconscious for a while because when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was lying on some flowers which were placed on the ground and Somadina was staring into my face. His eyes were red and tears were flowing from them and He was crying uncontrollably.

He quickly raised my head and hugged me so tight, pressing my head to his chest. What could be making him cry? I thought to myself and in that instant, I remembered how our car was running furiously down a valley, then started sumersaulting and suddenly I went blank. Remembering this, I pinched myself and realized that I was alive, I didn't only realize that I was alive, I looked at my body and noticed that there was no stain of blood on me, meaning that I didn't sustain any injury. Then I looked around and noticed that I wasn't lying anywhere close to a bush or river and my fellow passengers, the driver and our car weren't around me. There was no crowd of people that I would have said were the villagers who rescued us or who came to see the terrible accident that happened in their village. Nobody was there It was only Somadina and I.

I looked around and saw that I was lying at the gate of a mansion along a neat street that looks like an estate, and Somadina was holding me as tears kept dropping from his eyes.
"What happened? Why are you crying? Did I break my legs?" I asked and tried to stand up, to my surprise, I stood perfectly on my two legs, nothing happened to them.

Somadina stood up quickly and hugged me again.

"Thank you for staying alive, I thought I've lost you" He said. Tears were still flowing from his eyes his heart was beating as if it wanted to pop out of the ribcage, he was sniffing at interval and I knew he had cried so much. He kept hugging me, tighter that I felt his heart beat, felt his soft skin and my nostrils was fill with his body scents. I allowed him hug me to his satisfaction and when he got satisfied, he held my face with both hands and started looking into my face. He was a little taller than me and it made me raise my face up, looking at his face as well our eyes met and I began to reminisce how he had hugged me earlier, how he had hugged me now, how our body had clinged together and I felt his skin over mine, his heart beat and how he was holding up my face now, and looking into my eyes with passion for something I wouldn't resist if he does it, a kiss. I was beginning to fall in love with him and I knew he was feeling the same way about me too if he had not fallen in love with me already, crazy right? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† A living, falling in love with a ghost knowingly, hmmm... But this thing called emotion abi na feeling can be very senseless ooo I swear πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

"I don't know what I could've done if you had died, I don't think I would have forgiven myself" He said and placed his forehead against mine. My heart sweetened me like butterfly was sent into my tommy, It was love I felt, I won't lie. I forgot that I was his teacher and he was my student, that he was eighteen years and I was twenty-five, although I looked twenty or even less.

"I'm alive Somadina! You didn't lose me" I told him and gently pulled my face from his hands which he was almost bringing closer because our foreheads were not the only thing clinging together, our nose was beginning to touch and he was bringing his lips closer to mine as though, he wanted us to kiss.

"Can we get going now?" I said.
He stood and looked at me for a while.

"I've fallen in love with you aunty Jaci" He said, softly and sincerely.

My heart giggled, I felt a kind of sweetness that instantly traveled all over my body. I fixed my eyes on him, not knowing what to say.

"I've never felt this way before. I've never fallen in love with any girl before, You are my first, believe me, I'm in love with you"

"But you are a ghost, what if you don't make it out of that coffin?"

"This is the main reason I'm letting you know my heart in case I don't make it alive, I will know that once in my lifetime, I fell in love with a girl and I got the chance to tell her my heart.

I smiled. "I know you will make it alive..." I said "...just that, I don't think you will recognize me when you enter your real body"

"I've prayed that God should grant me the opportunity to show my love to you and He did, by first bringing you back to life. So I will recognize you when I posses my real body back and I just hope God saves my life and makes you to love me back, regardless of my age"

I smiled again. If only he knew my heart eeh..., that I have also fallen in love with him, I thought to myself.

He was looking at me, lost in a thought which only him can explain.

To be continued...

Let me suspend you here to boost your curiosity and pump your adrenaline small πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Hmmmm! But are you really sure Jacinta didn't die? How come she woke up in front a beautiful mansion decorated with flowers? What if the place she found herself is a place after life? How come after what obviously was a terrible accident, she appeared unhurt, no injuries, no fractures, no trace of blood, is that really possible? I have never heard of a dead person, successfully teleporting (disappearing) with a living person before, or was it possible in this case? But if they both appeared in heaven after the accident, shebi bible talk sey, dey no dey do love or even wan kiss person for there ?πŸ˜‚

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Abi there own heaven na Zee world and Telemundo heaven πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”. Too much "what ifs" too much questions begging for answers.
Anyway, the comment section is itching to have your thoughts, opinions and prediction of what next.

Kindly hit the follow button on my wall, to follow me for notification on the next episode.
DM for subscription, if you want to be tagged subsequently and please note that I can't accept friend request anymore.
Thanks for reading, good morning and have a ghost-free weekend

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(Episode 😎

Somadina and I were lucky to board the first bus to Abuja. Our bus took off on time at exactly 6:30am so I presumed and hoped we would arrive Abuja before the day gets dark.

On the way, after we had journeyed for about four hours, Somadina kindly requested that I should get him a bottle of water from the roadside hawkers, once I see any, he was sitting next to me at my right while I was sitting close to the window. When I got him the water, he started telling me how he feels sorry for roadside hawkers and always gifts them everytime he sees them while going out with his parents, and from there, we started interacting about life about nature and about our families. That was how I got to know that he came from a wealthy family and that he was the first son and first child, that he has two younger siblings a girl and a boy. And they are American citizens because they were born in America including him. His parents are working in a particular ministry and they had made preparations to send him to America to further his education when he graduates from college.

He asked me about my father which I told him was late.

