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Touch A Soul

I remember the day I was complaining bitterly to a friend about the bad food we had, and he replied” only if I have one like that,” I felt bitter within me, and it was then I realized that my worries are minute compared to what he was facing.

There is a big eye up there that sees and know all that you are passing through, and he is ready to stand for you, only if you are ready to take your fears away and help others take away their fears about the challenges which accompany life as well.

Oh, I can hear you asking that, how do I help others overcome their fears and challenges when I have my issues? It is simple, over 3 million people in the world right now are on social media, Facebook to be precise and on each person’s wall is a box that ask “what’s on your mind”. You can simply post quotes about God and life and, who knows, it might be the right words for the person viewing it.

Touch A Soul Today ❤❤❤

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The last person to comment (sensibly) on 11th Jul. 2023, between 10:00pm to 10:59pm wins 300 NGN.

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