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My mom

Here is my own experience with my mom.
At age fifteen I have already slept with different men. My mom would bring men to her room and when she's fast asleep due to drinking, the men would come to my room and rape me. At first I used to cry but as times go on I became used to it. At age twenty I have done two abortions conducted by my mom's friend, a man who always takes his own share after the do..

Since mom took me for abortion I became his regular customer both when I run errands for mom and when he visits mom, most times he would come when mom is not home and we do it endlessly and the last abortion he conducted was his own child.

It was an all round wayward lifestyle for me and mom. One night she pleaded that we do threesome🥺 because her client said he would pay her ( x3). She came to me and pleaded that we do, I think I was 22 then, I gave in to threesome with my mom and the client that was my first threesome, after that it became a norm for us.

I don't know how this makes anyone feel, all I have to say is that being a single parent is the worse thing that can happen to any woman except God is on your side else one would do crazy things for survival to come out of depression.

I wasn't angry with mom, I saw her struggles, she did everything to give me good life that's what she thought and being in the midst of people who influenced her with negativity, she couldn't do much without what she did.

Fast forward to 2016 my mom met with a man who changed our lives totally we did threesome on our first night of meeting, he showered us with millions of naira and after a year of being with the man, mom ended her wayward lifestyle. If you see my mom you would think she's my elder sister, very sexy and tall.

Fast forward to 2018, my mom married a responsible man and I also married the following year.
My mom is everything .🥰
Till tomorrow she is my mom, my number one woman please Don't judge us if you haven't tasted poverty. Though I sometimes feel it wasn't really about poverty, but depression.

This is our past.

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