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When he was small

When he was small
When I was still in primary school, I always felt like I couldn't quite measure up to the rest of the students. I knew I wasn't as academically sharp as many of my classmates, and because of that, the teachers often seated me at the front of the class. It was their way of prodding me along, making sure I could keep up with the lessons. I was smart, but not as quick as the others.

But then something amazing happened that changed everything. Our school was gearing up for the inter-house sports event, and as we practiced, a remarkable discovery was made – I was the best at marching! It seemed like a small thing, but it was a moment that transformed everything. I was chosen to lead the procession, and as our class marched past in perfect unison, we went on to win the trophy. I had never felt so proud in my life.

From that day on, things were different. Suddenly, my name was on everyone's lips, and the other students looked at me with newfound respect. It was an experience that made me strive to be better. It became my motivation, my driving force to overcome my insecurities and doubts.

Students gathered around me during break time and this made me talk more than before. They asked me to learn how to match like I did and that was how I became a leader.
I started talking more in class, attempting questions, and becoming fast in writing.

At the end of the term, I took the 5th position, and I wouldn't trade the joy of my dad's fave when he checked my result scores. He had noticed changes in me during the term and also wanted to see if it would affect my academic performance, which he did.

He smiled at me and gave me a #50 note and then he told me that I could do better.
Onwards I was better, in all things concerning school, I was better.
Looking back now, I remember how I escaped a dumb cycle of my life.

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