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music hunting

music hunting
I used to love music to the extent that everyday, I always made sure that I had the latest released music on my phone.
But as I grew older, I stopped listening to music as much I used to, and I missed it.
Today I felt like bringing back that my lost old self so I grabbed my phone and opened my Opera Mini browser to searched for my favorite singers, like Davido and Rema. I found their new songs.
I was not so impressed with their new released but my better happiness came from the point that I am among the first set of people to have the song on my phone.
After enjoying their afro-pop songs, I wanted something different. I searched for artists like Mercy Chinwo, Don Moen, and Frank Edward, hoping to find uplifting songs about faith and happiness. Unfortunately, I only found a few new tracks. I felt disappointed but listened to what I had by the way.
I think I prefer Chinwo's to all the songs that I downloaded today.

@agozie would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 20+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 22nd Oct. 2024.
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Treating myself good

Treating myself good
Yesterday, I decided to treat myself to a nice Sunday meal, something I rarely do. I headed to the market to gather all the ingredients I needed. However, my experience was not so good when I encountered a market seller who really tested my patience. I wanted to transfer 200 naira for my purchase and collect cash to buy some fufu, but she insisted that I send 250 naira. Apparently, the extra 50 naira was for her charge fee. I couldn’t believe it, especially since I had already spent over 4,000 naira there.

Despite my annoyance, I decided to overlook the situation and paid the 50 naira charge. It was frustrating, but I didn’t want to ruin my mood over it. After all, I was looking forward to enjoying my meal. Once I got home, I started preparing the ingredients. I sliced the okra, cooked the fish and beef, and in just a few minutes, my soup was ready.

Finally, I sat down to enjoy my meal, and let me tell you, it was worth all the effort. Each swallow was sweet, and the combination of the okra, fish, and beef was just perfect.
What made it even better was knowing that this meal would last for a few days. I could enjoy the leftovers and remind myself of the satisfying experience of making something delicious from scratch.

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A day to remember

Back in my university days, there was one chaotic day I’ll never forget. A seminar class was announced early in the morning around 6am, but I was still fast asleep. When I woke up around 9:30, I realized the class was scheduled for 8:30. Instead of checking with anyone if the lecturer was there, I just started preparing desperately.

As I hurried out, my shirt got caught on the door and tore badly. I was frustrated, but I quickly threw on another shirt and rushed out. On my way, while trying to run, I hit my foot on a tree root. My big toe started bleeding, but I couldn’t stop, I just had to make it to class.

I finally arrived, only to find that the lecturer hadn’t even shown up. I waited an hour in pain and frustration. Then, our class rep called, saying the class was canceled.

Everyone was overjoyed by the news, but I was sitting there, feeling completely drained and annoyed by all the unnecessary stress.

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Money must be made

I finally decided to join Telegram again after taking a break. The pressure from my friends who were making money from it was just too much, so I gave in. Everyone seemed to be cashing out from different airdrops and I didn’t want to miss out any longer.

Once I joined, one of my friends immediately sent me a bunch of links to upcoming airdrops. The list was long, and I felt overwhelmed. I had no idea how I was going to keep up with everything. I asked her how she managed to do this every single day without getting tired. She told me to let the money other people were making be my motivation.

After hearing that, I didn’t waste any more time. It became clear to me that I had been missing out for too long.

No more excuses. I will dedicate time every day to tapping on those links, participating in the airdrops, and doing whatever was necessary.
At this point, I’m fully committed. I’ll keep tapping, joining, and participating until I see that money in my account too 😹

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In a small town situated among the hills, there was a school different from any other. This school opened its arm to students of all ages, from curious children to intelligent adults.

Every day, students gather in a sunny classroom where learning is more important than the lesson, learning is an adventure.The teacher, a woman with a mature and bright eyes, has a unique way of teaching. More than just talking, she encourages her students to explore, create, and discover tbings for themselves.

