Purpose of marriage.
One thing that keeps marriage going is what I call PURPOSE.
When God made Adam...there was a purpose. When Eve was brought forth, there was a purpose...The two of them had a common purpose.
So when you're getting married, there should be a purpose. A vision you two are pursuing together. You're not together only for s*x. There's so much more to a marriage than that.
Put the vision of your marriage together and begin to run with it,It helps bonding too.
Good morning Lovers🌷
When God made Adam...there was a purpose. When Eve was brought forth, there was a purpose...The two of them had a common purpose.
So when you're getting married, there should be a purpose. A vision you two are pursuing together. You're not together only for s*x. There's so much more to a marriage than that.
Put the vision of your marriage together and begin to run with it,It helps bonding too.
Good morning Lovers🌷