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Anyone living in Lagos knows that the best Google map is to ask someone and keep asking till you get to your destination.

On this fateful day I set out to an event after my friend had described how I would get there to me over the phone, although she gave me a very good description, she did mention that I should ask keke (tricycle) riders where the exact location of the event center was so they can take me there.

As soon as I got to the keke park, I approached one of the drivers and he confirmed that he knows the place but could only drop me close to the place, I told him it was fine. When we got to the bus stop, the driver kept to his word and I alighted from the keke, while he described the place I was going to me, and then he zoomed off, only for me to remember that I had not paid him his fare even though I was holding the money.

I tried hailing him as he zoomed off but it was too late. I felt really bad but there was really nothing I could do, I promised myself I was going to look for him at the park when I was done with my event. As soon as I got to the park I looked for him to no avail and just accepted my fate that he forgot the money and I also forgot, it was really an honest mistake.

@mantha would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 11th Feb. 2025.
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Unforeseen Moves

Unforeseen Moves
A close neighbor of mine, we normally call him Prince, who drives okada using somebody's bike, and then pays the person on a weekly basis, trended in my street because of what he did. Just like every other day, he went out with this bike to make money, when he met a young man and got into a discussion. The guy told Prince that he wants to learn how to ride a bike, and he'll pay anybody that will teach him.

The guy offered him 2k only to learn the bike, and Prince agreed. They went to the training session right away, in a road that is less busy and free. The guy will ride, and Prince will be at the back guiding him. After some time, the guy told Prince that he wants to try on his own, without anybody seated at the back, which he agreed. Prince kept watching as the guy rode past their usual training distance, till he was out of sight with the bike.

At first, he couldn't believe his eyes, the guy was gone with the bike, a thief with a well designed strategy. Prince decided to lie to the owner of the bike, that the bike was stolen in the night while he was sleeping. He even accused one of our neighbors of stealing the bike, and police was involved in the case. Meanwhile he confided in few people, the truth about what really happened, and you know that talks like that can't lay low for long.

Everybody got to know what really happened, and the police arrested him for faking and lying about the whole thing. Prince has a girlfriend that is pregnant, and expecting a baby soon, that kind of human being will look for money through any possible means. Teaching someone how to drive for just 2k shows desperation, and lying shows he's not willing and not capable of handling the consequences. And the thief's strategy, I don't think anyone would have seen it coming. The thief and the bike has not been found till date.

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The Regular Classwork

The Regular Classwork
There is the particular lecturer that loves giving class work, which is to be done in a 20 leaves exercise book and submitted right there in the class. The book is to be used for all the class works he will give, and will serve as the continuous assessment at the end of the semester. And for this reason, no one dared to miss his class, I have never missed the class, of course you don't want a mark to pass you by, and so seriousness is vital.

The class work the lecturer gave, I couldn't finish the work on time, because of the limited time that was given, I had to submit like that and the result was very poor. It was our first time, and we learnt we had to be fast while getting the classwork done. I had to read and study ahead of what will be taught in the next class, so that I won't waste much time when the class work is given. That's to show that I was willing to make a big difference this time.

The next class came, and as usual, the lecturer gave us class work, and since I went there prepared, I didn't waste must time doing it. I finished early, and compared my work with my coursemate that sat close to me, I was sure that I was correct, to the extent I was even making corrections for my coursemate. As usual, the lecturer told the course rep to go round and collect all the exercise book. I closed my book and was ready to submit it.

The course rep got to where I was seated, and collected from the people that sat close to me, he suddenly got distracted when he was about to get my book, he turned to look at something, and by the time he turned back to me, he refused to collect my book, saying he has passed my seat already. I was shocked, I have never had any problem with the guy before, so I wondered why he did what he did. I called out to him again, and he refused to answer me.

I walked up to the front where he was handing over the books to the lecturer, but the lecturer returned me to my seat, refusing to collect my classwork. I was very angry why the course rep did such a thing to me. Immediately after the class, I confronted the course rep and asked why he did what he did, he said I should not be angry, that he didn't see me. I didn't believe him, someone that replied me is now denying not to have seen me.

