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Adeola Akinsemoyin @mantha

Adeola Akinsemoyin @mantha

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Name: Adeola Akinsemoyin
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From: Lagos, Nigeria
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Heartbroken But Not Broken

Heartbroken But Not Broken
It was the eve of Christmas, while other family members went about doing their last minute shopping and preparations, Ada sat at the backyard of her father’s compound, chin on hand, lost in thought. As tears flowed freely on her face, she remembered her last conversation with Victor, her ex-boyfriend.

Victor didn’t have much but he took care of her and her five siblings who depended on her for their upkeep, since their parents didn't have much. Ada had been the breadwinner of her family since she was 18, and when she met Victor she thought she had met a life saver or an angel because he took up the burden of taking care of her and her family. Ada then relaxed and only focused more on loving him and doing his bidding.

One fateful day, Victor had had enough and he started lashing out on Ada at any slightest provocation, on further interrogation, he shouted at Ada and said her family members were parasites who were out to suck him dry with their unending demands. Ada cried her eyes out at this revelation, but Victor was no longer having it so he told her he no longer wanted to have anything to do with her ever again. This broke her down emotionally and broke her spirit because she thought she had found the 'one' in Victor.

After much efforts to win Victor's heart back, Ada finally summoned courage and left the city to clear her head. She had been in the village ever since almost withering away because of her constant tears and depression.

She finally returned to reality and vowed within herself that she was not going into another relationship until she gets a job and is able to stand on her feet financially, after all Victor had moved on and had even gotten married to someone else, who she heard was rich and doing well for herself. With this new resolve, Ada wiped her tears and went to bed, because it was already evening.

After months of job hunting and doing menial jobs to survive, Ada finally got a well paying job and was able to take care of her folks back home. On one occasion, a colleague of hers jokingly said he was going to get her a husband, and that was how he introduced her to Richard.

Ada made sure she wasn't dependent on Richard for anything because she didn't want history to repeat itself. In fact she made sure she got things for Richard instead and even cooked for him with her money. Even when Richard would insist on giving her money Ada would reject it, saying she really wanted to do it. In less than a year, Richard knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Ada, and wasted no time in popping the question. They both got married in an intimate wedding ceremony, with friends and family members present. And after the ceremony the first gift Richard got for Ada was a brand new car. Even though Richard is a generous man, Ada still makes sure she contributes her quota to the family and does her best for her siblings as well.

@mantha would win ₦5k,₦3k or ₦2k in if this story gets 40+ likes and is in top 3 most-liked stories of Tue, 28th Jan. 2025.
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The Place to Start

There are so many places that we can go to learn about something new and grow in knowledge. Books are full of free access to learn anything you can dream up. The internet is also overloaded with content and ways to learn about any subject imaginable.

While those are great places to start when building knowledge, Scripture tells us that the beginning of all knowledge is fear of God. This means that while we can learn things from anyone, the beginning of true knowledge begins with God.

The fear of the Lord doesn’t necessarily mean that you should be afraid of God. What it means is that we should live our lives in awe of Him. We do this first by recognizing who He is. He is the creator and source of all things. He is all-powerful and all-knowledgeable. God’s Word says He holds the power of life and death in His hands. These are certainly attributes that should cause us to be in awe of God.

Scripture also tells us that God is loving, gracious, and merciful. Even though we, His own creation, previously abandoned Him and rebelled against Him, God graciously gave us access back to Himself through His Son, Jesus. The God who created the universe loves each and every one of us.

Knowing God rightly and being in awe of who He is and what He has done is the beginning of all knowledge. 

We would be foolish to turn away from such a powerful and gracious God. While we can learn a lot about many different things through a book or the internet, the most essential and important piece of knowledge about God Himself comes from His Word.

Spend some time with God in prayer, thanking Him for who He is and what He has done for you. Begin a habit of reading Scripture regularly so that you can come to know Him more and more.


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Hearing vs. Listening

Throughout the pages of Scripture, there’s a word that gets repeated:
"hear," or a related word, "listen." In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word "Shema" translates into English as "hear" or "listen" and is often used to emphasize the act of listening, understanding, and obeying.

Today’s culture places value on doing many things at once; we often try to listen while focusing on other tasks, which divides our focus. The sound of someone’s voice might come into our ears, but if we’re also scrolling social media, doing schoolwork, or making a meal, we might not fully understand their words.

But in the biblical context, "hearing" does not simply include sound reception; it also involves active obedience and an effort to understand.
In Mark 4:9, Jesus invites us to listen—to hear and obey, encouraging us to pay careful attention to His words: "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Jesus isn't just asking us to audibly hear His words and carry on with our personal agenda; He's urging us to actively listen and obey, to live by His truth. Listening and obeying are what build our faith in Jesus Christ. Hearing the Word of God should lead to a transformed life marked by fruitfulness.
As you reflect on the idea of listening in Scripture, consider your heart and spiritual receptivity. Are you attentive to God's Word, allowing it to transform your life, or is your hearing divided, causing you to resist His call?



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Mobile Mountain Communities

Imagine a community where honest people work together to fix brokenness. Every person you meet loves you authentically, and you love them in the same way. How would living in such a community change the way you think, feel, and act?

Jesus invites us into that kind of community. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”

The Greek word for “hill” can also mean “mountain,” and in the ancient imagination, mountains were places where Heaven and Earth intersected—where people could encounter the gods. The ancient Hebrews understood mountains as unique spaces where God meets with humanity and where both dwell together as partners.

