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The eyes is a very vital organ of the human body.. It is responsible for perceiving visual stimuli... In order words,it enables you to see.

The eyes helps to adjust the amount of light that goes into it, focusses on object both near and far.

There's a strong connection between the eyes and the brain,as the brain can only most of the times give accurate interpretation to what the eyes sees, and this in turn helps us to know how to relate with things around is and the world at large..

Now the question is,what are you seeing? How is your brain interpreting what you are seeing?
Mind you,you can't go beyond what you are seeing,your mind can only actualize what you visualize...

What picture of your future are you seeing? What interpretation is your brain giving you? And what relatable action are you taking!! Many of us are taken unaware because we didn't see it coming...

Maybe you are seeing,but not seeing it right,adjust and reposition yourself,revamp your mind daily with God's words and other great books. Learn,unlearn ,relearn forgive and heal..

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The last person to comment (sensibly) on 8th Nov. 2023, between 10:00am to 10:59am wins 500 NGN.
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