We discussed about different things. When he started telling me about his former school, it prompted me to ask him how he ended up being trapped in a coffin and he started to explain:

"Shegu was my childhood best friend. Our houses were two poles away from each other and we attend the same school. About Seven months ago, Shegu fell sick and was hospitalized and after he spent two months in the hospital, his father brought him home and he started receiving treatment from home. He was suffering from cancer and ashtma, I guess his mother was late, his two elder siblings are schooling in the states. His father goes to work and returns in the evening, so he was left in the care of a nanny who goes home only on weekends. As a good friend that I am, when Shegu returned home and his doctor comes to treat him at home, I started visiting Shegu everyday to comfort him and amuse him with some friendly jokes, I also took it upon myself to always teach Shegu whatever we learned in school. Shegu's father and my parents knew about our friendship from childhood, because we go to each other's house often before Shegu fell sick.
I was visiting Shegu for more than a month and my presence always makes him happy, but suddenly, on a faithful Wednesday, my parents asked me to stop visiting Shegu for a reason best known to them. My mother was the main person who wanted me to resist visiting Shegu.
Shegu was dieing because his sickness was getting worst everyday. He had no friends and his siblings were not around to interact with him, only for his nanny and his father. You know friends conversation are always fun so I couldn't bear the pains of knowing that Shegu had no friends and that he was dieing, so I disobeyed my parents and kept on going to see Shegu secretly.
On a Friday afternoon, I returned from school and went to visit Shegu as usual, my parents were not around, only my younger siblings were around but I secretly went to Shegu's house without their knowledge.

On getting to Shegu's house, I saw Shegu lying on the floor at the sitting room and choking to death, I tried to rescue him by holding him up but he kept choking seriously. I didn't know what to do, Shegu needed a medicine to help him calm down but I didn't know which medicine to give him and where the medicine is. He was unable to talk but after some minutes of confusion and trying to help, Shegu gathered strength and courage and told me in a stammering tune that his father was around, he was pointing upstairs, meaning that I should go call his father.

Without hesitating, I zoomed off to Shegu's father room and knocked at the door but he didn't answer, despite that I was hearing his voice in the room but for the sake of my friend, I opened the room after the third knock and barged in, only to behold Shegu's father on an overall red garment, with a wand and a long crafted stick on his both hands. A small pot containing some crafted woods, which was bringing out some smoke without a fire underneath it, was lying on the floor before him. His room was almost coverd with smoke and an unusual scents.

"Ah! Your eyes have seen what your mouth won't be able to keep and I can't let you go!" Shegu's father said angrily and that was the last words I heard Shegu's father say and the next thing, I saw myself trapped in a coffin.

"So how were you able to be in a human body if your real self was trapped in a coffin" I asked curiously.

"My spirit started wandering about and no body was able to see me except Shegu who was in the state of coma. I was crying and wandering about on earth when I encountered a ghost woman who introduced me to Mr. Patty, a half ghost, half human man who accepted to help give my spirit a body if I can find someone in coma that would lend me his or her body for a while. Shegu accepted to lend me his body because he didn't want me to die, so Mr. Patty helped me to use Shegu's body but my family and everyone who knew me can not see or hear me, though I would be seeing and hearing them.Then Mr Patty said if I could find a human who would help set me free, that my body will be mine again. And since then, I've been going about looking for who would help me until I find Goerge Solomon but he ended up being k*illed by Shegu's father, then I found you" He answered.

He was still telling me about how he came to meet me when suddenly, everyone in the car started to screen and calling"Jesus Christ!"

"Jesus save us!"

"God have mercy on us!"

I looked forward and realize that our car had left the main road and was running into a deep valley whose sides had deep, large hole caused by erosion. The breaks of the car had developed fault I guess because the driver was trying to stop the car but the car break was not hindering the car from moving.

I started to call on God to save us, that I don't want to die on the fatal accident which was about to happen"

Somadina started crying too and calling on God to save him that he can't die now.

Unconsciously, he held me and almost immediately, rapped his hands around me as if he was hugging me, I held him back, praying to God but the car kept swinging and jingling us.

Our car kept running furiously into the valley of the village which I presumed will end up landing us in a big river or sea because where the car was heading to, it seemed like a sea or river was ahead.

At a point, the driver lost control of the car steerring and it started to tumble rapidly or should I say we started to somersault with the car and suddenly, my eyes closed and everything seem to go blank on me.

To be continued....

Hmmmmm! E don happen! Even the ghost is afraid to die againπŸ˜†πŸ˜† double wahala for dead body! Could this be the end of the road for Jacinta? Maybe her next appearance, will be in a ghost mode too 😬😬😬😬 Chaiii! But that will be too bad honestly, what will her poor sick mother do? What if the money Somadina gave them disappears as well? E go be 2-0 for them be that.

You that encouraged her to embark on this journey, will be held accountable if she dies in this fatal car accident, yes you heard me right😝😝😝. I know you will be seriously praying by now, that she comes out unhurt because God is involved in this expedition abi😏
Anyway, let's see what will become of Jacinta in the next episode, because the Somadina is already a half dead boy, so his case is different.

Use the comment section and tell us your thoughts and opinions.
Follow me on my wall for notification on the next episode.
Good morning. Thanks for reading and have a fabulous ghost-free T

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(Episode 7)

Jeremiah turned and looked at me again. Then he drew a little closer to me and positioned his mouth on my ear.

"I think this boy had gotten all this money from the house of the man who trapped him in a coffin" He whispered.
"Maybe the man is a ri*tualist who uses hu*mans for sa*crifice"

Fear gripped me, then like a thief, Jeremiah turned his head and looked at Somadina quickly, and then turned towards me and whispered again:

"Maybe the man wants to use this boy for ri*tuals... I'm scared but I think we should really help him"

I looked at Somadina quickly, even though he wore a pitiful demeanour and from somewhere deep in my heart, I believed all he had said and I felt pity for him and I really wanted to help him, but a part in the same heart of mine, still lingered a little doubt and huge fear that I could die. So I turned to Jeremiah and also positioned my mouth on his ear and whispered back.

