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“I am lying on the bed. My children, brothers and sisters are all sitting at my bedside. Some close friends are also standing and overlooking my face. Suddenly I start to breathe heavily. Someone among the people sitting in the room is reciting the Quran. Everyone around is repeating with him. My breath begins to decrease. I open my eyes and look at something. The angel of death has arrived. I am preparing for the eternal journey. My mouth opened. My brother drops some water in my mouth, maybe it's the "Zam Zam" water that I had kept for the moment.

Then everyone begins to recite, “Laa'ilaaha illallaaha Muhammadur Rasoolullaah”. I lost my vision. I lost my tongue, I even lost my feeling but I can still hear. I can hear my loved ones cry in pain. I am not yet dead but I am almost lifeless. The angel of death does the final act and takes my soul with an intensive gesture. I have now left this world.

All my wealth, cars, properties, bank balances, contacts and connections are no longer used for nothing. My identity is my grave and I am called a "corpse". My relatives are preparing my grave and some of them think that it is inappropriate to keep the corpse inside the house too long. The house that I myself built and lived in shrinks into space for me. My bath is being prepared. I came out of the enclosure for the last bath. My bathroom with expensive bath fittings is not for me now.

I am wrapped in the white cotton shroud. I am locked in a wooden box to travel to my grave. My dear car is not for me now.

What then have I amassed so many worthless things for? Why did I lie to gain unnecessary wealth? It doesn't help me.

Woe to me because I wasted my life in vain. I forgot that my last trip is near and certain. Why have I sinned so much? Oh! I lost my game.

Now stop imagining. It will happen to you and me someday. So let's be ready.

Good deeds will make our journey and life in the hereafter enjoyable.

Remember: death is certain and so near. This world is just a short dream ..... Wake up before it's TOO LATE!

A beautiful hadith

Rasulullah (صل الله عليه وسلم) said:

“When a man dies and his loved ones are busy at a funeral, an extremely handsome man stands beside him. When the corpse is wrapped, this man between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

When after the burial people come home, 2 angels, Munkar and Nakeer (names of two special angels), come to the grave and try to separate the deceased from this handsome man so that they can be able to question the deceased in private about their Faith.

But the handsome man said, “He is my companion, he is my friend. I won't leave him alone anyway.

If you are appointed for questioning, do your job ... I cannot leave it until I have admitted it to Heaven.

Subsequently, he turns to his dead companion and says, “I am the Quran, which you are used to reading, sometimes aloud and sometimes quietly. Do not worry.

After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief ... "

When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him al-Mala'ul A'laa (angels in heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Rasulullah (صل الله عليه وسلم) said: "On the Day of Judgment, before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Quran, neither a Prophet nor an Angel".

Please keep passing on this 'Hadith' to everyone .... because Rasulullah (صل الله عليه وسلم) says, "Pass knowledge even if it is only one verse". May Allah grant this favor to each of us.
امين يارب العالمين

We pray that the following message will reach in the next seven days at least FIVE MILLION Muslims around the world, Inn sha-Allah. Please forward this message TODAY to your friends and relatives and earn bountiful rewards from
الله ...

Those who share this will mean that they have read to the end.

When you are about to share this, he will try to discourage you (Shaytàn). Don't give him a chance. "

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May ALLĀH make this month very simplest for us.

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