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There are medically proven reasons why we should always cultivate healthy lifestyle habits, as the little things we neglect can have a lot of impact on our health. Living a healthy life requires one to avoid bad habits and embrace the good ones. This article will show you five everyday habits that are bad for the brain and foods to eat for a healthy brain as sourced from WebMD and Healthline.

1. Eating too much junk food.

Many people have formed the habit of consuming junk foods on a daily basis. Information obtained from WebMD shows that part of the brain associated with learning, memory and mental health is actually smaller in people who eat junk foods regularly. Eating junk foods is one habit you should stop if you want to have a healthy brain.

2. Lack of sleep.

Although this is more of a health condition than a habit. The brain suffers when you don't give it enough rest. Research shows that lack of sleep may increase the risk of some brain-related problems like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Getting enough sleep and rest is good for both the brain and body; hence you should make it a habit.

3. Listening to loud music on your headphones.

You are actually doing your brain more harm than good if you regularly use earbuds at a full volume. Research shows that this can lead to permanent hearing loss and brain problems such as Alzheimer's. You are advised to always reduce the volume on your headset to the minimum to protect your brain.

4. Overeating.

Bombarding your body with too much food may affect the brain's ability to build a strong network of connections that help you think well. You tend to forget things easily when you overeat; therefore it's advisable to stop the habit of overeating.

Below are some foods that are good for the brain.

1. Eggs.

Eggs are loaded with certain brain-friendly nutrients such as vitamin B6 and B12, folate and choline. Information obtained from Healthline shows that choline acts as a neurotransmitter that assists to regulate mood and memory, and it's very abundant in eggs.

2. Oranges.

The high vitamin C content in orange functions to prevent mental decline as vitamin C has been linked to improved focus, memory, and decision speed.

3. Turmeric.

Turmeric is notable for its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which is good for the brain. Consuming this spice regularly may help to ease depression and encourage new brain cell growth.

4. Fatty fish.

Fatty fishes like salmon and tuna are known as brain foods as eating them regularly helps to provide the body with omega-3 fatty acids which helps to build brain and nerve cells in the brain, please eat them.

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