"What if this boy is an agent of the man he said trapped him, and he probably wants to lure us to the man?"

"No, I don't think he is.... I see sincerity in him. So, I think we should help him" Jeremiah whispered back.

"First of all, there is no "we"... because you and I, are not gonna risk our lives, we are not making any journey to Abuja" I spoke out declaratively as the elder sister that I am.

Jeremiah overheard the last thing I said and immediately, he went on his knees and started to beg me.

"Aunty, don't block your heart towards me please. You are my last hope, I only have three days to get out of that coffin or be burried forever please save me"

Tears was rolling down his eyes, I felt pity and I knew Jeremiah felt pity too because he turned to me, with compassion written over his face.

"Jaci, this boy is sincere, I know your heart have told you he's sincere but fear is hindering you from deciding to help him I'm scared too but I think we should try to save him" Jeremiah said.

" Let's look at it this way" He continued.

"This is an opportunity for us to travel to Abuja and look for Kingsley. After we save this boy, and he gives us a lot of money, we would use some of the money to find our brother Kingsley or should I say, we will use the money to look for Bro Chukwuka and sue him to provide our brother for us"

Within a seconds, I thought about what Jeremiah had said, there was huge sense in it because, when my father was alive he allowed our second son Kingsley, to go to Abuja with Bro Chukwuka who came pleading that my father should allow him take care of Kingsley and since then, we haven't set our eyes on Kingsley. When our father died, Bro Chukwuka didn't bring Kingsley home and he didn't return home either. At a point, Bro Chukwuka's number stopped connecting and It's getting to eight years now, and we've not seen Kingsley or heard from him and Bro Chukwuka till date.

I imagined setting my eyes on Kingsley again and bringing him home. How happy my siblings would be especially my mother, then I also imagined that Kingsley were to be Somadina who needed someone to save his life and I'm the someone he's asking help from. If it were to be my brother, will I just allow him to die? No! I can't allow Kingsley to die, I need to go look for Kingsley I told myself.

I quickly held Somadina and raised him up.

"I will help you" I told him his face quickly brightened.

I stared into his face with boldness.

"I will follow you to that man's house and pull you out of that coffin and you will be saved!" I said with authority. "So prepare your mind, because we shall take off tomorrow morning!"

"Oh! thank you aunty!" Somadina's attitude immediately became a happy one.

"You can go home now and plan with your friends, make every necessary arrangements including the people that can help us while I go prepare myself too and also inform my mother and my other siblings about this journey. Then early tomorrow morning, you appear so we can head to the park together and we will discuss about your plans and mine on our way"

"Do as she said, boy! We are in to help you" Jeremiah told Somadina, tapping him softly on his shoulder.

"Alright then I will get going. Thank you so much aunty" Somadina said and before one would say 'jack!', he disappeared.

Jeremiah and I walked to our house to meet our sick mother, I was carrying the bag of money which I took to my room. Later, I narrated Somadina's story to my mother and told her I would be leaving with him in the morning. She didn't support that I should leave because she feared I was going to die but I told her I would leave anyway, not only to save Somadina, but also to look for our brother Kingsley and bring him home.

At night, my family prayed fervently to God to protect me. When I retired to my bed, I couldn't sleep I was worried and although I wasn't the type that prays too strongly, I found myself praying and kabashing to God every minute, to grant me safety and success to Somadina.

As early as five o'clock, Somadina came banging on our door, I guess he didn't want to appear into the room where I and my younger sisters sleep in other not to scare us.

Jeremiah got up, went to the door and let Somadina in. While I was getting dressed up, he interacted with Somadina and requested for the detailed address of his house and that of Shegu's house and also the names of his parents, complexion and occupation, every single identification of how to locate them, for a reason best known to him, and Somadina gave him a detailed information of everything he needed to know about.

I had already arranged the few things I would be needing into a small bag, so when I was done dressing up, I took the bag and headed to the sittingroom where my Mom, Jeremiah and Somadina were sitting and having some conversation.

Somadina stood up, greeted me and then handed to me a big bag containing another huge amount of money he brought with him as he was coming. This bag of money was five times bigger and filled with money, than the bag of money he brought yesterday.
Immediately my mum sighted the huge amount of money in the bag, she jumped off her feet with her eye balls almost popping out of their sockets,
" Chilekeeee!, eluo! eluo! nkea wukwanu ego eee! ( this is money) in fact my son, it is already well with you...
"Mma, owu onye Γ±wuru anwu o, (he is a ghost)" Jeremiah quickly in a low tone interrupted and reminded my mother who Somadina was..
"Eeee.. sorry my ghost son, in fact I don't believe that you are a ghost, because you have a good heart, nobody amongst the humans living, has ever done this for us, Somadina nwam (Somadina my child), you are more a living than the livings"
The sickness instantly and miraculously left my mother and I was astonished and speechless
"Ngwa" she continued, both of you should come and kneel down before me, let me give you my motherly blessings because, this journey must end well and you must be saved by my daughter and no idiot of a secret cult man, can bury and end your innocent life" hian! My people, there is nothing money can't do oo, no wonder the bible says that money answereth "ALL THINGS", it was at that moment, that I started thinking and believing that poverty is the root of all evil and sickness, because my mother's action, proved to me that money is medicinal and heals instantly, anyway, we knelt before her and she prayed with all her heart and soul like she never ever did in my entire life that I know her, spitting her saliva on our palms for God knows reason, nobody cared anyway, as we all cemented and sent each of her prayer points to heaven, with a resounding Amen..Amen... Amen ooo, totally forgetting that one of us being prayed for was a ghost, can you imagine? We, chilling with a ghost as if we are on the same spiritual level.

