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The bad mom

One evening, a man heard his neighbour screaming angrily. She was yelling at her own five year old son. She spanked him several times, until the boy began to cry. He cried for a long time, then stopped. The man was left confused and worried.

The following day, in the evening, the man heard his neighbour yelling at her son again. He heard the boy pleading with his mother for mercy. However, his mother beat him severely and threatened to pour hot water on him. It became clearly obvious to thean that the mother was abusing her own child.

The man quickly left his house and went to the police station in the next town to report the situation. He told them, "my neighbour is a bad mom, a very bad mom. She uses hard objects such as belt, stick and cain to hit her child. She even threatened to hurt the boy with hot water. She should be arrested, and the child be taken away from her!".

The police asked,
How long has this been going on?"

The man replied,
"It has been quite a long time, but i noticed it yesterday. I heard everything with my own two ears. I'm very sure!"

The police needed evidence to proceed with the case, so they gave the man their number and asked him to contact them immediately if the incident happened again.

The following evening, the man heard his neighbour yelling at her son again and beating him.
He immediately called the police who assured him they were on their way.

Few minutes later, th3 police arrived along with the man, they all stormed into the mother's house. Upon seeing the mother and her son, one of the police said to her,
I'm officer Clinton, and you are under arrest for child abuse. "

However, to their suprise, the boy burst into laughter. The mother then looked at her son and they both smiled at each other. She paused for a moment, then said,

" I actually Don't know what you're talking about. Just to let you know, my son has an upcoming drama presentation in his school. I promised I'd help him rehearse which we started two days ago. The drama is about a little boy whose abusive mother would get so drunk and beat him up pretty bad. Did you actually think I was hurting my own child?

The police officers were disappointed and turned to the man who was filled with shame and embarrassment. Then one of them said to the man. We understand that you were concerned about the boys safety, but sometimes in life, things are not always what they seem.

Moral lesson: we need to understand that what we perceived in our minds, might not always be exactly truth. And if we are not careful, we could be sharing false information that can have serious consequences. We should learn to look closer or study situations to know what's exactly going on. We need to do our research and get facts straight before throwing labels on people. False accusations are a serious matter which could be a result of our misunderstanding. "

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