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Olufemi Noah @banner_trust6

Olufemi Noah @banner_trust6

Business Man At Abeokuta
Am cool, calm and disciplined
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About banner_trust6
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Name: Olufemi Noah
Gender: male
Age: 37 years old
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Mobile: 2347038400815
From: Ogun, Nigeria
Joined: 29th Jan 2024, 8:27pm
User ID: 36042


(Episode 2)

I paused, looking at him puzzled. He talked slowly, one word at a time like someone who was seeing vision and his voice was calmly, intriguing, compassion like someone who seriously needed a help.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked still standing close to the board.

"Believe me aunty, I'm very serious" He answered

"Please come closer! I don't bite. Even if I bite, I won't bite you because I'm in love with you"

I widened my eyes "You are in love with me?" I chuckled "That's too deep and shouldn't be coming from a boy of your age"

"Believe me or not, but I tell you I'm in love with you" He affirmed. "I fell in love with you the very first time I saw you. That was the day you came for your interview and teaching test, I was sitting outside behind the computer lab feeling depressed, when you came to me and gently asked what my problem was. You held my hand, softly raised me up and smiled at me and that single act of your gentle kindness, lightened up my world. That day, I prayed to the deity to grant you this employment"

I quickly flashback to the day I came for my teaching interview and I remembered seeing and talking to a lonely and depressed boy.
I looked at the boy before me closely. He was the one I had talked to that day. What a small world! I reckoned and thinking to myself that my little help and smile was about getting me stucked up with a strange boy.

"I know you think I'm insane, all students and teachers detest me because they think I'm insane and because I don't talk often like a normal kid. The truth is, I'm not a normal kid." He said.

I widened my eyes again. "You are not a normal kid?"

"Well, I used to be until something happened to me leaving me with the chance of fulfilling the one thing I have always wished for, and when I saw you earlier today, I knew you are the one who will grant my wish"

I cleared my eyes to be sure I wasn't dreaming, but I was obviously awake. I scanned the boy from head to toes with my eyes, checking if I could see a symptom of an imbecility or something like that but the boy before me, whom I was seeing clearly with my two eyes doesn't seem like one who something could be wrong with. He was neatly dressed, had a nice haircut, he was very handsome, fair and gently like a richman's kid. Infact, he has the feature of the kind of men I easily crush on, just that he is just a boy

What if this is a set-up? A voice asked in my head. No! I have to focus on what brought me to this school I told myself and turned to the board.

"Please copy down the scheme of work" I said and started to write on the board.

"I know what is going on in your min, but I am seriously not insane. Please believe me aunty help me out, I beg you" He said, sounding so serious.

I turned and looked at him again.

"If you are that serious, meet me during break now is time to learn" I told him and continued writing on the board.

"Nobody listens to me I don't have much time on this earth" He started sobbing.

To be continued.....

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Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Theodore Roosevelt


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The hospitality industry can positively change your life if you have a passion for it.


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Passion pushes you to do something. So, the first thing is to know your passion and what you can do. When you work with passion, you will see long-term and tangible benefits.


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(Episode 1)

During my first time experience as a teacher in one private school, there was this SS3 boy that fell in love with me and he was a ghost.

Yes, you heard me right. A high school three(3) boy, who was a ghost, fell in love with his female teacher: me. And what then happened? Let me gist you.

So, after my interview and teaching test, I gained employment in this private school and was to teach three subjects: Business studies for JSS1-3; Economics for SS1-3; and financial accounting for SS1-3. Yeah! I know what you are thinking: the school management wanted to kill me for my father right? I thought that too. But that wasn't my problem. The management found me worthy and capable of those subjects so I took up the challenge.

On the agreed starting date, being a Monday, I came to the school to begin teaching. Following the timetable, I had SS3 class to teach accounting so I headed to their class.

"Good morning Ma!" The SS3 students greeted me in one voice.

"Good morning wonderful students. How are you doing!" I responded and they all answered fine.

"Well, my name is Miss Jacinta. And I'm your new accounting teacher"

I had this habit of smiling when I'm nervous so I was smiling as I introduced myself.

Wow! Welcome Ma
Wow! You look beautiful
Wow we are happy to have you; wow you have a nice name.
Wow this; wow that. You know students nah, they like play and blabbing so I allowed them blab while I kept saying "thank you" and smiling.

There were eighteen (18) student in that class.

"Aunty, eight(8) of us are offering science subjects" One girl blurted. "while the remaining ten(10) are offering arts subject"

"Ok thanks for letting me know" I told her.

"And among the ten(10) arts students, only this new boy is offering accounting" A boy, who was the school senior prefect said in a mockery tune, pointing at the said boy and all the students bursted out laughter.

The said boy was sitting in front row and I was standing, directly opposite him. I looked at the said boy.

"He's a new student?" I asked

"Yes ma. He started late last term"

I looked at the boy again. He doesn't look like those kids that do 'I too know'. I mean, those kids that keeps questioning their teachers and be acting like the know it all. But he was very handsome, fair and and was sitting calmly.

"Aunty?, the formal accounting teacher gave up on him because he was playing truancy" A girl said "He always hide or run out of the class once it's time for accounting or if he sees the teacher coming"

All the students laughed again and I also laughed but a little. It would be a relief on my job if he plays truancy. I said in my mind.

"Well, if that's what he does, I will be coming to school with rope and I will tie him so he doesn't run away anymore" I told them jokingly. Then I bent over to the said boy. I raised his head so we would look at each other eyeball to eyeball.

"If you don't want me to tie you, don't try to run away when you see me" I told him almost like a whisper.

He smiled.

"I have a feeling that you are the one who would grant my one wish, so I won't run away" The boy whispered.

I mopped at him suspiciously. "What did you just say?"

"I don't have much time to live on this earth, so be the one to grant my wish please" He whispered again. His voice so gentle and compassionate.

I quickly stood straight and looked forward, to the rest of the students, then I strayed my head towards him and fixed my eyes on him, with one question, lingering in my head: is this boy insane or what?.

"Aunty he doesn't talk much; he's always on his own" One of the students alerted me and I realized that I had fixed my eyes on the boy for a while.

Okay, the rest of you who are not offering accounting please engage yourselves in a quiet self studying" I said and then turned to the board and wrote the subject: financial accounting and date.

"Aunty, it's time for our Chemistry practical" One of the science students said "Permission to go out of the class?"

"Of course" I permitted and all the science students started leaving for their practicals.

"Aunty, we would like to make use of our self studying time in the library" The remaining art students said "permission to leave?"

I permitted them and they all left leaving me and the said boy all alone in the big class.

"Since it's just the two of us, and today is my first time in you class, I will write the scheme of work for you to copy and then introduce our first topic for the term" I said and turned to write on the board.

"Excuse me Aunty!" The boy called.

"Yes?" I turned.

"I really don't have much time to spend on this earth" He said. "Please hear me out and grant me a wish"

To be continued..

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Tuesday motivation

We must arm ourselves with knowledge and truth because we do battle with ignorance, deceptions and lies.




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Too bad against Africa cooperation at the time which we should be united
“Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger pull-out: ECOWAS turned to ‘battlefield’ by Russia, USA – Bolaji Akinyemi - Vanguard”

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