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Introducing Afriq Arbitrage System - AAS


AAS is a DEFI, 24/7 Auto Arbitrage system, trading across several Crypto Exchanges.
Built on Blockchain, with a Smart Contract Protocol and Proof of Liquidity pool in Binance.

AAS is built with the latest Technology -
1, ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence)
2, HFT (High Frequency Trade)
3, Micro-Server.
AAS deploys these latest Technology to perform trades from liquidity pool between Exchanges in MILLISECONDS and return Profit.

Daily %ROI is Rotational.
From 1.65% for 20 days.

Then from the 28th of Every Month you have
2% ROI  for 5 days

3.5%  ROI  for 3 days

5%  ROI for 2 days

Withdrawal is 24/7 and super fast.
Minimum Withdrawal is $50 (However you must ensure you have earned at least $51 to take care of withdrawal charge of $1).
Maximum Withdrawal is $10k per day
AAS uses Binance Gateway for its withdrawals.
AAS has the capacity to process 5-milllion withdrawals per minute.

Minimum Deposit is $20 ( please  add at least $3 to Carter for gas fees charges from exchanges)

Maximum deposit  is $100,000
Investors Capital is securely locked up in the Binance liquidity pool for safety.

AAS has Solid Security Architecture. ✅
AAS is built to last. ✅
AAS is a Global Platform.✅

As long as Buyers and Sellers exist in the crypto ecosystem, arbitrage opportunity will always exist for AAS.
Thus, AAS will continue to make profits and create wealth for its investors💯

AAS will continue to implement new features and improvements to secure and guarantees its investors ROI.✅

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