I was still pained by what he did, and so I avoided him. Classwork was given again in the next class, I did it and made sure I submitted it this time. Surprisingly, after it was marked, and the course rep brought the book back to us, the lecturer had marked the previous classwork that I didn't submit, and graded me the full mark, together with the current work, something I didn't expect. I was very happy. Since everything was now fixed, I decided to let my beef with the course rep go, hopefully he won't repeat such again.

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The Early Hour Disturbance

Everybody in my compound were still asleep at 5:30 am, when I heard a man shouting from our gate, the man was passing a message to our compound. The voice was so loud that it will wake anybody from sleep, and you can't ignore it. The more annoying thing is that the man used something to hit our gate, so as to wake everybody before his loud voice continues. You can't help but listen to him, even though it's annoying.

The man was complaining and shouting, about how people dump refuse close to where he lives, and gave strict warnings that no one should dumb anything there again. He even threatened to physically deal with anyone who dares dump refuse there. I laid on my bed and thought about who the man was, and where this refuse spot is. I was still feeling sleepy, so I only wished that the man finished his talk, and went away so I could have my peace.

In the morning, I asked my neighbors who the man was, only one of them knew; the man's compound was four far compounds away from ours, so this man literally went through to all the houses round his house to give this announcement. There's no way that anybody from our compound will trek that distance to dispose refuse. I wondered where the man got the courage to go round houses at that early hour.

From the man's action, I don't think he is mentally stable, a caution tape is normally used to tape round such place, to show that no one should dump anything there again. Secondly, authority can be involved and the warning will be boldly written, including the fine for anybody who breaks the rule. So in this man's mind, going round houses is intelligent or wise? Someone from a far place can possibly pass by the place and dump something there, will be now execute his threats on such person? There are much easier and effective way of going about things.

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Celebration outside

On my birthday, all I really wanted was to stay home, cook some nice meals, and enjoy myself in peace. But school had other plans for me. They scheduled three classes on the same day, leaving me no choice but to spend my special day on campus. It wasn’t the kind of birthday I had hoped for, but I had to make the best of it.

The day was tiring and stressful as I moved from one class to the next, barely having time to even think about my birthday. I couldn’t celebrate the way I wanted, but what made it better was the thoughtfulness of people around me. Friends and loved ones called and sent messages, reminding me that I was still being celebrated, even in the middle of my busy day.

Though it wasn’t the celebration I had imagined, I felt grateful for the people who took the time to wish me well. Their kind words and messages helped me get through the day, and despite the stress, I still found a reason to smile.

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Internal struggles

Internal struggles
I had practiced my seminar over and over again, going through every point in my head. Yet, as the moment drew closer, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of being unprepared. My heart was racing, and I started doubting myself. To calm down, I tried one of my favorite tricks – turning that fear into a source of confidence. I told myself, "If I can feel this nervous, it means I care enough to do my best."

As I sat outside the seminar room, waiting for my turn, a lecturer opened the door slightly. From where I was, I could see Patrick standing confidently, arms crossed, answering questions from the panel. I watched closely, and instead of feeling more nervous, I felt relief. He was almost done, which meant my wait was nearly over too. The thought of finally getting it over with eased my tension.

When Patrick stepped out, he gave me a reassuring dap and said, "You’ve got this!" That simple gesture boosted my confidence even more. I stood up, took a deep breath, and walked into the room. My nerves were still there, but they didn’t overwhelm me. I focused on everything I had practiced and spoke clearly, answering their questions as best as I could.

To my surprise, the seminar turned out to be a huge success. The panelists were engaged, nodding in agreement, and their questions felt manageable. By the time I walked out of that room, I couldn’t believe how well it went. What I thought would be terrifying ended up being one of my proudest moments. Fear had tried to hold me back, but in the end, it fueled my success.

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Baking day in my house

It started on a Saturday afternoon It was a baking day so my dad who never stays at home with us decided he would join but he started bragging that his mom was a Baker which meant he had more skills in baking than my mom so he decided show off his great skills but my little sister shouted no she said he would ruin baking day , because earlier that week we decided to repair our door so my dad bragged he was experienced in repairs but he instead destroyed the door but my mom put it aside because she wanted to watch the disaster in baking .
He started with the dough and here is the funny part anytime my dad asked for an ingredient My mom and I would shout Baker's Child , he kneaded it but he didn't put the sufficient amount of ingredients so it ended up raise like a dough for puff puff so he realised his failure and left the house in anger so my mom did her best to salvage it and it ended up looking like puff puff so when he came back everyone shouted Baker's child .