Some students pour themselves in the books and their thoughts grow with each page. Others loved to experiment, mix colorful liquids that bubbled and boiled. Among the students were also those that prefer to write and express their thoughts through vivid colors and shapes.

One lovely day a new student, a little girl named Lily, entered the classroom. She was shy and afraid that she will not be able to catch up with the rest. But as the days passed, she was lost to the joy of learning. She writes, reads, and tries her hands at tests.

One evening, when the sun was setting, the teacher gathered the students together and she pointed to the blackboard, where the words "Learning never Ends" were written in beautiful cursive. And she said with a warm smile "No matter how old we are, no matter how much we think we know, there is always something new to learn,".

Our journey never ends because we never stop learning.

Lily knew from that day that it was not how much she had, but how much she wanted to learn that really matters and there are plenty more things to learn and keep learning.

The classroom became more full of curiosity and creativity, as each student, young and old, embraces the endless journey of learning.


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SCHOOL Protocol

We have been going through alot in school this days, sometimes I do wonder if there is any rescue for us

In our university we have a certain course which is generally for everyone to written in exam
During registration is a very long process and also alots of issues with much money to spend, when we are through in the side of registering, you have to take it for signing which is another stress cos you will meet a whole lots students and line
After that you will then wait for the exam to write, the exam Is CBT written and it's cause alots of protocol as there is no enough computer for the students
Alots of students with health issue falls more sick even till the point of death and the school don't care
After rushing one student to the hospital cos of the exam stresss and the person couldnt survive it, the sug president and the directors now decided to sought the issues which is called MEDICINE after death
The school have been so stressful

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A Life Unfulfilled (True Story)

A Life Unfulfilled (True Story)
The sun rose early on August 1st, casting a gloomy shadow over the room where I slept. I, a hunchback boy now a man, lay in bed, my twisted spine aching with a familiar pain, as I stared blankly at the ceiling. Today was my 30th birthday, a milestone I had been dreading for weeks. I hated birthdays, not just because they reminded me of my physical deformity, but also because they highlighted my lack of accomplishments. While my peers had long since moved away, started families, and built successful careers, I remained stuck in this tiny house, with no job, and living with my aging father. As I slowly got out of bed, my hunched back making every movement a struggle, I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. What did I have to show for my life? Nothing but a string of failed dreams and unfulfilled potential. I thought of all the things I wanted to do but couldn't – travel, find love, make friends. I spent the day alone, wandering the empty streets, feeling like a failure. As the sun set, casting long shadows across the town, I returned home, my heart heavy with regret. I wondered if it was too late to change my life, to pursue my dreams, to find happiness. Or was I forever trapped in this prison of self doubt and sorrow? The silence of the night offered no answers, leaving me to face another year of uncertainty and longing.

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There is this young guy living in the same compound with me, this is his first year in the university. He used to be a very devoted Catholic church member and this guy can quote scriptures very well, he has been reading his bible thoroughly to the extent that he can explain almost everything. He told us that he has a position in the church, and has invited me to his church many times, but I have always turned him down because I am also a devoted member in Salvation Ministries.

Everything suddenly changed just few months after this guy had admission into the university to study philosophy, he no longer believed that God existed, he stopped going to church and even said that heaven and hell does not exist. In philosophy, they taught them to believe that there is no God and that we came into existence by evolving from monkeys and apes. He believed all of this without any doubt, and this is somebody that can quote the scriptures extremely well.

People in the compound often argue with him on this matter and we try our best to tell him to ignore what they are being taught in philosophy, reminded him of how active he was in the things of God, and how he used to invite people to church, but his heart was hardened and he will reply by saying that the bible was written by a human being and that there is no evidence to confirm that it is true. What an unfortunate unfolds of events, somebody that was for God, now against God because of what he is taught in philosophy, I can never let my child study philosophy in the university.

