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blusher ✓☆ 🏆92 🌟80
Akande Michael @blusher

Akande Michael @blusher

326 Posts 2,291 Followers 68 Following Login
Last Seen: 6mo 7d Block
About blusher
Username: blusher
Influence: 92, Audience: 80
"🏆 influence" Is the measure of the number of likely reactions that a person's post could generate.
= shares + comments + half-likes on your un-boosted posts by unique audience; over the previous 30days (only timeline posts are considered).
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Name: Akande Michael
Gender: male
Account Privacy: public
Login is required to view 's social media handles (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram..).
From: Lagos, Nigeria
Joined: 23rd Sep 2023, 1:35am
User ID: 31633
🎵 If you want new ideas…

- Study art
- Read history
- Walk in nature
- Watch old movies
- Read classic books
- Visit old architecture
- Follow your curiosity
- Visit your grandparents
- Question what’s normal
- Learn a new language
- Talk to strangers
- Travel regularly
- Eat better food
- Write daily



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Abeg what happen it is like they have remove tip from my post ooo
E don te wey I receive tip


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All Come join come one
Come all


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Don’t eat apples or grapes before washing them. Apples and grapes rank high on lists of fruits with the highest levels of pesticide residue. Good news? All you need is water and baking soda to clean them off!

A study looked at how effective baking soda was compared to a very toxic bleach (never to be used on items you eat but very effective) and found “The baking soda and water solution beat out both bleach and tap water after two minutes of cleaning, and again after eight minutes. After 12 to 15 minutes of washing, the formula had removed virtually all external pesticides, as well as some that had begun to seep below the fruit’s surface.” * 🤯

3 Tbsp of baking soda needed for 4 cups water.


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The Incredible Miracles of a 72 Hour

Ever wondered what happens when you give your digestive system a break?

Let's break down the transformative timeline of an extended fast:

1. 6 Hours: Sugar Drop!
Insulin levels start to stabilise, and your body begins burning stored sugar for energy.

2. 12 Hours: Fat Burn Begins!
Your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis, shifting from carbs to burning fat.

3. 17 Hours: Atophagy Alert
Cells initiate a deep cleaning process, rejuvenating and repairing from the inside out.

4. 24 Hours: Gut Glow-up!
Your entire digestive system gets a revamp as stem cells rush in to mend and refresh.

5. 48 Hours: Dopamine Dive!
Your brain's dopamine system reboots, recharging motivation and elevating mood.

6. 72 Hours: Immunity Ignition!
A full-scale immune system overhaul powers up, readying you against invaders.

Click 👍 if it was useful and share with your friends❤️


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Papaya juice literally dissolves everything

It can erase fingerprints or remove any dirt.

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In Japan, a train delay of more than 60 seconds is considered to be unacceptable.

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Don't worry so much about love.
Don't worry so much about who's going to love you, or how they're going to love you, or when you're going to find love. Love is the most infinite and effortless presence in this world. It's found in the tiny crevices of human nature-in the way flowers bloom and in the way birds always have enough food to eat. It's found in hospital rooms, and grocery stores, in home cooked meals, and in the smiles of passing strangers. Love is in the music you listen to, and in the jokes you make, and it's in the way you always return home for the holidays. Love is 'are you okay,' and 'get home safe,' and 'did you have enough food to eat.' Love is the way your heart beats every day and how your body wakes up every morning and how your soul continues to exist so freely. You don't need to worry about love. It is all around you, every day, in every moment. It can reach you at your best and it will meet you at your worst. There is no force in this world stronger than love. There is no reason to believe that love cannot find you

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I was watching one American film yesterday
night with my Dad and Mum, as we were
watching the film, a young boy of my age started
romancing his girlfriend, they kissed each other
and when the
guy's hand crossed the girl's private part,
I looked straight at my dad and noticed that his
eyes had changed, then I focused my eyes on
the film even though I knew my dad wanted me
to leave the parlour at once, I did not care.
They were still kissing, this time hotter, then
they both fell on the bed and the guy was about
to open the girl's brazier.
My Dad looked at me with his red eyes and
:Have you ironed the car?

i even spread it on the rope!!!

I came in peace😇😅

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