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Hi everyone let's play a game.

You will make a comment under this post

The comment without any like by 12am 1st of April 2022 gets #200 worth of airtime.


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It's Game time!
For this one, the rule is very interesting.
β€œSay something about the last person that commented on this post (i.e the most recent comment).”

  • In your own comment, mention the person that you're talking about; using their username. e.g β€œ@mindviewers ......”
  • You can comment as many times as u want except u can't comment twice in a row.
  • The last two valid comments by the end of Friday 1st April 2022 wins.

  • We'll be having two winners, each getting 2,500 NGN

    Let the fun begin 😊

    #TrivialGame #MindViewersGame

    3 Boost

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    Let's play this fun game; the purpose is to create a never ending story, with each person adding to the story with a comment, using only 3 words.

    β€’ Like the previous comment before posting yours.
    β€’ Let your comment be exactly 3words, and look closely as storylike as possible to the previous (most recent) comment.
    β€’ You can comment as many times as u want except u can't comment twice in a row.
    β€’ The last two valid comments by the end of Sunday 27th March 2022 wins.

    We'll be having two winners, each getting 2,000 NGN

    #TrivialGame #MindViewersGame

    I'll start 😊

    β€œJohn went to”


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    Let's play a fun game; where the winner gets 3k NGN
    RULE: Under this post, like the previous (most-recent) comment, and then submit your own comment; starting your sentence with the last word of the previous comment

    The last person to comment by the end of Wednesday (23nd March 2022) Wins
    #TrivialGame #MindViewersGame


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