I pray that god forgives him and reveals himself to him, because with the way he says that God doesn’t exist, if God wants to pour out his wrath on him, he will regret why he is studying philosophy. Currently, things have not been working out well for him; division in the family, the mother is in the hospital and his business has not been moving so well, we try to let him see how God can help him in all of this, but he will replying by saying that the worse should come on him instead of believing that there is God, heaven and hell. We’ve tried our best, and we have left him to his own fate, who knows if God is angry with him already.

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Buried in thoughts

Buried in thoughts
I really feel overwhelmed by the three major tasks that have been weighing heavily on my mind. First and foremost, I have a critical exam waiting just three weeks away, and I still have a massive textbook to get through. The thought of it is intimidating.

Adding to my stress is the pressure from my client, who's been waiting for me to deliver a job that's long overdue. I can sense their frustration and anxiety, and it's only making me more anxious. I know I need to get it done, but somehow, time keeps slipping away.

But it's not just about work - my family is also on my mind. My sister's phone was stolen over two years ago, and I've been meaning to get her a new one ever since. As a job seeker, not having a phone can be a huge disadvantage. I feel terrible for not being able to get it done sooner.

Despite my best intentions, the week is ending, and I've only managed to scratch the surface of these tasks. It's disheartening to see how little progress I've made. I'm starting to worry that time is running out, and I might not be able to get everything done.

I know I need to stay focused and motivated, but it's hard when it feels like the tasks are piling up. I'm trying to prioritize, but each task seems equally important. I'm hoping for a miracle to happen before the month ends
Wish me the best my people 🙏🏽

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Rickety Journey

Rickety Journey
Stylish in my well-ironed clothes, I boarded the bus, eager to get to my destination quickly. But little did I know, my journey was about to get twisted.

When the bus was full, it was time to leave, but it wouldn't start. I couldn't believe it. We were all stranded! The driver tried everything, but nothing seemed to work.
To my dismay, the driver asked us to help push the bus! I couldn't contain my disappointment. Me, in my nice clothes, pushing an old bus? It was almost too much to bear.

But, I didn't have a choice. I joined the others, and together we started pushing. I was worried about getting dirty and sweaty, but I knew I had to help.

As we pushed, the vehicle suddenly coughed back to life. We all cheered, and immediately, I jumped in.
Even though my fellow girls shyed away from pushing the bus, I didn't though I grudged initially.

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During School Day

During School Day
It all begin when you think life is fair
Once upon a time, there was this my classmate we both school together. As people knows, I was so brilliant in my class that everyone will be asking me for help in their classwork and assignments
One day a classwork was being given in English and it was a tough one, one of my classmates that everyone thought doesn't knows anything came to me and ask for me help to show him answers, me and best friend refuses and both start laughing and said he should do it alone
In the questions there was an options to answers so I insisted the guy should do it by itself while I was cracking my own brain too
This guy decision to choose any answer he wish and we all submitted
When our papers was being mark and returned to us, we decided to check our score and I was shocked to see my score 2/15 with my best friend I showed too
And the guy we refuse to tell the answer scored 15/15 just by choosing random answers
He brought his book to showed us our mark and said "see what I got" and I didn't even know what to say but was disappointed with myself, since then I never look down on anybody

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The Accident

The Accident
At about 5:00pm on Tuesday evening of August 6, 2024.
I witnessed an accident that happened in front of my office at Epe-Lagos.
A young lad and a lady was riding thier ladies bike motorcycle without helmet. Suddenly a school bus that was conveying church members to camp ran into them.
The victims were lying half dead...thier heads and some other part of their body was seriously dislocated...the Nigeria police and some local vigilante group were all present at the scene of the accident.
The yellow school bus drove off immediately and didn't stop due to fear of the security forces present at the scene.
After about an hour of rescuing the victims and taking them to clinic for first aid, the local vigilante group decided to chase the yellow school bus/why the Nigeria police left the scene to continue thier #50 checkpoint collection in another area.
Luckily, the vigilante group arrested the yellow school bus and brought it back to their yard.