"Go my children, this is a MISSION POSSIBLE" she said as we both stood up, Somadina was very elated beaming with smile and grinding from ear to ear, while I was dumbfounded, trying to process in my head what is actually going on, but somewhere in me, my confidence was fully charged and my mother's all of sudden involvement and interest, boasted my morale and put me in a high spirit for the voyage, at least for seeing her very happy and energetic again after so many years.

" Mama God bless you for your approval and support, I owe you one" Somadina softly said in an appreciative tone to my mother,
"No worry yourself my son, you don already pay me, at least wetin mata now na to make sure sey, you no die kpata kpata, but the God wey I dey serve go finish work on top dis our mata"
My mother confidently replied with assurance
"Amen oOoOO" we all chorused again, as I kept wondering the sudden established mother and ghost-son relationship between my mother and Somadina

With a grateful heart and not removing a dime, I thanked Somadina and then handed the bag of money to my mother so she would go to the hospital and start receiving treatment. Then from the money Somadina brought yesterday, I removed the amount that will sustain us on our journey, and handed the remaining to Jeremiah for him to use it and fix himself up, settle some of the debts hanging on our family neck, and provide the family needs while I'm away.

" Bia enyiaa" (come my friend) my mother immediately called my brother Jeremiah, the moment I handed him the money, " bring that money let me keep it for safety because I don't trust you with money these days, especially with dis una bet yeye thing, very soon now, you go look for sure game of 3 odds, carry the whole money chuk put inside, come here come dey shout chaiii na just one game cut am oo, God no go forgive Arsenal! my 12 million naira ooo!, just one goal dem not fit score like sey na you dey play the ball for there" she demonstrated hilariously.

We all including Somadina, burst into laughter for her hilarious comment and demonstration, one thing I know my mother for, is that she is a naturally born comediane, who has already made answers to every questions, and the environment where she and us grew up (ABA), makes almost everybody in it, comical.
" But if the ticket come enter and I cash out heavily, na you I go show love pass o" Jeremiah tried to seduce her
" I hear you oga, abeg show me the love with dis one wey I dey see for my eye first " she knocked Jeremiah back

"I hope to return alive soon" I said as I got tired of their endless debate and bid farewell to them and headed out with Somadina, to a known transport company to board a car to Abuja.

To be continued.......
Hmmmmm, so finally Jacinta is in for an expedition that she might not return from. Anyway a lot of factors contributed to this deadly decision: the hope of locating their lost brother Kingsley, moneyyyyy πŸ˜†πŸ˜†, and their mother's sudden healing and interest then etc. You in her shoes, even with all these benefits and money, will you still go ahead with this dangerous adventure in all sincerity?
Let's know your thoughts and opinions on the comment section.

NOTE:: please stop sending me friend's requests here as I have reached my threshold and limit of friends on FB and can't accept more friends. I however, sincerely appreciate the gesture. We can still be friends when you follow me or DM me if you wish to. Hit the follow button on my profile wall, in order to be notified whenever I drop a post.
No tagging please, but if I must tag you with any episode, DM for the subscription.
Many thanks for reading. Good morning, have a successful ghost-free Monday πŸ˜† and a blessed weekend ahead.

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(Episode 6)

The moment school dismissal bell rang and all students gathered to say their closing paryer, I sighted Somadina at the end roll of his class line and a voice in me suddenly predicted that Somadina would try to follow me home and I didn't want that to happen so I decided to dodge so he won't see me in school as they dismiss and also when I'm walking home.

When school dismissed, all the students went home remaining teachers. I was happy that all the teachers had to wait behind, In my mind, Somadina would be gone by the time I would start going home.

When it was teacher's time to go home, I carried my bag and walked out of the gate carefully looking behind and around me to be sure Somadina wasn't hanging around, waiting for me, but I didn't see him. Then I started walking home, also looking behind me at intervals to be sure he didn't appear suddenly and started following me. I even followed zigzag roads and shortcuts so as to confuse him should he be following me without me noticing.

When I got to a distance and was sure Somadina wasn't following me, I started pondering about my encounter with Somadina being a ghost boy and why God had to allow him stalk me on a day like this being my first day and first time as a teacher, but was he truly a ghost?

Later, I started pondering about what my family will eat as there was no food in the house when I left for school.

Getting to my house, a two room apartment with a rusted zinc, situated in between a three and a five story building, being the only property my father left for us before he died, aside our house in the village.

I was sluggishly unlocking our compound gate so as to walk in, when someone suddenly spoke from my behind:

"So, this is where you live?"

I startled and turned, only to see Somadina standing behind me like a demon who was on a mission.

"Jesus! Somadina! How did you come here?" I shouted! my heart was racing heavily like someone who was chased by a ghost.

"I came here by appearing..." He said.

I was shocked even though, I already knew he was a ghost that can appear and disappear to wherever he wants. Though, according to what he told me, I've never seen him appear or disappear.

"So how did you know I was here?" I asked.

"My friends told me you were here. They were following you but you didn't see or notice them because they were invisible". He said.

"Ah Gosh!" I whirled, I forgot he had two ghost friends who were invisible. It can only be them who would follow me without me seeing them judging from the way I had hurriedly followed zigzag and shortcuts roads and was carefully looking behind me to be sure Somadina wasn't following me. All my efforts was just in vain, I said in my mind.

"So why did you follow me? What do you want from me? I asked angrily as if I didn't know his reason for following me.

"I'm here to speak to you, Aunty" He answered calmly, still standing like a demon on a mission.

"If it's because of your request, I already told you... I have to think about it, so go home, I will get back to you in school tomorrow"

"Please aunty, you have to decide before four o'clock today, so we can conclude if we are to board a night bus or first bus tomorrow morning"

I glared at him in a manner that insinuate; this boy must be out of his ghost mind.