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The one thing you must do to get a tech job in 2025

Dear friend,

If you have a tech skill but have been struggling to get gigs or jobs in the last few months and you want to actually get a job or a gig the right way, this letter will show you how.

To get a job, you were told to do the following;

You were told to optimize your resume which you did but gets you nowhere.

You were told to build a nice-looking portfolio website which you did but still don't get a job.

You were told to orchestrate referrals which sucks. Who would even refer you when you have no experience? You see, people want to protect their reputation.

You have been told that you need to attend industry events and that's where your salvation lies. And how has that been for you?

You were told to post your work online endlessly and hope people reach out to you.

The truth is this, all these aren't your fault, you have been simply misled.

Traditional job hunting advice no longer works.

You need a proven strategy to job-hunting that cuts through the noise and actually delivers results - get you your dream job.

That's is why I wrote a comprehensive guide you can start using immediately to get your dream job in 2025 without following all the outdated traditional job-hunting advice out there.

To get the free guide, visit the link below and download your free copy.

Link to the free guide- https://skilltowealth.xyz/free-guild/

This guide consists of the strategies I have been using to stay afloat despite the recession in the market.

It's also the same strategy that has helped me get interviews & feedback at top tech companies such as Interswitch, Flutterwave, Selar, Miden, Prembly among others.

Here's the link to the free guide once again - https://skilltowealth.xyz/free-guild/


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Back Then And Now

Back Then And Now
So many things have changed when it comes to Christmas, I remember how it used to be years back when I was a kid, it is not to be compared to the way it is now. The momentum has gone down, not the way it used to be. I have walked around, checked everywhere, I'm yet to see any incident that is similar to the ones that occurred every Christmas as a kid. I don't know if it's the hardship in the economy, a lot has changed and it's not that much fun anymore.

I remember how my mother will use broom stick or sewing thread to measure my legs for my Christmas shoe. Christmas cloth will be bought some days to Christmas, I can remember sleeping with my Christmas cloth, shoe, fancy eye glasses and hat on my bed, every night before Christmas. Making sure to check up on the items on a daily basis, giving it maximum care and respect and all efforts made to prevent it from staining with dirt.

My parents kept a criteria to be qualified for all this items, it could be that you must obedient, and not stubborn. It could be that you must pass your exams well, and I'm telling you that every kid back then will put on his/her best behavior in order for their parents to buy them Christmas clothes and shoes. That is why we had more good kids back then, children didn't give their parents problems. And if you fail to meet up with the criteria, you fit the prize.

I remember one certain Christmas where I fumbled, and couldn't meet up with the criteria, I was denied the prize, I cried my eyes out, but I made sure it never happened again afterwards, I did better. All this starting losing momentum when kids don't have to compete or put on their best to get the Christmas prize. Something I used to spend sleepless nights, imagining how I will flex with my outfit on Christmas, we looked up to the day as the most special of all days.

Not to talk about harmattan and fireworks. Back then harmattan will literally turned people into white, but now there is no more harmattan, not in my state, everywhere looks like other regular months. Fireworks would have been rocking everywhere, but now it's too expensive to spend cash on, when you haven't finished buying garri and rice and Christmas chicken. So expensive that you will be pained to buy it, and that's why I haven't heard any this season. I don't know if it is like this in other states, but this is the situation currently in my state.

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Living at home

Living at home
After a long trip, I finally made it back home. The first day back was rough; my whole body ached from sitting for so long during the journey. I decided to take it easy and spend the next two days resting, hoping to shake off the exhaustion. But even after five days, I still felt drained. It was hard to find the energy to go out or meet people. I wasn’t my usual self, and it showed.

Today, I decided to push myself a bit and went to church. Meeting people there was uplifting, but I still wasn’t in the mood to hang around after the service. As soon as it ended, I left right away. The struggle continued when I tried to get transportation afterward. Every regular stop was crowded, and I just couldn’t wait. I told my siblings it was time to go, and thankfully, we all managed to head back home.

This week has been nothing short of eventful. Yesterday, a filling station near my area caught fire and exploded. It was a scary sight, and the news spread like wildfire. Despite the chaos, I also found time to explore a part of town I had never seen before. It felt refreshing to discover something new so close to home.