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An unforgettable experience in the village (part 1)

An unforgettable experience in the village (part 1)
Let go let go I said to my newly friend that day to where we do play football my family are in the village during one of the festive period like about four or five years ago to spend the holiday so on this certain day my mom and daddy when to visit one of the family member in the other town and they are going to spend two to three days there so since I was not the only at home they left me with grandma unlike in Lagos that once they are not coming back that same day the will take me along
Though I was happy cause I have made friends with some boys there so on that day I follow grandma to her friends place which on getting there met a boy of like maybe one year or two year older than me but cause am from Lagos he quickly made friends with me
When I noticed that my grandma talk with the other woman is taking forever I told her that I want to be going home to wait for grandpa who is yet to be back from the outing he went to which question me about but the other woman tell to let me go that am grandpa carbon copy so it no need to worry that am a good boy
The other was there acting good though me I no say he be bad guy though me self I never showed him my color that time so I left
On my way home though where grandma took me to was far but not that far place like that is just like seven eight house away but with the help of corner corner we got there on time
On my way one I saw three of my newly friend with their friends go to field so they ask me I will like to join them which I did on getting there we play ball it is getting day so we all head to where to drink water and head home but me I followed one of my friends to their place to watch Barcelona match on that day we get to there house around after seven but I wait till nine o'clock to watch Barca match which we start by nine I did this because I know that my mom and daddy is not around I know grandma love so she won't beat and for grandpa am his carbon copy so I believe he will not like to beat or punish me as well
The match finished around to eleven then I stood up from the apoti as they called it but for me it is small stood I stood up to be going home though there is light but most places is dark
Am about to go but the place that lead to our house a way big dark

Did I go home on that day drop like or reveal your intention in the comments section

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A Day in the Life

Today was quite an adventure. I started my morning with a run through the park, where I met an old friend. We reminisced about school days and shared stories about our current lives. Later, I visited a new café that opened downtown. The ambiance was cozy, and the coffee was amazing, In the afternoon, I spent some time reading a novel I've been hooked on. By evening, I attended a local music concert, which was a fantastic way to unwind. All in all, it was a day well spent, full of pleasant surprises and good company.

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The Ghosy Rich Millionaire

The Ghosy Rich Millionaire
I once f0ll0wed my friend to paint a house in Agbor, Delta State. Segun had told me that Mr. Freeborn was a wealthy man with multiple houses. That he managed to secure a painting contract successfully through a strong connection he had in one of the houses.. He mentioned that I could earn 40k if I join him paint five to six rooms, that the more I paint the higher the pay. As a hustler, I agreed to the deal, knowing the financial relief that ₦40,000 would bring. At that time, this page you're currently reading this story from had not even existed.

The day I got to the house was a Saturday afternoon. It was a newly constructed two storey building with different flats, with the lower level already painted on a light blue hue..One could even mistake it to a hotel. Meanwhile, extravagant and costly artworks of strange men and weird animals embellished the surroundings.

Segun asked if I wanted to paint on the lower, middle or upper floor, and I chose the middle floor since I wouldn't want any disturbance from anyone. So we ascended the stairs, accompanied by one of the agents who had the keys. He unlocked the second-to-last room by the right.

When I stepped inside the room, my whole body began to scratch me to the point I quickly pulled my top. Segun noticed my mood since we were behind the agent but chose not to mention. The paints and necessary tools were already Inside.

"You fit paint this one because person don Rent am already. Electricians will come and wire the rooms very soon. The man wey don already pay go enter next week." The agent spoke to me and left with the keys.

As soon as the agent left, Segun whispered to me "bro waeti sup? Abi you no well?"

"I no know yet but I believe something is weird. I can't tell for now." I answered him, gazing at the P.O.P above.

"Nicholas when you don paint this one finish call me make I show you another room. Yesterday we dey here reach 9pm. You know that settlement is based on the number of rooms you paint. Or Na only this one you won paint today?"

