Open Heaven For Today 2025: Daily Devotional


Open Heavens 13 March 2025

3 Keypoints From: Embrace His Word Completely

  • Every Scripture is written by the Holy Spirit and every bit of it must be embraced.
  • The Bible does not say anywhere that "God will understand" when you sin, but rather that He hates it. -Psalm 5:4, 2 Timothy 2:19
  • If you are lukewarm, God pushes you out of Himself forcefully and if you are away from God, then you are with the devil. -Revelation 3:16

  • “If you jettison holiness during tough times (holy only when it is convenient for you), then you are not a child of God.”

    MEMORISE: But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. -Matthew 15:9

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    4 Keypoints From: Believe His Word

  • The holy nature of God makes it impossible for Him to lie, his words are forever settled, hence you can rely on them. -Psalm 119:89
  • The bible was written by the hands of men, inspired by the Holy Spirit of Truth (Jesus. -John 14:6, 1 John 4:6)
  • Unless you believe the entire Scripture, you are not even saved. -John 1:11-12
  • There are lots of blessings, readily available to believers for taking. e.g:
  • -By his stripes we were healed. -1 Peter 2:24
    -You shall know the truth, the truth shall make you free. -John 8:33
    -Whoever the Son sets free shall be free indeed. -John 8:36

    “Do you really believe in God's word? If you do, then you will live strictly according to it.”

    Memorise: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? -Numbers 23:19


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    3 Keypoints From: Don′t Worry 2

  • A higher level of worrying than for your basic needs is fearing the unknown (what if i lost all i have , what if.....). Forgetting that God is all-sufficient (Genesis 17:1), He has more than enough to supply. -Philippians 4:19
  • If your riches are from God, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about; otherwise, be afraid of the accompanying sorrows. -Proverbs 10:22
  • Worrying about what will happen when you get old is pointless; only look forward to goodness and mercy all the days of your life -Psalm 23:5-6

  • Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

    “As long as you are on the side of the Lord, you don't need to worry.”

    Memorise: Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. -1 Peter 5:7

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    3 Keypoints From: Don′t Worry 1

  • Worrying is too mainstream 😏 (the Bible says it's what the heathens do). If you really believe God loves you, then you should have faith and not worry about anything. -Matthew 6:31
  • Meanwhile, God doesn't support laziness. Anyone who calls himself or herself a christian and is lazy is not a child of God, and so the Lord isn't under any obligation to provide for him/her. -2 Thessalonians 3:10
  • God has promised to bless the work of your hands (Deuteronomy 28:12), but you must first show Him the work.

  • “Don't worry, Believe in God and He will provide all your needs, as long as you are not lazy.”

    Memorise: Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. -John 14:1

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    2 Keypoints From: What Are You Known For?

  • People are waiting you and tagging you with and identity, dependent on their observation about what you do regularly.
  • Don't be offended when people only focus on your negative attribute in determining your identity (without considering your positives); rather, use the feedback to improve yourself.

  • “Since people will most likely notice the negative traits of a person before the positives, if you want tobe know for the positives, you have to do it so much that it will be impossible for them not to notice it.”

    Memorise: When Jesust came into the coasts of Casarea Phillippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? -Matthew 16:13

    Action Point: Find out what people know you for and if it is not something you are proud of, change your ways.


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    5 Lessons From: Take Notes

    When You take notes
  • The Holy Spirit may take you back to the note and open it up to you on a deeper level.
  • As a minister/leader, you set a good example for others.
  • They could be prophecies or instructions to you from the Holy Spirit.
  • It helps you to practice what is being preached.
  • They could become treasures for others coming after you.

  • “The faintest pen is smarter than the sharpest brain. (You miss a lot when you don't take notes.)

    Make it a habit to always take notes.

    Memorise: Now go, write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: -Isaiah 30:8


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    2 Keypoints From: Divine Group Insurance

  • The same angelic protection covering the leader of the church can cover the genuine followers as well. (Just like Paul in -Acts 27:21-25)
  • If the devil tries to touch any of your loved ones, callon God to cover them with the same insurance policy with which He covers you and He will answer you.

  • Memorise: And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. -Acts 16:31

    Prayer: Father, the same way You protect me, please extend that protection to all my friends and family members, in Jesus' name.”


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    3 Keypoints From: Build Intimacy With God

  • If you focus on intimacy with God, power to work miracles, signs and wonders will follow effortlessly.
  • God prefers for you to be close to Him than that you have power to do His work. -Luke 10:19-20
  • Someone can take a position in Church away from you or even deprive you of the opportunity to serve God in a particular area, but no one can take your intimacy with God away from you.

  • “Intimacy with God must be to you as breath is to your lungs.”

    MEMORISE: Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. –Luke 10:20


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    2 Keypoints From: The Key To Divine Multiplication

  • If you really want to multiply, you must be willing to sacrifice the most precious thing that you already have. -Proverbs 11:24
  • When you give, you increase, but when you sacrifice, you multiply. (God said he would bless Abraham who gave, but multiply Issac who sacrificed himself).

  • “Before God multiplies you, He wants to be sure thats you love Him above everything and everyone else.”

    Memorise: Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. -John 12:24


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    3 Keypoints From: The King Of Kings

  • Jesus' domain as king is everywhere heaven, earth, (underneath the earth) -Philippians 2:10-11
  • Jesus has delegated us as kings and priests unto God; meaning we have the mandate and responsibility to rule over our industry of profession. -Revelation 1:5-6
  • To become the king of your industry, you must be the most hardworking person in that industry; becoming so good a force to be reckoned with. -Matthew 5:13-14

  • “Will you be one of God's children who will bring glory to His name by working hard to become a leader in your industry?”

    Memorise: And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Revelation 19:16


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    2 Keypoints From: Transfer Of Anointing 3

  • The highest form of transferring of anointing is by 'radiation' (through air without any form of physical contact). -Acts 5:12-16
  • Anointing can be transferred from the preacher on the alter to someone sitting in the congregation or even through a television set, radio, phone and so on.

  • Memorise: Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. -Acts 5:15

    Prayer Point: Father please anoint me so powerfully that just by waving my hands, the sick would get healed.


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