I remember the joy and anxiety I had, on my first day at my new school,I couldn't wait to attend my new school I woke up early as possible, ran down the staircase,brushed my teeth and took my bath
i waited for my dad to shower and take me to School , breakfast was served and I hurryly ate my breakfast I ran to the car and waited impatiently for my father to come,he open the car and was smiling at me. we entered the car and drove off.
The school was a three story building painted in cardilac blue and orange,
the playground was wide and
captivating.there was so many things to play with.
we went for registration,and I was signed in and taken to my class.
the teachers there were kind and friendly I was told to introduce my self and my best of interest in life, after introduction I was given a tour guide to show me around the
school.our first stop was the library
The library was filled with books and equipment,so is the science lab .it was really amazing it was indeed a perfect school for me.
I made some new friends induge in extra curricular activities and played at the playgrounded it was indeed a fun time