"No naa Segun, 9pm nkwa. Ahh Na all-night I dey do? I dey with you boss just that before 6:30pm I don move. No need to rush. Anywhere I stop today, I continue tomorrow or time no dey again?" I explained. That moment the itching had subsided.

"There's time sha, anyway, I'm heading downstairs to meet my boys. If you have friends that can join you tomorrow, bring them. There's serous work here o". He stated. "No problem," I said as he shook my hand and departed. I changed my clothes and began work few minutes past 1pm. No one was on the third floor.

I painted a portion of the living room and quickly went outside to buy a sachet of water to drink. Upon my return, I noticed that certain areas I had painted appeared to have cleaned themselves, as if I had never painted them before, which left me curious. Placing my ears against the spots, I began hearing sounds that I couldn't understand. As I reached for the rolling brush and dipped it into the paint to repaint the spots, the door quickly shut and locked itself.

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l was sleeping next to my wife when I got a notification from Facebook.

I stood up to check; it was a friend request from a lady.

I decided to go through her profile to know who she is. Finally, I found out that it was my old time school mate.

I accepted her friend request and I sent her a massage "Hello" since she was still online. She replied "Hi, I heard you are married with kids" I responded, "Yes". she said, I really lōve you and I'm willing to do whatever it takes just to be part of your life"

Hmmm, I quickly closed the chat to make sure my wife was slēeping.
I left the bed and sat on the chair that is in my bedroom.

I looked at my wife, she was deeply slēeping after the busy and exháūsted day from work and house chores.

As I was still looking at her, something came into my mind. "This woman doesn't deserve to be chēäted on, look at how safe and comfortable she's slēeping in our bedroom.

She really trusted me so much that I can't hûrt her" I started thinking, " she left her family, her caring mother, her Dad who at all times was providing almost everything she needs and her siblings who always brighten her day and joined me in my one bedroom apartment leaving her dad's mansion.

All these thoughts and more was driving me crâzy. Then I asked myself, "how can I do this wiçkëdnēss to this innocent woman?" So I hurriedly picked up my phone and hit the "BLØCK" button.

I turned to my wife and I walked straight to the bed and kiss her and she adjusted herself to accommodate me.

I can't afford to løøse her trust or make her çry. NEVER!

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Hope in Frustration

Last Thursday, I woke up early, ready to tackle the day. Before getting in the shower, I tried to charge my AirPods case, but it wouldn't budge. I tried everything to get it to work, but nothing did. I was running late for class, so I put it aside for the time being.

When I got back home, I tried charging it again, but this time, it suddenly blew up! I saw smoke coming out of it, and I was shocked. I was already having a bad day, but this made it even worse.

Feeling tired and frustrated, I decided to take a break and grab a snack. I ate a biscuit and tried to shake off the bad mood. Despite everything that had gone wrong, I didn't want to let it ruin my day.

On Saturday, I had another unexpected surprise. My power bank blew up too! I was able to get it fixed, but it cost me a pretty penny. As I was heading back home, I couldn't help but think about all the strange things that had happened in just two days.

As I walked, I put my hand in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. It was a note someone had given me the previous Sunday with a Bible verse written on it - Job 6:8 Oh, that I might have my request, and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!. It didn't change my circumstances, but it did bring me some comfort.

The verse reminded me that I'm not alone in my struggles, and that God is with me. It helped me put things into perspective and be grateful for what really matters - my life. I realized that material things can be replaced, but my life is precious. It was a small reminder that helped me appreciate the bigger picture.

Even though it had been a tough couple of days, I was grateful to be alive and well. The note and the Bible verse were a timely reminder to focus on what truly matters, and to trust that everything will work out in the end.

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A narrow escape

A narrow escape
When I woke up this morning, l realized I didn't have much to do, and I'd be bored staying at home all day, so I decided to follow my dad to the farm.

The farm wasn't too far from my house so we walked there. I was wearing sneakers so I took it off because I did not want to look to dirty while going home and since the farm wasn't bushy, I went in barefooted.