"So, at the detriment of my life, you are giving me condition?" I glared at him more.

"I'm sorry aunty just that I don't have much time left" He said.

"I don't blame you" I ignorantly said and opened our gate and walked inside then I locked the gate, leaving him outside.

The moment I turned around so as to walk to our house, I saw Somadina standing on my way.

My mouth opened unconsciously in surprise, like how did someone I just locked outside managed to enter inside the compound?

"Have you forgotten, aunty? I can appear and disappear" Somadina said.

"Oh!" I said, not knowing what to tell him.

"Please aunty, allow me stay with you, till you decide" He said.

"If you stay, I won't concentrate, you need to go so that I can think deep and make a decision peacefully. Besides, where will you sleep if I allow you to stay?"

"Don't worry about where I will sleep aunty"
"No Somadina, you should go to your home, I will decide and let you know about my decision tomorrow."

"Please aunty, you need to decide today. Tomorrow may be too late, please" He knelt down and started begging. "Please aunty, please!"

That moment, my immediate younger brother by name, Jeremiah, returned from his master's workshop, where he goes to learn mechanic. After our father died and Jeremiah wrote his Senior School Certificate Examination, he has been going to Oga Mega's shop to learn mechanic and he usually returned in the evening, God knows why he had to return early today.
Somadina was still pleading with me when Jeremiah approached us.

"What is this school boy doing here, Jaci?..." He asked "...and why is he kneeling down?"

"Just go in; it's not something serious" I told him casually, concentrating on Somadina.

"It's something serious Sir!" Somadina intruded immediately. He stood up and faced my brother, to begin to tell him, only God knows what.

"Don't worry Jerry, go and attend to what brought you home, so you can go back to the workshop on time" I quickly intruded.

"Don't worry, I'm not going back to that workshop ever again, I can't endure my boss and his wife's attitude anymore" Jeremiah blurted, making an angry demeanour.

"Why? What happened?" I asked quickly so that he would start explaining and I would then deviate to a different discussion and lead him into the house, there by forgetting about Somadina's case.

"It's still the usual torment from my boss wife, just that today's own came with muscle and I couldn't endure it" He answered.

"What did she do?" I asked as if I didn't know how Mr. Mega's wife had been treating my brother from the very first day my mother begged and paid Mr. Mega a little sum of money, to let Jeremiah learn mechanic work in his shop. Even though Jeremiah doesn't sleep or eat in Mr. Mega's house, Mr. Mega's wife always makes him go to their house and do all her house chores including cooking and by the time, Jeremiah will be done with those chores, he would be left with little or no time to learn the mechanic work my mother had paid for him to learn. Mr. Mega doesn't caution his wife, he behaves like a man whom the wife controls. And Jeremiah had always complained about these mistreatment to us and my mother had always encouraged him to endure and I knew about it, yet I wanted him to explain it, just so I won't attend to Somadina. I never wanted Jeremiah to know I was talking to a ghost boy let alone hearing the deadly request he's asking me to grant him.

"Don't worry Jaci... I can't start explaining, you already know what they always do to me, just tell me what this school boy is doing here. What's the something serious he's talking about..."

I was going to say "it's about school work that he wanted me to pardon him for not solving" but before I could say: "it's..." Somadina had already voiced out that he needed me to go set him free from the coffin where he was trapped and he had no much time left, he was pleading and crying.

I knew Jeremiah was tough and courageous. He had heard stories about ghost so I didn't think he became scared or shocked to hear Somadina's story, instead he was touched by his humble pleading and tears because he just went ahead and asked: "Where is the coffin that you're trapped in?"

"It's in Mr. Faheem's secret room... in his house at Abuja" Somadina said.

"Woh! That's a far place" Jeremiah exclaimed. "So how do we transport ourselves to Abuja should we consider to help you?"

"I can get us some money right now" Somadina said. "Infact, hold on for a minute" He added and disappeared immediately and within a twinkle of an eye, he appeared with a bag, the size of a lunchbox.

I was shocked, I've never seen someone disappear before my eyes. Now I believe Somadina is truly a ghost.

"Here is some money" He opened the bag and it was filled with money, huge amount of money.

My mouth opened unconsciously in surprise, I've never seen that huge amount of money before.

"This is huge amount of money!" Jeremiah shouted.

"This money is just a token, there is much more from where I got them and I can give all to you, just save my life please" Somadina said.

My mouth opened more, I looked at Jeremiah, his mouth and eyes were also opened, for a moment we were astonished.

Jeremiah turned and looked at me, then he turned to Somadina.

"Did you say there is much more money from where you got this ones?" He asked.

"Yes! There is a whole lots of money from where I got this one, Lots of money that almost filled up a room" Somadina answered with demonstration of how large the money could be.

Jeremiah turned and looked at me again.

To be continued.....

Mogbe!!!! This Tori don tie wrapper oo πŸ˜†πŸ˜† wahala be like church project... E no dey finish πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ this one na death sentence temptation! I know some of una go dey think; chei!! I don hamma! Na to send the ghost enter central bank go pack all the money come stash for our house be dat nah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, " Take the risk...Get rich or die trying"
With this twist and turn of event, especially now that sure huge monetary compensation awaits you at the end of this deadly voyage, in all honesty, if you were Jacinta, will you still go ahead with this deadly adventure? Remember that the money might be blood money from human ritual, which means that you could be the next victim.
Use the comment section and let us know your thoughts and opinions.

πŸ”ˆπŸ”ŠπŸ”Š Please note that I don't tag anybody on this story, but if you desperately need to be tagged, then you have to subscribe for that and to know more please DM.
Also note that I don't accept friend's request coz I have reached my limit already and I am so sorry for that.
Please click the follow button on my wall for notifications on the next episode.
Thanks for reading. Good morning πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ…πŸŒ„πŸŒ…

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✍️ Ivory Coast lost two out of three group matches but still got to the final. They had a second chance and took it seriously. Don't play with the second chance life gives you. Don't give up on yourself!


