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Abike Titilayo @joygiver24

Abike Titilayo @joygiver24

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About joygiver24
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Name: Abike Titilayo
Gender: female
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From: Nigeria
Joined: 29th Dec 2023, 1:40pm
User ID: 34469

Body shamming

Body shamming is the act of being ashamed of ones body either in stature,height, complexion and other parts of the body. It also means not being satisfied with your natural self.
Gen 1 vs 26
And God said let us make ma in our own image, after our likeness moving down to 27 it says so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created he created him male and female created he them πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Growing up I did not like taking pictures because I thought I was not beautiful I was fat and short I had other complains but this two were my major headache I started giving excuses of not being photogenic, I remember my cousin tell me Titi it is because you don't have what it takes to appear well in a picture you are saying you are not photogenic I just laughed because there was more to it, studying the word of God made me realize that I am wonderfully 🌹and fearfully made, I'm the apple of God's eye, Abba's pride, I'm TITILAYO The kING'S SEED

Body shamming is a form of bondage made by the devil in order for people look down on themselves and not fulfill God's plan for their lives what you have to do is to find your self in Christ just like I did through the word of God.

Another thing I did was to declear to my self beautiful words looking at a mirror.

Learn β€πŸ’˜ love yourself because you are not more than one in this whole wide world how you value yourself is how people around will value you.


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We don't live our lives for ourselves but for generations, families, friends, country and the world at large I won't like to disappoint those who look up to me because I know I'm a role model to many.
How will my 5th generation feel when they go though my social media handle, will they be proud to say I'm from her lineage or will they deny me πŸ™Lord of host to live for you.


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Honestly if someone will tell me I will regret not learning tailoring 2019 I would have slaped that person I have so many cloth on ground to sew but I don't have money, my dad paid 30k for me to learn, I stared 1yr I learnt nothing now I don't have courage to ask for tailor workmanship truly WHAT AN ELDER SIT AND SEE EVEN IF YOU CLIMB AN IROKO TREE AS A CHILD YOU WONT SEE,who would have thought that tailors will have mind to be cutting people head with price, now I have 2 regreat I would have been making money by now secondly I can't sew cloth because of money. The funny part is that my dad must not know that now I regret it if not I must produce his 30k.

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My Giving experience in 2023

As the year runs to an end I sat down to think about my financial life honestly from the month of October till date money has been flowing in, I sat down to think because honestly I'm a student with no source of income except through my parents I even had money to the extend of joining a contribution of #200 daily I was able to save a tangible amount because I made my Christmas hair from my pocket but truly I have been faithful in the giving of my tithe.The windows of heaven really opened for me and I have added it to my goals for 2024 to be faithful in my tithe.

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