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I made a decision as an undergraduate to be responsible for my life after a family member I reached out to for financial assistance turned me down. This event reoriented my entitlement mentality and I remain grateful to this family member.

I determined from my experience that LIFE IS PERSONAL and that I must do all that is legitimately ok to be responsible for my life: from selling bags and shoes as an undergraduate to attending conferences to sell popcorn, hawking fruit salad before my NYSC moving around Abuja placing posters and banners advertising the professional programmes of an institute with a deal to earn a percentage off any registered participants.

Stop the blame game and entitlement mentality.

Blaming others for your mistakes missteps, failures and disadvantages will stagnate you.

You must learn to pick the lessons in every experience, refine your approaches, be determined to succeed, make strategic decisions, and take action.

Be responsible for your life and outcomes.

The world is filled with people who desire, dream, and talk yet take no action.

Your BECOMING is connected to your ACTIONS.

You must learn to start small and grow bigger.

Nobody wakes up at the top, even God works with PROCESS.

There's no end without a beginning, do not sit around and wait till all things are ready.

You must start from somewhere with the mindset to scale higher.

Start in your one room, start with just a table, and start with selling or marketing for other people.

One of the differences between successful people and the unsuccessful is the action that the unsuccessful didn't take.

Sometimes, the ideas we didn't execute and implemented by someone else who didn't have
Sas much insight as we do, yet in starting they have learned how to do things better.


The value you bring or give determines your relevance.

You must seek to be an ADDER or a MULTIPLIER and not a SUBTRACTOR.

When you add to a number it increases, when you multiply it increases but when you subtract you reduce.

People, organizations(big or small), and individuals are attracted to VALUE.

What's your value proposition?
Why should anyone give you their money(because you are beautiful or handsome?)
What skill(s) do you have?
What problem(s) do you solve?
What services do you offer?
What benefits or advantages does having you bring?

Nobody ignores a person of VALUE.

Ignorance is a debt that must be paid.

Interestingly, demons and village people is responsible for 30% of the reasons people fail while IGNORANCE accounts for 70% of why people pay when only these two factors are considered.

Did you know that ignorance about the power of relationships can make you lose a life redefining opportunity?

Do not invest in clothes and shoes to look luxuriant on the inside empty on the inside.

Compliment your gorgeousness with a knowledge-rich mind.

You must be deliberate about improving yourself, learning new things, improving your skills, and sharpening yourself at all times.

We are in a knowledge-driven economy, where people are rewarded for what they know and punished for what they don't know.

Buy books- I left the university with a bag full of books authored by men and women who model my destination.

Upskill yourself professionally - take courses, attend conferences and seminars that will aid your professional growth

Consume healthy content on YouTube and social media.

Be growth conscious, and build your capacity...for only through knowledge will your life be filled with pleasant riches.


We live in a generation that ignores process, hates the concept of TIME as it relates to building a legacy that last.

It's a get-rich-quick generation, a generation that sees diligence as foolishness and the determination to succeed by sticking to the process as a tales by moonlight.

God doesn't sponsor mediocrity, he tales you through a process of training, refining and capacity building.

When you seek to get to the destination faster by cutting corners, giving in to every and anything, you may get to top eventually, however you will crash.

Determination builds the resilience to keep pushing regardless

Focus sieve away the distractions and set your mind on the goal

PROCESS: Builds mastery and capacity

DILIGENCE: Sets you before Kings.

6. PRAY: We are first spiritual beings before physical.

I derive strength from a place a prayer, the courage to launch out sometimes come from a place of meditation on God's word and prayer.

There are things you can do for yourself and these are what I have listed above. God doesn't do for you the things you ought to do for yourself

However, there are things God can do for you. For instance God could guide you to make the right choices and decisions.

Even Jesus prayed for strength, He prayed for wisdom and favour with men and God.

You can leverage on your spirituality to build a successful life having also done all that is required to STAND.

I am Nwude Ifeoma Grace

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