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(Episode 5)


I took Godwin Somadina to the computer lab, being the first place we met, I requested the permission of the computer teacher to have a quiet discussion with Somadina inside the computer lab and he accepted. The computer teacher provided a seat for me and Somadina at the extreme end of the hall where he won't be able to hear our conversation.

When we got seated facing each other, I cleared my throat and asked: "Now tell me, Somadina; What is the wish that you wanted me to grant you?"

He averted his face towards his right, saying nothing but looking at what only him can tell and acting like he wanted to cry.

"Come-on dear" I said calmly and held his face with my both hands and repositioned it towards my direction, so that we can be looking directly at each other's face. Then looking into his face, I said: "Go ahead Somadina... tell me what is it that you wished for I'm here to help you"

He still didn't say a word, I saw tears clouded in his eyes and he tried to fight them from dropping.

After some seconds of silence, he finally spoke.

"For the past six months Aunty, I had wished and prayed I find someone who will help save my life" His tears started to drop.

"... and finally God sent you my way..."

He paused and with the back of his hands, he wiped off his tears.

"... so my wish has been granted. It's your help that I badly need now in other to make my wish complete. If you don't help me, no one else will. So please aunty, I pray you help me and don't say No" He said still whipping his tears and fighting back others from dropping through interval sniffing.

I was touched by his emotions and at the same time I was moved by his wise response. Maybe God has sent me to him truly for me to be the only teacher who did not just notice his depression, but is also seating here to listen to his request, maybe God wants me to help him. Maybe he wants to answer my prayers through him I told myself.

"Now tell me, what help do you need me to do for you?" I asked.

"I need you to set me free" he answered with a crying voice and uncontrollable tears rolling down his eyes.

"Set you free?" I looked at him confused and in a manner that says 'this boy have started his weirdness again' but I still kept my cool.

"I am trapped in a coffin, aunty" He said calmly as if he was whispering, yet with crying voice.

I looked at him, making a wondering demeanour, Is this boy trying to scare me or what?

"I'm really trapped in a coffin, aunty" He repeated "Please help set me free"

I drew backwards and looked at him more, how can somebody that is seated right here with me and I'm seeing him with my two naked eyes tell me that he is trapped in a coffin?

"Is this a joke or what?" I asked

"This is not a joke aunty, please believe me"

He lowered his head and started crying out loud that someone could hear him.

"I'm really trapped in a coffin aunty. I'm really really trapped in a coffin. Please help set me free, I beg you.." He said repeatedly.

I felt pity for him but a voice in me started telling me and trying to make me realize that I was physically seating and talking with a boy who could be a demon or a ghost. Fear gripped me and my mind started to skip, I felt like walking out on him and never to speak with him so as to save myself from demon or ghost attacking me afterwards, but then, he raised his head and looking at me with a red teary eyes, he started to beg.

"Aunty, please I no longer have time. The man who trapped me in a coffin is planning to burry me in three days time. If you don't save me, I will be gone forever, which means I will never set my eyes on my parents. Please save me aunty! My mom misses me too much and I want to see her again, please set me free aunty!"

Tears were dropping profusely from his eyes. His emotions were infectious and pitiful I couldn't resist it so I asked.

"How do I set you free?"

"You will have to go to his house, into his secret room and let the coffin where I was trapped open. Then strike my forehead with his secret wooden craft and re-say the words he said that got me trapped" He said.

"You would have said I was going on a suicide mission or the end of my life mission because this kind of mission is not something I will embark on and still return alive" I told him feeling scared.

"You will return alive aunty, my friends will protect you" He said.

"Your friends will protect me you said? I asked furiously.

I was eyeing him in the manner that insinuates 'is this boy out of his mind or what?'

"Yes! My friends will protect you" He affirmed and I became provoked.

"What friends?" I sparked.

"Shegu and Goerge Solomon" He answered, pointing and looking at his left as though some people were standing beside him.

Then, suddenly, as if he was out of his mind, he started speaking to himself or should I say, he started looking at his left at intervals and speaking to the people only him was seeing.

"No! I have to tell her about you guys....... (He paused)

"If I don't tell her now, when will I have the time to tell her? .... (He paused)

"Guys, you people are arguing too much... We don't have time, I no longer have time, you people are already dead I dont want to die(He paused again).

"At least I still have hope of living again. (He still paused).

"I have to tell her whether you like it or not....

I kept waiting patiently for him to be done discussing with, God knows who. Then he turned to me and started explaining.

"Shegu is my childhood best friend. Our houses are two poles away from each other and he's the third son of the man who trapped me in a coffin..."

"My God!" I shouted inadvertently.

"Does her shout sound like she is afraid?" Somadina asked, looking towards his friends and I realized he was referring to them.

"No! No! That wasn't a shout of fear. You can continue" I intruded

"You see! She wasn't scared" He turned and said to his friends again and then turned back to me.

"...And about Goerge Solomon, he is the friend I made in this school who got missing. He didn't really go missing, he was killed by Shegu's father when he followed me to Shegu's house to set me free from the coffin"

I widened my eyes and mouth slowly and unconsciously, I wasn't sure if I widened them because I was surprised of what I heard or because I felt fear ran through my entire body as the thought of "This boy wants to send me to my early grave" emerged in my mind.

To be continued.....
This story is becoming creepy abi?πŸ˜† Your adrenaline is beginning to pump abi? You never see anything sefπŸ˜‰ very soon, you won't be able to stay without feeling the πŸ‘» boy around you after reading an episode😬😬😬. See you at the next episode.
Good morning, Thank God is Monday! and have a spectacular week ahead.