In the spirit of Christmas, I visited the Christmas Village for the first time. It was a nice way to get into the Christmas spirit.
Looking ahead, I’m hoping this week will be better. I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, but I’m optimistic that things will fall into place. There’s still so much to do and plenty to prepare for as the holidays approach.

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The Misplaced Wallet

I was walking slowly, trying my best to avoid getting dust on my shoes. I was very conscious of each step I took, carefully watching where I placed my feet. That’s when I noticed something unusual tucked between the dirt on the ground—a wallet.

At first, I thought about just passing by, but when I took a closer look, I saw that the wallet contained some valuables. My eyes widened as I spotted a few 3000 Naira notes peeking out from it. Just then, I remembered the stories I had heard about Christmas time—rumors that warned about people disappearing after picking up things they found on the ground during this holiday season.

I hesitated, debating whether to pick it up or not. But then a different thought crossed my mind. What if the person who lost this wallet was in urgent need of it? If it ended up in the wrong hands, they could lose everything valuable they had.

Quickly said some words of prayer and picked it up. Nothing happened. I was waiting to disappear or evaporate or rather turn into a yam, but I didn't. So I picked up the wallet and dropped it off at the security post that was nearby. But before I dropped it off, I checked inside the wallet and realized that there was about more than 12000 Naira inside. I also found some ID. I wanted to call the police, but I was running late for school, so I just had to drop it off with the security.

On my way back, I met with the security man, and he told me he hadn't done anything about the wallet and no one had questioned him. I collected the wallet and contacted the details on the ID.

The voice that echoed at the other end of the line echoed slowly. Whoever picked the call was either too tired or sick.
After I identified his name, I broke the news of having found his property and you won't believe what came back to life...
... Suddenly, I heard him shout over the phone, his voice had life in it now and I could imagine him jumping in joy.

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Hold Up Experience

Hold Up Experience
I travelled somewhere by mini bus and got into a serious hold up that kept me there for over thirty minutes. The road was under construction, so the hold up was really much, one of the most intensed I've ever seen. I had no other option than to spend the moment looking around, observing how people were moving up and down, with all amount of seriousness. I'm happy I wasn't in a hurry or rushing to anywhere.

We slowly moved and stopped in front of a market, and I saw how ticket collectors were harassing a woman because she hasn't paid for her ticket. They seized the woman's property, the woman was literally lamenting and begging them that she just came to the market and hasn't sold anything yet, and she only has 50 naira in her bag. The ticket fee was only 100 naira, but truly the woman didn't have it, she showed them her handbag.

The woman was almost crying, but the ticket collectors had made up their minds already. I sat close to the window, so I gestured to the woman to come close, I gave the woman some money to pay them and get her things back. The woman happily got her things back, the smile on her face was everything for me, somebody's mother made to beg people that could probably be younger than her children, not fair. I discovered she was hawking sliced pineapples, not worth so much money, why didn't the ticket collectors let her go? so I thought to myself.

As the cars began to move, we soon stopped at another spot where I saw army officers trying to ease the hold up, I admired how one of them dressed, so I smiled and waved at him. Initially I wanted to be a soldier when I was a kid, but it didn't just work out because of the nature of the country. Just when the soldier was about to talk to me, the mini bus moved to take the space in front so that another car won't step in, hold up wahala. The army officer got angry at the driver, and warned him not to try it ever again. He asked me how I'm doing and where I'm headed which I replied, he then told me "till another time, okay?". I was happy talking to the officer, and today I even thought of going back there to check if I'll find him. Such a hold up unfoldings.

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Under the Gun

Today, I came home from church feeling really tired and decided to take a two-hour nap. However, when I woke up, I saw I had missed a group call, and my supervisor had sent out topics for us to work on, all due by Friday. The deadline was so tight, but I had no choice but to start working immediately.

For the past eight hours, I’ve been on my laptop trying to get things in order. Luckily, my friend showed up to help. She was so supportive, constantly encouraging me to keep going and even brought food (Sunday rice) to make things easier for me. It’s moments like these that remind me of the value of good friends.

People have been hyping up the project a lot, claiming it's too tough for someone doing it for the first time. But honestly, I’m determined to start and finish it on my own. Sure, the topic is challenging, but that’s not going to change my mindset. I’m sure it’ll get easier as I break it down and keep pushing through.

