I attract money 🍀
I attract wealth 🍀
I attract security and stability 🍀
The universe pours money into my life
Wealth is my birthright 🍀
I was born to be abundant 🍀
Money is always available to me 🍀
I place no limits on the amount of money I can make 🍀
I am a master at attracting money into my life 🍀
The universe is on my side 🍀
I Affirm 🍀
I attract wealth 🍀
I attract security and stability 🍀
The universe pours money into my life
Wealth is my birthright 🍀
I was born to be abundant 🍀
Money is always available to me 🍀
I place no limits on the amount of money I can make 🍀
I am a master at attracting money into my life 🍀
The universe is on my side 🍀
I Affirm 🍀