Abraham experiences divine testing and blessing on a mountain. God invites Moses up a mountain to receive instruction. And the prophet Isaiah uses mountain imagery to dream of a day when the Heaven-on-Earth space will expand beyond the mountain, filling the world with God’s Kingdom and vanquishing the darkness of evil.

This makes Jesus’ teaching truly wild! He’s saying that Heaven and Earth reunite through people—through us. When Jesus calls his followers a “city on a mountain,” he’s saying they will bring the mountaintop experience to the world. He’s inviting us to become mobile mountains, creating pockets of Heaven on Earth wherever we go.

We do this by letting go of the old ways of fighting our enemies and picking up the practices of Jesus—feeding the hungry, living justly, and loving people patiently. When this happens, the light of God’s way that leads to true life shines through us, piercing the darkness. So let’s find ways to be mobile mountain communities and participate in making God’s Kingdom shine brightly on Earth as it is in Heaven.



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Please @mindviewer help, I'm unable to post a story in the story section. I keep getting a message that I can't post a story and should post it on the timeline instead.


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Happy Sunday friends, hope your Sunday is going well. 🤗


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The Empty Pursuit of More


It wears like an invisible cloak, blending seamlessly into the fabric of modern culture. It silently seeps into our desires, clouds our judgment, and distorts our values. Greed always seeks more—more validation, more status, more comfort, more things. 

But the irony of greed is this: the more earthly possessions, status, or validation we gain, the more we are left dissatisfied. 

In Luke 12:15, Jesus warns how this illusion of fulfillment through relentlessly collecting more blinds us to true contentment and purpose and is an empty pursuit:

“Then he said to them, 'Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.'”

True fulfillment doesn’t happen when we store up possessions or pursue unending comfort. True fulfillment is found when we’re anchored in contentment, gratitude, and a deep relationship with God that leads to seeking His kingdom and righteousness (Luke 12:31).

Where do you have an endless craving for more—more validation, more comfort, more possessions? Are there areas of your life where the constant pursuit of more might be overshadowing the pursuit of God’s kingdom and His righteousness?


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Let Your Light Shine

Text: Matthew 5:14-16

Sit with this line for a moment. Allow its full weight to resonate in your heart as you hear it...

"You are the light of the world."

Imagine Jesus looking you in the eye, gently repeating Himself in case you missed it the first time:

"You are the light of the world."

Not "you will be if you try hard enough," not "you might be someday when you have it all together." You already are.

You are the light of the world. You already have inside you everything you need to shine brightly and beautifully in a world that is often dark, chaotic, and lacking in hope.

The world around us - your colleagues, friends, and family don't need a perfect person to come into their life and show them the way to Jesus: they need youl You, says Jesus, have a light inside of you. Because you know Him and have his truth in your heart, all you need to do is step into the darkness and you will bring light, life, and hope to everyone you meet.

When we live connected to Jesus, His love will spill out in our ordinary, everyday moments.

What would it look like for you to shine like a star today in your workplace? Or your home? Or with your friends?

Maybe it will be the kindness you show to a stressed-out coworker. Maybe it's offering forgiveness when you'd rather hold a grudge. Or choosing integrity over profit. Shining could look like listening deeply to a friend who feels unseen. It could be choosing kindness over sarcasm in a tense moment. Maybe it's sharing a word of hope with someone who feels stuck in darkness.

Each act of love, no matter how small, is a way to shine His light in a world that desperately needs hope.

Remember this today: your light doesn't have to be overwhelming to make a difference. Just like a single star is enough to guide someone through the night, your light can point someone to Jesus.

Let your light shine today - you never know who might desperately need to see it.

Let's close in prayer.

Lord Jesus, thank You that the people walking in darkness have seen a great light: You, Lord, are the hope of the world - the light which shatters every dark shadow and brings hope and joy in place of anxiety and fear. Please help me today to shine Your light. In every interaction and at every moment, give

me the courage to share and show my faith rather

than hide away or shut others out. May I light the

way into hope for someone today.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Credit: Glorify App

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This year's hajj trip will be somehow because it is too expensive for the average person to afford, and now there's a deadline to meet, some people have not even seen 1 million, you want them to pay over 8million. Everybody will be alright.
“NAHCON issues deadline for full payment of 2025 Hajj fare - Premium Times”

Opinion Screenshot

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Planning Ahead

Think about your upcoming plans for the day, week, year, and beyond.

Maybe you want to start a business.
Maybe you want to raise a family.
Maybe you want to write a book.
Maybe you want to travel the world.
Maybe you want to start a ministry.
Maybe you want to volunteer in your city.
Maybe you want to plant a garden.
Maybe you want to pay off debt.

Scripture tells us …

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Making plans isn’t a bad thing. In fact, the Bible tells us that we will harvest what we plant (Galatians 6:7), so we should be diligent—not lazy—to wisely prepare for the future. But we must simultaneously hold those plans loosely, because God knows the full picture of our lives.

God is always working in and through His people, giving them the desire and power to do what pleases Him (Philippians 2:13). But sometimes, we require rerouting. Sometimes what we want isn’t in His plan.

But even when we don’t get what we’ve hoped for, He always has our good and His glory in mind. 

Jesus modeled how to surrender His own plans by literally giving His life up for us—for our freedom. And, even though it wasn’t easy, our lives and our futures look different because God’s purpose prevailed.

So today, make a list of some of your plans and dreams. Then hold your hands out in front of you, and visualize giving all of your dreams and plans over to God. Picture all of those plans evaporating from your hands. Then, ask God to show you which plans He wants to give back to you and if there are any new dreams He’s longing for you to receive.



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