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(Episode 4 )

"Did you just say you are what I wouldn't want to know?" I asked, looking at him suspiciously.

If he were to be a girl, I would've assumed that he had marine spirit (ogbanje) but he was a boy but do boys also have marine spirits? I wondered with my eyes fixed on the boy.

"Don't stare at me like that aunty" He flint his hand at my paused face. "I won't bite you even if they ask me to bite you"

I stared at him again suspiciously.

"If they? Did you just say 'they'?" I asked.

"Yes!" He nodded.

"Who are they?"

"The people who are holding me captive, they use to follow me around all the time"

A tingle of fear furiously rained all over my body and my heart began to beat faster.

"Don't worry aunty they are not here now" He informed.

I looked at him in a manner, I can't tell if I was too scared or just wondering what he was up to.

It's like this boy is possessed by a spirit or demon or something. A voice said in me. No I can't do this, I can't continue to listen to him, Infact I can't help him" I said in my head.

"Look boy!" I called calmly, wagging my head to show my disapproval.

"Please aunty, call me Godwin or Somadina" He pleaded " People rarely call me by my name and I don't know what I did to them" He spoke calmly, his voice sounded too innocent and intriguing pity.

I wanted to pity him but his weird statements had already evoked fear in me. I had to run for my life and I had to tell him I've changed my mind but in other not to hurt his feeling, I called him by his name.
"Godwin Somadina" I paused.

"Yes aunty?" He answered mildly.

I bent over, looking at his face with a compassionate demeanour but I was scared inside me.

"Please I'm sorry" I told him. "Your words are too weird and It scares me"

"Don't be scared aunty I won't harm you, I won't let anyone harm you" He said.

I wagged my head.

"I'm sorry Godwin I don't think I can go ahead to help you"

"Oh please aunty don't turn your back on me." He tried to grab my hand, but I thrusted backward, at that moment, the bell for changing of subject rang and I felt relieved because it was time to leave the class for another teacher.

"I have to go now it's another teacher's period" I said and went to carry my textbook from the other desk.

"Please aunty, don't say no you are the only one that can grant my wish. Please help me" He started crying. Tears started rolling down his cheeks, I refused to look at his face because I didn't want to feel pity so I don't end up fighting with those demons he said was following him.

Let him find another person who will grant his wish, I said in my mind and kept my head up walking my way out.

"Please aunty, help me..... I beg you.... Please... Please" He kept crying.

His classmates started coming into the class. They were surprised to see him crying and begging, they kept staring at him and I kept walking out of the class. He didn't mind them, as he kept saying "please aunty".

When I got to the second window of their classroom, I paused and peeped to see what he was doing. None of his classmates tried to find out from him what happened that he was crying. They all sat on their respective seats while he buried his face on his desk, sobbing.

During break, two SS3 students came to me girls to be precised.

"Good day ma'am" The greeted respectively.

"Yes? Good day.... And who are you?" I asked.

"We are SS3 students Ma" One of the girls said "I am Janny and this is my friend Favour" She added

"Yes?... Anything for me?"

"Ma, please we are sorry to bother you but we are concerned about that boy, he has been crying since you left our class" Favour said

"Please what did you say to him Ma?" Janny intruded.

"Which boy are you talking about?" I pretended not to know.

"The boy you taught financial accounting" Favour answered.

I remembered Godwin said people hardly call him by his name, so I wanted to know if they knew his name.

"Doesn't the boy have a name?" I asked, staring into their faces.

"Emm... Emm" They thought for a while, I waited, watching them think. Few seconds laters Favour said:
"Aunty, I think his name is Gody.. Goodwill or Godwin"

"You're not sure" I said and started flipping through my lesson notes, to make up the ones I'm yet to complete.

"No aunty, his name is Godwin Som.... Somo.... Something that started with Som, I can't really recall the second name" Janny replied.

"So you don't know your classmate's name?" I paused and looked at their faces, acting like I was disappointed.

"Not like we don't know his name Aunty, it skipped our mind" Janny answered.
"Why did his name skip your minds? Is he not a human?"

"It's not like his not a human aunty..." She paused and murmured "though I'm not really sure" Then she louden her voice again "...just that he's kinda strange and he doesn't like talking to anyone"

"So he doesn't have a close friend? Is that it?"

"Yes he doesn't have a close friend but he used to have" Favour answered.

"He used to have and what then happened?"

"The boy got missing" Favour said and paused.

"The boy who used to be his friend got missing?


"How? I don't understand" I said, staring at their faces, with a quest for more information expressing on my face.

"Aunty let me explain" Janny intruded. "When this Godwin boy newly came to our school, he was acting weird that everybody avoided him but the only person that managed to tolerate and talk to him, was one of our classmate boys named George Solomon, soon they became close and started going home together. After they left school on a faithful Tuesday, George Solomon got missing"

"Did they leave the school premise together before school dismissal?"

"No! They left school after dismissal, when every other students were leaving but coming to school the next day, we heard that George Solomon had gone missing"

"But did they blame him for the missing boy?"

"No! Nobody blamed him cuz nobody knew what happened, but he was questioned because he was the last person with George and he said they bided goodbye at their usual junction and they both went their separate directions as usual"

"So why are you now asking me why he was crying since you aren't his friends"

"Because we are concerned, aunty"
"If you're concerned, why not go ask him that way, you become friends with him" I told them.

They made a probability gesture, meaning that they may go to inquire from him because they were concerned and they may not go because they were scared of him. And then they left.

Few minutes later a boy from SS3 came into JSS 2A class to drop a message to his younger brother.

Mind you, I was the form mistress of JSS 2A students, and I had my table and chair at the extreme end of their class so I was seating when those two SS3 girls came and met me and even as the SS3 boy entered.

