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I've been so occupied lately that sometimes I barely have time to catch my breath. It seems like the list of chores and university-related tasks never ends. Between attending lectures, doing assignments, preparing for exams, and running errands, there's hardly a moment to spare.

Even in my free time, I find myself trying to catch up on school readings or tackle the pile of laundry that's been accumulating for a week. Sometimes it feels like I'm running in circles, always trying to stay afloat and never quite succeeding.

This semester has been particularly grueling for me. With new challenges and responsibilities added to my plate, I find myself constantly juggling conflicting demands on my time and energy. Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel, but I know I can't afford to give up.

Despite the exhaustion and stress, I know that I will triumph. I refuse to let this overwhelming schedule get the best of me. I keep reminding myself that hard work and perseverance pay off in the end.

March is usually when schools go on holiday, but not for the institution I attend. In fact, we have an exam paper to write a day after Easter. The thought of spending the holiday break cramming for the exam is not exactly what I had in mind for the holidays. However, I know that it's essential to stay on top of my studies and put in the hard work required to succeed.

As tiring as it may be, I'm determined to see this through to the end. In the end, I know that all the hard work, late nights, and missed social events will be worth it when I finally emerge on the other side with a degree in hand. For now, I'll keep my head down and keep pushing forward, one exhausted step at a time.

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