I was in the farm for about two hours, helping to plant some things and when I finished, I told my dad I was going home.
I walked over to where I kept my shoes and proceeded to put them on. The right foot already on, I was about putting on the left when I felt a stone in it. I turned the shoe so the stone could fall out, lo and behold, alongside the stone fell a large black scorpion, you all need to hear the way I screamed😂.
My dad ran over and quickly used a stone to smash the scorpion which was already scurrying away.

I have been stung by a scorpion when I was little and the pain is not something I want to experience ever again

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There lived a bright and determined young woman named Grace. Grace had always dreamed of pursuing her passion for science and making a difference in the world through her research. However, her family faced financial challenges that made it difficult for her to afford college.

Despite the obstacles in her path, Grace never gave up on her dreams. She poured her heart and soul into her studies, excelling in her classes and dedicating countless hours to conducting research projects in her spare time. Her hard work and perseverance caught the attention of her teachers and mentors, who saw her potential and encouraged her to apply for scholarships.

One day, Grace received an email that would change her life forever. It was a notification that she had been awarded a prestigious scholarship that would cover the cost of her tuition and living expenses for the duration of her studies. Overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, Grace couldn't believe that her dream was finally within reach.

With the weight of financial burden lifted off her shoulders, Grace threw herself into her studies with renewed determination and passion. She embraced every opportunity that came her way, seizing the chance to learn from renowned professors, collaborate with fellow students on groundbreaking research projects, and attend conferences where she could share her findings with the world.

As she walked across the stage on graduation day, wearing a cap and gown adorned with honors cords, Grace couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought her to this moment. She knew that without the scholarship that had changed her life, none of this would have been possible. With tears of gratitude in her eyes, she vowed to pay it forward by helping other students achieve their dreams, just as she had.

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The handwriting 👌

The school bus always came as early as 7a.m to pick my kids up for school.

So I usually woke up as early as 5a.m to start getting them prepared for school and also get ready for work since I equally left home for work at that time too.

On this particular day, I had woken up very late. I ran a very high temperature in the night.

Since it was glaring that they were going to miss the school bus that morning, I decided to take permission from my work place to be a few minutes late to work.

That was the only way to avoid my salary getting slashed by month end.

I quickly took them to school before heading to work that morning.

I was still at work when a staff at my children's school called telling me to come pick my kids up from school.
From the tone of her voice, I could sense that she was very angry with me for keeping her in school by that time.

It was already 5p.m, I was already an hour late.

"Please madam, don't be annoyed. I'm coming now" I said as I packed the files in front of me

I still had piles of work in front of me but at that moment, I needed to pick my kids up from school first.

That was the hardest part of being a single mum!

After spending almost an extra one hour on the road because of the terrible traffic jam, I finally got to their school but met it locked!

I quickly dialed the number that had called me earlier;

"Hello madam, please I'm in school now. Where are you?" I asked feeling sorry for the poor woman.

"I left school thirty minutes ago. They should be with the school security man. Just knock on the gate." She said.

"Okay, thank you very much and I'm really sorry for keeping you in school till that time" I apologized before I ended the call.

After standing in front of the gate knocking for over 5 minutes, the security man finally opened the gate.
He must have been deeply in sleep seeing how drowsy he looked.

"Good evening...Please I came to pick my kids" I said

"Your pikins still dey school?" he asked looking confused as he walked towards the waiting room.

"No child dey inside there oh" he said walking towards the hate

"Those two children one madam wey dey teach here drop for you" I tried explaining to him.

"Oh!...Oh!...Oh!...i don remember...They don go since na" he said

"I don't understand...go how?" I asked confused

"Look at it here na...your husband name no be Stephen?
He don come carry them...He no tell you?" he said pointing at the student's sign out register.

The handwriting looked exactly like my late husband's writing😱

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I did not know whether I should run away or scream. I felt my legs trembling profusely. This man was huge, he looked like a Dwayne Johnson in a black skin .

