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mantha ✓☆ 🏆79 🌟37
Adeola Akinsemoyin @mantha

Adeola Akinsemoyin @mantha

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About mantha
Username: mantha
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Name: Adeola Akinsemoyin
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From: Lagos, Nigeria
Joined: 21st Nov 2023, 11:37am
User ID: 33365
Whatever rocks their boat. It's her fate and she has long accepted it.
““Baba Come Squeeze Face”: Regina Daniels Reacts to Romantic Video Co-wife Posted With Ned Nwoko - Legit.ng

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Something seems fishy about this judgement. Now they are claiming that the boy had an injury that caused an infection in his body, when they did not even test the black substance found in his body. It is clear that some powerful people have influenced the judgement. This is Nigeria😒
“Oromoni: Father kicks as coroner blames parents, doctor for teenager’s death - Punch Newspapers

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New Mercies

Devotional by YouVersion

Your eyes opened this morning. The sun has risen again. Your heart is still beating. Your lungs are inhaling fresh oxygen. You are here, you are alive, and your life has intrinsic value.

It’s true.

But this fractured world tries to beat us down, which can feel all-consuming: our relationships are far from perfect, our desires are bent toward selfishness, and sometimes the everyday grind can feel like too much.

The author of Lamentations, traditionally identified as Jeremiah (though His name isn’t stated explicitly), is known as the “weeping prophet”—constantly undone because of the heartbreaking sin of his people and their open disregard for their Creator. The book is full of grief and distress and lament. But, still, he confidently writes:

“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:21-23‬ ‭ESV

Even though God’s people had rebelled, even though the strength of Israel was gone and they were facing the consequences of their idolatry, even though their unfaithfulness was making their lives fall apart…

God still poured out His steadfast love. God still showed off His endless mercy. God still lavished His people with His constant faithfulness. 

That is why they were not consumed. And that is why we still have hope. 

If you’ve run from God, ignored His good design, disregarded His warnings, purposely rebelled against Him, or simply chose to forget His existence all together, it’s not too late to turn back. 

God doesn’t ignore those who come to Him. He doesn’t dismiss those with a humble and repentant heart. He is patiently and faithfully waiting for those who will return to Him.

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"when you give, forget, when you receive, don't forget"
Some people tend to hold on to the good they do for others, but forget the good they received from others, when you do good, do it from the depth of your heart and don't even expect a thank you. The best rewarder is God.
When good is done to you, do not withhold your appreciation and gratitude.


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Such a pity. May his soul rest in peace.
“US-based Nigerian bodybuilder dies 18 days after being shot by wife - Punch Newspapers

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I felt shivers when the pastor confronted the woman. Dr Eneche is a revered pastor by both church members and non church members. The way he spoke suddenly could catch anyone by surprise, I just hope he apologises to that woman because that embarrassment was rather public and too much.
“Mixed reactions as Pastor Enenche accuses church member of false testimony - Punch Newspapers

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If they really want to make the 20hr power supply happen, I believe they can. The lock down period showed us that we can have up to 24hrs power supply without interruption. They should just see how they can tie up loose ends and hopefully we start to see a big change.
“Pressure to meet Band ‘A’ consumers’ 20-hour supply puts fragile national grid under threat - The Nation Newspaper

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This grid is always collapsing, we are even getting used to it by now.
“Fire outbreak responsible for grid collapse – TCN - Daily Trust

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Becoming Fast and Slow

Devotional by YouVersion

When we’re in difficult situations, it isn’t always easy to stay calm or hold our tongue for very long.

But in James 1:9, we hear how we should respond…

Be quick to listen.
Be slow to speak.
Be slow to anger. 

The world is the opposite:

Be slow to hear what others have to say.
Be quick to voice your own opinions.
Be quick to accuse, argue, and fight.

Why is it so important to James that Christ's followers don’t behave like this? Because “human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” (James 1:20)

So what does produce the right kind of living that God desires? 

The Word of God. 

James told his friends to “get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” (James 1:21)

He said that if they have the Word of God in them, and if they are obeying it, they will be blessed. (James 1:25)

James is clear that if we are to be followers of God, we must know God’s word and obey it. That means we need to take time to listen to others, pace ourselves when we speak, and keep our anger at bay.  

So next time you’re faced with something that makes you angry, take James’ words to heart. Take time to temper your emotions, think through your feelings and arguments, and humbly pray for God to help you respond with kindness and grace.


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