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A good decision

Turns out my decision to stockpile my house with foodstuffs in December was not a stupid one after all.

As soon as I got my salary, I gathered everything, I mean every dime I made in December and went to get food items.

From rice to beans to noodles to spaghetti to custard to salt,oil,tomatoes, to egg, you name it. There was nothing edible I didn't stockpile.

My friend advised I keep some money at least, that it was stupid to spend all my salary on buying just food. I don't know if it was stubbornness, but I refused to listen.

My neighbour was even asking if I wanted to start a provision and foodstuff store.

Two months down the line and I am still reaping the rewards of that decision. The prices of these foodstuff have now gone up crazy from the prices I got them in December.

Take spaghetti for example. I bought a carton for N10,500, today a carton of Golden penny spaghetti is N16,500. Rice was 58k in December. Today it is 90k+. If I sell some of my food items now, I would make really good profit.

Some of my food items are getting exhausted, like milk, golden morn, cornflakes, etc... Hopefully, when I have bulk money, I'll go stockpile them again.

Cause these are things I consume and the price will continue to skyrocket whether I like it or not.

Investing my money on food so that on Days when I go broke, I won't have to also go hungry. No matter how empty my account gets, reaching home knowing there's food in the house gives me peace, at least.

Again, it felt like a stupid decision then, but I am glad I took it.

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