You fit go land yourself for wahala..
“Iranian jailed two years for posting photo without headscarf - Punch Newspapers”
Comment On This: My boyfriend left me after my leg was amputated — Lady - Punch Newspapers
6 comments 24 likesComment On This: Police to recruit 30,000 out of over 400,000 applicants - Punch Newspapers
5 comments 24 likesAfter selling out all the slots abi ...
Corruption is fighting corruption,who is fooling who? nonsense.
Absolutely ridiculous, why raid his headquarters? Looking for what? If not for a set-up to tackle the man′s finances, then what else is the reliable explanation? Look at the politicians who are thi...
While the study is small, it offers direct evidence of this link. SUDC is a mysterious and devastating occurrence, causing over 400 deaths each year in the US, with the majority happening during sleep...
I suggest that they should transfer the money
It′s good to check the certificate because most people furge theirs with money and they will think that no matter what there will not be able to catch them so they use the opportunity to furge the r...
What is he being raid for if it′s not a set up by the so called politicians
When you give a job to a baddie