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Deborah Enibukun @elladee

Deborah Enibukun @elladee

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About elladee
Username: elladee
Influence: 14, Audience: 67
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Name: Deborah Enibukun
Gender: female
Age: 18 years old
Account Privacy: public
From: Lagos, Nigeria
Joined: 23rd Jan 2024, 4:49pm
User ID: 35691

Side Hustle Ideas

I have been thinking for quite a while now and my question is what are some side hustle that we know? I thought of how i personally could make money online but i can't seem to know how, so can y'all pls share your ideas 🙏🙏

Opinion Poll

The last person to comment (sensibly) on 30th Apr. 2024, between 02:10pm to 03:09pm wins 200 NGN.
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There is no day accident would not occur in this country and its no longer a new thing.
May their souls rest in peace
“19 people burnt to death in Okene-Lokoja highway auto crash - TheCable

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Congrats to him on his new appointment as the CEO..
“First Bank appoints Segun Alebiosu new MD/CEO - Premium Times

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Where did he get all this money to bail himself😂
“Emefiele spends N370 million on bail in nine months amid multiple charges - Nairametrics

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The Moonstone Curse

The Moonstone Curse
In the heart of a mystical realm, where legends intertwined with reality and magic wove through the very fabric of existence, there lay a hidden treasure of untold power—the Moonstone. This precious gem, said to hold the essence of the moon itself, bore a curse that had plagued the land for generations, casting a shadow of misfortune over all who possessed it.

The tale of the Moonstone curse began with a young princess named Elara, whose beauty and grace captured the hearts of all who beheld her. In a moment of hubris, Elara dared to claim the Moonstone for herself, believing that its radiant light would bring prosperity and joy to her kingdom.

But as night fell and the Moonstone glowed with an ethereal light, a darkness descended upon the land—a darkness that whispered of ancient curses and forbidden desires. The curse of the Moonstone awakened, its malevolent energy seeping through the kingdom like a venomous mist, tainting all it touched with misfortune and sorrow.

As the days turned to nights and the curse's grip tightened, the once-prosperous kingdom descended into chaos. Crops withered, waters turned foul, and whispers of betrayal and despair echoed through the halls of the palace. Elara, burdened by the weight of her actions, sought to undo the curse that she had unleashed, but the Moonstone's power was too potent, its magic too twisted to be undone by mere mortal hands.

Desperate to break the curse and save her kingdom from ruin, Elara embarked on a perilous quest to seek the counsel of the Moonstone's guardian—a mysterious figure known only as the Oracle of Shadows. Through treacherous forests and haunted valleys, Elara journeyed, her resolve tested at every turn by the malevolent forces that sought to claim her soul.

At the heart of the realm, beneath the light of a blood-red moon, Elara confronted the Oracle, a shrouded figure cloaked in darkness and mystery. With a voice like a whispering wind, the Oracle revealed the truth that Elara had long sought to uncover—the Moonstone's curse could only be broken by an act of sacrifice, a selfless act of love that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

With a heavy heart and tears in her eyes, Elara made her choice—to relinquish her claim to the Moonstone, to break the curse that had tormented her people, and to embrace a destiny forged in courage and compassion. In a blinding flash of light, the curse was lifted, the darkness dispelled, and the realm bathed in the soft glow of the moon's nurturing light once more.

And so, as the first light of dawn broke over the kingdom, Elara stood as a beacon of hope and renewal, her spirit unbroken by the trials she had faced, her heart filled with the light of redemption and the knowledge that even the darkest of curses could be overcome by the power of selfless love and unwavering courage.

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Would the student loan be of any help to students because with the way this country is, is there any student that would want to partake in it ???
How are they supposed to pay back with the high no employment rate in this country.
“UPDATED: Tinubu finally signs student loan amendment bill into law - Daily Trust

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Me begging y'all to please like my post 😳😳😳.


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John and Joseph

John and Joseph
In the bustling town of Quirktopia, where laughter filled the air and mischief lurked around every corner, there were two best friends who set the standard for hilarity and chaos—John and Joseph. These two were inseparable, their bond forged in a shared love of pranks, puns, and all things absurd.

John, with his mischievous grin and quick wit, was the mastermind behind most of their escapades. He had a knack for turning even the most mundane situations into uproarious adventures, leaving a trail of laughter in his wake. Joseph, on the other hand, was the unwitting accomplice, his earnest demeanor often leading him into the most ludicrous of predicaments.

