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Night Battle

As I lay in bed, trying to catch some sleep after a long day, I started to hear the sound of buzzing around my ears. At first, I thought it was just a fly and clap it away with my hands, but then I realized it was a mosquito.

As the night progressed, the buzzing got louder and more annoying, and I began to feel the bites on my skin. I tried to ignore it, hoping that I could sleep through it, but it was impossible. I was tossing and turning, slapping at the mosquitoes, using pillowcases to cover my head, but all my efforts were in vain.

As I lay there, frustrated, I wished for a second chance to go back home and grab my mosquito net. I made a mental note to purchase one at the nearest store first thing in the morning.

I was surprised to hear peaceful snores coming from my neighbours' rooms, who had probably long since adjusted to the constant buzzing in the background and the bites on their skin. This made me even more irritated and angrier at the mosquitoes that were tormenting me. I couldn't believe how I had taken mosquito-free nights for granted.

Finally, the night passed into morning, and I got up, exhausted and irritated with the mosquito bites all over my body. I quickly moved to the nearest store to buy the much-needed mosquito net. That simple net completely changed my life. I was finally able to sleep peacefully, without the constant buzzing and biting. You can never enjoy this story if you hadn't had the experience before

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