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I want to stop this stigma people give to Ewedu. It is sickening. Ewedu is called Molokhia in Egypt. There are few greens more nutritional.
Nutritionally, molokhia/Ewedu/jute has three times the calcium and phosphorus as kale, and four times the amount of riboflavin. It also provides 70% of the RDA value for Vitamin C, 25% of the RDA of Vitamin A, as well as potassium, calcium and magnesium–actually more than 32 vitamins in all. Aside from aiding digestion, molokhia is also purported to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, improve bone health, as well as reduce bloating and insomnia. If you check Jumia you'd find jute tea that's excellent for anyone managing hypertension.

Next time you want to label a Yourba person a consumer of Ewedu, remember that a former world power and ancient civilization regarded it as fit for royals.

Show some love. Gift @kenness121 something as TIPs
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