One sunny morning, as the town square bustled with activity, John and Joseph were struck with a stroke of inspiration—a plan so audacious, so outrageous, that it would go down in Quirktopia's history as the most memorable prank ever pulled.

The duo set their sights on the town's annual Cheese Festival, a celebration of all things dairy that drew crowds from far and wide. Armed with a wheelbarrow, a bucket of rubber chickens, and a healthy dose of mischief, John and Joseph donned their most ridiculous costumes and dove headfirst into their plan.

As the festival kicked off with a parade of cheese-themed floats and marching bands, John and Joseph emerged from behind a giant cheese wheel, clad in capes made of Swiss cheese and wielding rubber chickens as though they were swords. The sight was so absurd, so utterly ridiculous, that the townspeople couldn't help but burst into fits of laughter.

What followed was a whirlwind of chaos and hilarity—a chicken-throwing contest that ended with chickens landing in the most unexpected places, a cheese-eating competition that saw Joseph accidentally mistaking a block of soap for a particularly pungent cheese, and a impromptu dance-off that had the entire town square shaking with laughter.

But the pinnacle of their prank came when they convinced the mayor that the town's prized cheese sculpture was haunted by the ghost of a cheese-loving pirate. The mayor, a notoriously superstitious man, fell for the ruse hook, line, and sinker, leading to a series of comical capers that had the whole town in stitches.

As the Cheese Festival drew to a close and the sun began to set over Quirktopia, John and Joseph basked in the glow of their prank-filled day, their faces flushed with laughter and their hearts brimming with the joy of shared antics. They knew that no matter where their adventures took them, they would always have each other—and the memories of their hilarious escapades in the town of Quirktopia—to keep the laughter alive.

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Emma′s Insecurity

Emma′s Insecurity
Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and whispering forests, there lived a young woman named Emma. From a young age, Emma had always been filled with a quiet confidence and a fierce determination to chase her dreams. She excelled in school, shone on the soccer field, and had a natural gift for connecting with others.

But as Emma grew older, a shadow began to creep into her heart – the shadow of insecurity. It started as a whisper in the back of her mind, a nagging doubt that she wasn't good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough of the success and happiness she craved. At first, Emma brushed off these thoughts, telling herself they were just passing clouds in an otherwise sunny sky.

However, as she entered her teenage years, the whispers grew louder, more insistent. Emma found herself constantly comparing herself to her peers, measuring her worth by their achievements and appearances. She began to doubt her own abilities and talents, questioning whether she truly deserved the love and admiration she received from those around her.

The turning point came during Emma's senior year of high school. She had been selected to give a speech at graduation, an honor that should have filled her with pride and excitement. But instead, as the day drew closer, Emma felt a gnawing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. What if she stumbled over her words? What if she failed to inspire her classmates? What if she let everyone down?

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Emma stood at the podium, her heart pounding in her chest. As she looked out at the sea of expectant faces before her, a wave of panic washed over her. The weight of her insecurities bore down on her like a heavy cloak, suffocating her voice and stealing her confidence.

In that moment, Emma faltered. Her words stumbled and tripped over each other, her voice trembling with uncertainty. The speech she had worked so hard on became a jumbled mess of half-formed sentences and lost thoughts. And as she stepped down from the stage, the applause that followed felt hollow, tinged with disappointment and pity.

For weeks after the graduation ceremony, Emma was consumed by shame and self-doubt. She couldn't shake the feeling that she had let herself and everyone else down, that her insecurity had gotten the best of her in the most crucial moment of her young life.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Emma began to see a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of her insecurity. She realized that her stumble at graduation was not a reflection of her worth or potential, but rather a reminder of the power that fear and doubt can hold over us if we allow them to.

With newfound determination, Emma set out on a journey of self-discovery and healing. She sought out therapy to work through her insecurities, surrounded herself with friends who lifted her up and encouraged her to be true to herself. She dove headfirst into her passions – writing, painting, hiking in the woods – and rediscovered the joy and confidence that had once fueled her spirit.

Slowly but surely, Emma began to chip away at the walls of insecurity that had held her captive for so long. She learned to embrace her imperfections as part of what made her unique, to see failure not as a reflection of her worth but as an opportunity for growth and resilience.

And as she stood on the precipice of adulthood, looking out at a world full of endless possibilities and unknown adventures, Emma knew that she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and grace. Her journey through insecurity had been a rocky one, filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. But in the end, it had led her to a place of deep self-awareness and unwavering strength – a place where she could stand tall, unafraid to shine brightly as the remarkable soul she was always meant to be.

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