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Not Enough

Not Enough
I can't believe I almost missed my exam today. The clock was ticking, and I was furiously flipping through extra slides, desperately trying to soak up every bit of information left. Little did I know, it was already 11 a.m. Just an hour left before the exam – panic started swirling in my mind. How could I let time slip away like that?

I bolted out of my bed and dashed to school, praying that I wouldn't be too late. As I rushed inside, my heart was pounding in my chest. I glanced at the clock, and to my relief, I was only a few minutes past 12 p.m. Thank goodness the class hadn't started. I swiftly took my seat and delved straight into the remaining slides.

In the solitude of the exam room, I feverishly began to craft my answers. The lecturer had emphasized the need for voluminous responses, calling for a deep understanding of the subject matter. I took this to heart and wrote earnestly, delving deep into every question. Still, I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't writing enough, that perhaps my efforts were coming up short.

After pouring out my thoughts onto the pages, I looked down at the clock. Time had slipped past me in a blur. Even after submitting my paper, I found myself grappling with self-doubt. What if I should have written more? What if I had missed out something crucial? The sinking feeling of uncertainty hung heavy over me.
But nonetheless, I wrote a lot.

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