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Ẹ̀gbọ́n adugbo

I was sitting outside of my hostel when I heard some noise across the street.
I went to where the noise was coming from and I saw these small boy arguing with some older youth.
The small boy was arguing with them angrily, and they also were also shouting back at him. Immediately I saw those older youths faces I knew who they were.
As a fresher in a Nigerian University you face a lot of challenges when you first resume.
When I first resumed as a fresher some years ago I faced those struggle but now I know how to maneuver my way.
One of those challenges I faced is these so called Ẹ̀gbọ́n àdúgbò who calls fresh new students and Bill them for money.

I am now in 300 lvl so no Ẹ̀gbọ́n can ride me anyhow.
But as I sit and watch these newly resumed fresher arguing with these guys I got a little interested in The argument.
It goes thus, these Ẹ̀gbọ́n àdúgbò asked the boy to buy something worth of 2000 for them, but the boy kept on insisting that he couldn't drop money as he had nothing on him.
I looked at the young boy and felt kind of proud of him at the same time I felt pity for him.
These Ẹ̀gbọ́ns he was arguing with are hard drug addict who can cause harm to him without feeling remorse, although the boy stood up for himself but he was putting himself to danger.
I wasn't able to watch the whole argument finish because I got a call from someone.
When I later asked some bystanders what happened they said the boy did not pay those Ẹ̀gbọ́ns what they asked for and he walked Scot free.

I was like damn that boy got a nerve but I just hope he wouldn't regret not giving them what they asked for.

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A place to relax

Visiting the seminary where I once studied felt like going back in time, but it was a good feeling. I had come to see a former classmate, who’s now a lecturer there, and hoped to catch up on old times. When I arrived, though, I found out he was caught up in a special meeting, so I’d have to wait a while. With time to spare, I decided to take a walk around the place and see what had changed since I left.

Strolling around, I noticed a few familiar spots, but also a lot of new developments. One building, in particular, caught my eye, a brand-new structure they called the “Students’ Lounge.” It looked modern and welcoming, a place clearly made for people to relax. It’s designed as a cozy spot where students can rest, especially those who might need a break before going for their next class or task.

Near the lounge, I spotted a big water tank, conveniently placed for anyone needing to fill up a bottle. It seemed they thought of everything to make the space comfortable and refreshing. I found a seat there and let myself sink into the peaceful environment. The breeze was gentle, and the whole area was kept so clean.
Just as I was getting lost in old memories, my phone rang, it was my friend, finally done with his meeting. I got up, relaxed and grateful for the chance to revisit such a familiar place.

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The Dog 🐶🐶 bite

The Dog 🐶🐶 bite
Emma's family had a dog named Bobby, a very jovial and happy pet which liked to snuggle up to people.
Remembering the day he was brought into our home: we were so happy that I and my brother couldn't wait to show him off to our friends. It felt heavenly to have Bobby around.

We do feed him all sought of food, there was no exact meal time, we usually threw a piece of whatever we were eating. On one occassion, i had mistakenly wanted to throw a bone to him but ended up throwing the big chunk of meat that I had together with the bone and funny enough, I had wanted to save the chunk but the dog won, aiming for the fleshy meat first before the bone. This was the beginning of our battles.

One day, I was playing with the dog I didn't know the kind of evil spirit that entered me, I felt so comfortable with Bobby that I grabbed the dog's penis very tightly and playfully, but then..

I was on the floor the next minute wailing out my throat, I had received a bite on my arm.
I was shouting on top of my voice (like a baby denied of breast). Yet the dog's firm grip was still deep in my arm and as soon as it released, I dashed out running for my life!

Dad came back and gave me the whooping of my life and later took me to a pharmacy to get an anti-tetanus injection. It was indeed an unforgettable experience 😂 😂😂😂

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music hunting

music hunting
I used to love music to the extent that everyday, I always made sure that I had the latest released music on my phone.
But as I grew older, I stopped listening to music as much I used to, and I missed it.
Today I felt like bringing back that my lost old self so I grabbed my phone and opened my Opera Mini browser to searched for my favorite singers, like Davido and Rema. I found their new songs.
I was not so impressed with their new released but my better happiness came from the point that I am among the first set of people to have the song on my phone.
After enjoying their afro-pop songs, I wanted something different. I searched for artists like Mercy Chinwo, Don Moen, and Frank Edward, hoping to find uplifting songs about faith and happiness. Unfortunately, I only found a few new tracks. I felt disappointed but listened to what I had by the way.
I think I prefer Chinwo's to all the songs that I downloaded today.

