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How I killed my brother

I've been getting a lot of messages since last night on what I did when I found out my uncle was staffing my daughter.

Well, the daughter he thought was his.
I said I didn't know if I should be angry my uncle was committing such atrocious act with my daughter or I should be vexed that he was indulging in incest.

I was pained. I won't lie to you. My own daughter. My very fine daughter.

"Call me daddy!" He growled.

Slurry, she moaned, "dad-daddyy!"

How ridiculous? How could you call your father "daddy ' in such a position?

I snuck to the kitchen and grabbed a fork. I was too vexed to look at what I got hold of.

I stormed in to see they both had relented.
Soaked in baked bolls of intimidating sweat that stunk moist.

Uncle, how the fuck can you-"

"Can you do what? He cut me short. "Eh,
Michael? Can I do what exactly?" He barked at me. "How can I enjoy your sweet daughter, eh? He was sarcastic as he stroked her braided hair.

My foolish child that came swimming out of me wasn't moved. She gave out gullible smiles like she had been hypnotised?

You think I dunno how you and my wife have been sneaking around? Eh stupid boy!"

Guilt swallowed me. I felt the ground should've opened and swallowed me.

I charged with force and plunged the fork in his throat. The force was so firm the tips came out the other side.

He let out coughs that purged out blood,
Falling headlong to the already stained bed.

"Uncle! You keeled daddy!" Mt daughter screamed out.

Just then , my uncles wife storms in ferociously kissing man. Oblivious of the dire matter at hand.
She turned to see blood stained scene.
We all just stood in awe.

Now, what do I do?" I thought.......

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