I called the boy over and he came closer.

"Your classmate Godwin, is he still crying?" I asked.

"Oh the boy you taught financial accounting?" He responded like someone who just recalled.

"Yes! The boy"

"Okay he hasn't raised his head since you left so I'm not sure if he's still crying or not" He answered.

On hearing this, I felt pity for the boy. The ice of disapproval in my heart began to melt, maybe this boy seriously needs my help, maybe I should help him I thought to myself.

I stood up to go see Godwin Somadina and ask him what the wish he wanted me to grant him was.

Go ask some teachers about this boy first before you go to him, at least let them know that he was requesting that you grant him a wish, a voice spoke in me.

I remembered Mrs Ndudirim, she was the teacher that volunteered to put me through on the method of drafting and writing lesson plan and she was the form mistress of SS1 students and her classroom was the next class after my class. She seemed to be nice so I decided to go to her, I entered her class and headed to the corner where her table and chairs like that of an office was positioned. She was sitting, so I walked to her and greeted her.

We got talking and I asked her about Godwin Somadina if she knew anything about him. She said the only thing she knew about him was that he acts weird oftentimes, like he talks to things only him sees and will begin to cry at some point. Also, he doesn't talk to anyone. The only person he managed to talk and associate with was George Solomon and he stopped talking entirely after George Solomon went missing.

I told her that he talked to me and he was requesting that I grant him a wish.

Mrs Ndudirim paused and thought for a while, then she said to me:
"That Somadina boy doesn't talk to anybody and he's talking to you, a new teacher?"

I said yes.

"And he's requesting that you grant him a wish?'


"Hmm... This is really strange" She said and paused for a while again

"Well, if your spirit permits you, then listen to him, hear his request and if it's what you can do, then do it for him" She said

"...but mind you, his request could be a blessing or a course, so be careful of what you accept to do"

I thanked her and left to see Godwin Somadina. When I entered their class, he was still having his head lowered and his face buried on his desk.

I tapped him softly, calling him "Godwin Somadina... Godwin Somadina" But he refused to raise his head. I guess he didn't know I was the one calling so I called again "Godwin Somadina!" Yet he didn't respond. Then I said "... It's me, Miss Jacinta. I've come to grant you your wish"

He quickly raised his head. His eyes were red and swollen and his face was crumpy, showing that he had cried a lot.

On seeing me, he quickly stood on his feet.

"Oh aunty you came back for me" He said calmly like someone who had been oppressed, bullied and denied of his right and was waiting on God to intervein and I pitied him.

He quickly hugged me.
"Thank you for coming back aunty. Thank you so much" He was still hugging me, with the whole of his strength, tears were rolling from his eyes and I knew he was relieved and felt joy. The tears coming out from his eyes could be tears of joy I thought to myself.

I allowed him to hug me to his satisfaction, his classmates were all watching us though the ones that didn't go on recreation.

When he was satisfied, he let go off me wiping his tears.

"Now tell me, what is it that you want me to do for you?" I asked him calmly.

He looked around and saw his classmates all staring and listening, I felt he wasn't comfortable with their attention on us and that he needed some privacy.

"Don't worry, let's go to a private place" I told him and I headed out first, while he followed.

To be continued.....

Complainants! shebi this episode no short abiπŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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(Episode 3)

How can I continue writing on the board when the boy I'm writing it for is seriously sobbing? I asked myself and stopped writing.

During my interview, they had asked me how I would handle a child who is slow in learning and writing and I had given them my answer which they found satisfactory, now there's a boy who is not slow in learning, Instead he is requesting me to grant him a wish, hmmm Is this a test or a setup? What do I do?

I turned around, facing the empty class and the boy. He was still sobbing his head was buried on his desk.

I looked around first, on the ceiling and edges of the classroom walls to see if there were cameras watching but there were none. Then I looked out through the windows and doors to check if someone was watching me, but no one was watching. Then I moved closer to the boy.

"Stop crying" I said patting and caressing his back.

He raised his head, his eyes were red and clouded with tears. His demeanour expressed that he needed empathy yet he looked so cute, his scanty beards, was curled up on his jaw and from his both side head down to his cheek, his pink lips, when wet with saliva and tears makes him more cute that starring too much at him could make someone fall in love with him. Awnnn! he still looks adorable as he cried' I said in my mind and smiled on one side of my lips.
"I don't have much time aunty. I really don't have much time on this earth. Please help me!" He held my hand and started to plead, the softness of his palm on my hand and the way he caressed my hand gently made my heart to tingle and a ton of sweetness or love or something like that travelled all over my body. He has this gentle touch of the kind of man I easily crush on and God knows I've never felt that way before.

"Please help me!"

"Okay,,, okay" I said, carefully taking away my hand from him. "I will help you but first wipe your tears"

He wiped his tears with the back of his hand, but tears were still coming so I reached for my hanky on the big Financial accounting textbook I came to the class with and offered it to him to wipe his tears properly.

"Thank you." He said wiping off his tears properly. "No one has offered me his personal belongings since I came to this area"

I stared at him confused "Since you came to this area?" I asked, wondering if he doesn't have parents or, if he had come to live in the area all by him self.

"Yes! Since I came to this area" He affirmed.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I can't tell you ma, I'm not allowed to say some things just help me please" He said.

"How can I help you, when I don't know you" I said. "Not even your name?"

He paused for a while, staring into an empty space and I kept my eyes on him. When he was satisfied with his silence, he strayed his eyes towards me.

"My name is Godwin....... Godwin Somadina Ebere"

Then, he lowered his face like someone who was feeling ashamed or who was possessed.

"Believe me Aunty,,, I am what you wouldn't like to know" He muttered.

To be continued.....

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