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No matter how MUCH you’ve borrowed from MTN, or say you are owing a bank loan! They still wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and they are most times the first to send Regards in many cases…

This alone should teach you a lesson in life! Although I’ve not used one of my BANK for 2years now! They still Don’t give up on the relationship!!! They sent me 10years Anniversary message appreciating me for banking with them…

Most times it’s not about you!!! 🌝

It’s about a course! I Honour everyone Genuinely not for eye service!!! But for kingdom LET LOVE LEAD!

I’ve searched my heart and there’s no one person I have held at heart ❤️ the least I could do is avoid you physically but your name is still in one of my Jotters where I pray for you daily!

The level of peace this Lifestyle brings me is unspeakable…

âś…You owe people respect,
âś…You owe them love,
âś…You Owe them your knees in prayer!

Love is a Gift, but it’s First a Seed you must be deliberate to Grow it…

⚠️you don’t love people because you have a soft heart or you are very emotional…
you love people because you pray for them always… Prayer Builds Compassion…
you don’t need to wonder how I’m able to reach out to 100s of people in the manner I do! And somehow I’m not everyone’s Favourite but even the ones who don’t like me still reach out to …

IT’S SIMPLE I #pray 🤲🏻🧎🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♂️ for everyone I can remember EVERYDAY calling their names and speaking peace to their hearts! This is why I’m not surprised when random people Call for my account number to send me money weekly! These are few of the many Privileges Men of God enjoy When there prayer life rubs off on their Character in turn attracts them to boundless POSSIBILITIES… I can vet your Prayer life by your character or how you treat people it would even show the motives for those your loud shouts and tongues … But there is a labour Dimension to Wealth and Influence via the kneels…✍🏻
# Good morning #


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