Opinions Stories Questions

Yesterday I promised to post this and here it is.

Who are those people you should never take advice from?

Firstly, people are not at the same level with you intellectually or people that are lower intellectually. They will not understand some decision you make. They will tag you as stubborn, wasteful,and the list is endless.

To buttress this, I once turned a proposal down because the guy was not planning on improving himself intellectually and I was tagged a "know know"

Secondly, never take advice from someone who has never been where you are currently or simply put,who has never experienced the situation you want to get out of. You wear the shoe and you know exactly where it pinch.

Thirdly, never take advice from someone who is below you financially. Some financial decision you make will always look stupid and wasteful to them.

They will never understand why you choose island instead of the mainland.

Plus some comfort zone encourage your success.

Mind the motivation you follow. I learnt this the hard way.

See you on top!

Shalom! Shalom


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Dear you,

It is a popular saying that "a problem shared is a problem half solved"

The efficiency of that saying depends on who you are sharing the problem with.

There are some people you should never share your problem with, talk less of listening to. They are.........................................

I will share that later.



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