I looked at him straight in the eyes and met his gaze. I noticed his eyes were fixed on my chest. I was about to asked him who the heck he was when I heard footsteps again, this time it was the woman who brought me here that was coming down from the stairs with a tray in her hands. It must be food I guess, I really needed to eat because I was d.ead famished.

"Oh!" She uttered as she headed for the dinning table..." Honey I'm so sorry for not informing you about our guest; I picked her up today at the motor park"

The man did not even move a muscle, he just smiled at me and made his way to the dinning table. ..." Join us for lunch" he said in his thick voice as he hanged his coat at the back of the chair he was sitting on.

"Yes come and join us" the woman beckoned too.

I dropped my bag by the corner of the sofa and gently walked towards the dining table. They were both looking at me as I walked to join them. The woman took out a plate and dished out food for me. It was egusi and eba. I really needed something like this and I was hallucinating already.

When she placed the food in front of me, I hurriedly washed my hands and dug into it like a hungry soul who hasn't eaten for five years. My gosh! the food was tasty, who ever made this meal must be very good at it. I have never in my life had something like this to eat. Thick egusi soup with two large pieces of goat meat garnished with small small pieces of fish ; where I come from, soups are often times very watery and you would hardly find meat in our meals,

They let me eat to my full. The woman even added extra when I was done...." Eat my dear" she said smiling......" You are really hungry I guess"

I did not even respond to her, I was busy with the food, my worry was just the man who has not touched his food yet. He was just looking at me with a face void of emotions. "Should I be concerned?" I asked myself in whispers as I swallowed the eba I had in my mouth. That was the last of it and I made sure to lick my plate clean.

"Drink water" the man said. "You might choke" he added.

I looked at him for a while and then shifted my gaze to the woman who nodded in agreement. I reach out my hand and grabbed the bottle of water and drank cautiously.

Something is not right, I could feel it in my spirit. There's something fishy about this people.

"Did you say you are a pastor's wife?" I asked boldly like an investigative journalist.

" Oh yes" she replied wearing a smile on her face. " I'm so sorry I did not introduce myself earlier on, you never did too, but by the way, I'm Mrs jala aguiche and this is my husband Ian aguiche the senior pastor of word of life international"

"I'm sure you must have heard about word of life before " the man said as he began to eat his food.

"Not at all" I responded....."my first time actually "

"Really?" He said as he raised a ball of eba to his mouth.

"Tell us about yourself too" Mrs jala requested. " We have to know you too if you must stay with us"

"Stay with us?" Ian asked, almost choking. He quickly reached out for a bottle of water filled his cup to drink.

I looked at him and he was looking at me too while he drank the water.

When he was done drinking, he cleared his throat and turned to his wife.

"Honey we cannot just bring up a stranger from the street and house them under our roof just like that. The world has become something else lately"

"But she is stranded " she replied him compassionately

They kept at it for a while and I just sat there looking at them both as they argued about whether to let me stay or let me go. Clearly, the man was scared, but how can huge man like this be scared of what a fifteen years old girl could do. Is he that weak?

"It's fine " I screamed at them both....." It's okay, you don't have to argue about whether I'm staying or not, I'm a stranger and I don't belong here so I guess I'd have to go. Thanks for the meal"

I stood up to go but the woman dragged me back and asked me to sit down for a minute. She then beckoned on her husband to follow her. He stood up swiftly and I sensed a form of agitation. They both disappeared into a room just by the corner of the dinning area.

I just sat there with my eyes fixed on the door. It was now that It was beginning to hit me that I made a mistake to just run away to the city without connection. What if they don't allow me to stay with them here tonight, how would I do this night? Where would I sleep? Ian has afore mentioned that it is terrible out there in the streets. How would a fifteen years old girl like me survive out there in the dark?........"i won't survive a night " i whispered as tears began to roll down my face.


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