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Treating myself good

Treating myself good
Yesterday, I decided to treat myself to a nice Sunday meal, something I rarely do. I headed to the market to gather all the ingredients I needed. However, my experience was not so good when I encountered a market seller who really tested my patience. I wanted to transfer 200 naira for my purchase and collect cash to buy some fufu, but she insisted that I send 250 naira. Apparently, the extra 50 naira was for her charge fee. I couldn’t believe it, especially since I had already spent over 4,000 naira there.

Despite my annoyance, I decided to overlook the situation and paid the 50 naira charge. It was frustrating, but I didn’t want to ruin my mood over it. After all, I was looking forward to enjoying my meal. Once I got home, I started preparing the ingredients. I sliced the okra, cooked the fish and beef, and in just a few minutes, my soup was ready.

Finally, I sat down to enjoy my meal, and let me tell you, it was worth all the effort. Each swallow was sweet, and the combination of the okra, fish, and beef was just perfect.
What made it even better was knowing that this meal would last for a few days. I could enjoy the leftovers and remind myself of the satisfying experience of making something delicious from scratch.

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A day to remember

Back in my university days, there was one chaotic day I’ll never forget. A seminar class was announced early in the morning around 6am, but I was still fast asleep. When I woke up around 9:30, I realized the class was scheduled for 8:30. Instead of checking with anyone if the lecturer was there, I just started preparing desperately.

As I hurried out, my shirt got caught on the door and tore badly. I was frustrated, but I quickly threw on another shirt and rushed out. On my way, while trying to run, I hit my foot on a tree root. My big toe started bleeding, but I couldn’t stop, I just had to make it to class.

I finally arrived, only to find that the lecturer hadn’t even shown up. I waited an hour in pain and frustration. Then, our class rep called, saying the class was canceled.

Everyone was overjoyed by the news, but I was sitting there, feeling completely drained and annoyed by all the unnecessary stress.

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Money must be made

I finally decided to join Telegram again after taking a break. The pressure from my friends who were making money from it was just too much, so I gave in. Everyone seemed to be cashing out from different airdrops and I didn’t want to miss out any longer.

Once I joined, one of my friends immediately sent me a bunch of links to upcoming airdrops. The list was long, and I felt overwhelmed. I had no idea how I was going to keep up with everything. I asked her how she managed to do this every single day without getting tired. She told me to let the money other people were making be my motivation.

After hearing that, I didn’t waste any more time. It became clear to me that I had been missing out for too long.

No more excuses. I will dedicate time every day to tapping on those links, participating in the airdrops, and doing whatever was necessary.
At this point, I’m fully committed. I’ll keep tapping, joining, and participating until I see that money in my account too 😹

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In a small town situated among the hills, there was a school different from any other. This school opened its arm to students of all ages, from curious children to intelligent adults.

Every day, students gather in a sunny classroom where learning is more important than the lesson, learning is an adventure.The teacher, a woman with a mature and bright eyes, has a unique way of teaching. More than just talking, she encourages her students to explore, create, and discover tbings for themselves.

Some students pour themselves in the books and their thoughts grow with each page. Others loved to experiment, mix colorful liquids that bubbled and boiled. Among the students were also those that prefer to write and express their thoughts through vivid colors and shapes.

One lovely day a new student, a little girl named Lily, entered the classroom. She was shy and afraid that she will not be able to catch up with the rest. But as the days passed, she was lost to the joy of learning. She writes, reads, and tries her hands at tests.

One evening, when the sun was setting, the teacher gathered the students together and she pointed to the blackboard, where the words "Learning never Ends" were written in beautiful cursive. And she said with a warm smile "No matter how old we are, no matter how much we think we know, there is always something new to learn,".

Our journey never ends because we never stop learning.

Lily knew from that day that it was not how much she had, but how much she wanted to learn that really matters and there are plenty more things to learn and keep learning.

The classroom became more full of curiosity and creativity, as each student, young and old, embraces the endless journey of learning.


Show some love. Gift @elijahomp something as TIPs

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