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Adeola Akinsemoyin @mantha

Adeola Akinsemoyin @mantha

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About mantha
Username: mantha
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Name: Adeola Akinsemoyin
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Learning to Fight Good Fight

When we became Christians and first believed in Jesus, we began a journey of faith. We committed to becoming a disciple of Jesus, who follows His commands, and trusts in Him.

The apostle Paul, in his instructions to Timothy, encourages Timothy to fight the good fight of faith. This implies that the journey of faith will often be difficult. It will sometimes be messy, hard, and harrowing. Paul’s words serve as a reminder that, sometimes, faith looks like a fight.

However, rather than a fight against people, this journey of faith is a fight for goodness, beauty, and faithfulness. We are fighting against our own broken natures, but also against God’s enemies within the spiritual realm.

Fighting often looks like making the right decision, even if it’s not the easiest decision. It might mean being gentle when we want to be harsh. It might mean choosing love when it would be easier to be selfish.

Fighting well means remaining faithful to Jesus to the very end. You were called to a new life in Christ when you came to faith, and you are called to remain faithful over the entire course of your life.

So how do you remain faithful? One of the ways you can cultivate faithfulness is by reading God’s Word every day. When you regularly spend time with Him, you begin to love what God loves, and hate what He hates. 

But as you seek God in this way, it’s also important to have friendships with people who can encourage you. Having two or three people in life who can help keep you accountable is a necessary part of your faith journey.

As you consider what next steps you need to take to fight well, remember that you do not fight alone. God is with you—and when you draw near to Him, He will empower you with the strength you need to finish your faith journey well.

Credit: YouVersion

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Be Strong and Courageous

When Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church, he was writing to believers experiencing intense division. Power and politics within the church community were causing Christians to stray from Jesus’ teachings and compete with each other. And because of this, the poor were suffering, people were confused about theology, and immorality was being tolerated. 

So after calling out their mistakes, and showing them how to live Spirit-filled lives, Paul summarizes his desire for the Corinthians with these words:

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love."
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NLT

Be on guard…
Paul uses this phrase to remind his friends to keep watch over their lives, their community, and their choices. He knew that if they didn’t stay aware, then they wouldn’t notice the lies, tricks, or deceptions the devil was using to infiltrate their community.

Stand firm…
Immorality was a major issue in the Corinthian church. But instead of addressing this problem, Corinthian Christians tolerated it. So Paul reminded them that they were one body. If one person was allowed to disrespect God, then they were all part of the problem. They needed to learn how to stand firm in their faith so that their ultimate desire would be to please God, not people.

Be courageous. Be strong… 
In order to resist spiritual attacks, the Corinthians needed to stand strong together. They needed to courageously use their gifts and talents to strengthen their church community and help it grow—even when it seemed counter-cultural and uncomfortable.  

…And do everything in love.
In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul writes that even if he could be perfect, do everything right, never sin, and always keep God’s commands—if he didn’t have love, it would mean nothing. Strength, courage, and commitment—none of it matters if God’s love isn’t at the center of everything we think and do.  

If God’s love doesn’t define us, standing firm can become self-righteousness, strength can turn into stubbornness, and courage can become arrogance. God invited us to a better way.

Today, what steps will you take to stand firm in what you believe with strength and courage? As you determine what choices you need to make, remember that God fights for you, and His Spirit is with you. He can empower you to receive and boldly share His love.

Credit: YouVersion

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Shining the Light of Jesus

Have you ever walked from a dark place into a very bright space? Light has incredible power over our senses, and sometimes it can be overwhelming. But light is necessary for us to live. It illuminates the world.

In Matthew 5, Jesus uses light as metaphor several times to describe the life of a disciple. He says that His disciples are like a town built on a hill that shines light into the valley (Matthew 5:14). He also says we’re like a lamp that gives light to a whole house (Matthew 5:15).

The life of a disciple of Jesus is meant to be like that of a light that shines brightly for others to see. So what is the light that we have?

It is the message of the Gospel. We’ve been given knowledge of what Jesus has done for us, and it’s that knowledge that changes everything for us. We now have a new life because of Jesus.

Jesus also says that people recognize our light through our good deeds. When we choose to love others, we are showing them the light and love of Jesus.

If you want to be a light in a dark world, remember this: the most illuminating act of all is loving people like Jesus. We are a city on a hill, a lamp shining into a whole house. The darkness around us may seem overwhelming, but the love we show because of the light within us illuminates everything.

Credit: YouVersion

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Desiring God′s Presence

The writer of Psalm 42 compares himself to a deer that is longing for water. The deer is weary and parched without it, and so all it wants is to find a stream to drink from.

In a similar way, the psalmist is weary and exhausted from life. He is under pressure and growing tired. And yet, his innermost desire is for God.

Just like the deer desires water, the psalmist’s soul desires the presence of God. He knows that the solution to his problems is not more accomplishments and praise—it’s spending time in the presence of God.

It’s not wrong to have desires and goals in life. But our foremost desire should be for God, because true satisfaction is only found in His presence.

All it takes is your desire and commitment to spend time with Him by reading His Word, talking to Him through prayer, or reflecting on His faithful character. As you draw close to Him, He is ready and willing to be close to you, and to restore your soul.

Spending time with God is a basic spiritual need of ours, but it is a powerful time that can change the course of our life and the center of who we are. Take time to be with Him now, but also come up with a plan that helps you continue to seek God every day.

Credit: YouVersion

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Love One Another

Jesus said two important things about our love for each other. First, that all people will know we are His disciples if we love one another (John 13:34). Second, our unity in Him will let the world know that God had sent Him into the world (John 17:23).

Jesus said the world will know He has come by how His followers love each other. We should love one another in such a way that those who do not believe in Jesus would be astounded and curious to learn more about Him. 

Jesus knew this world would be full of anger, strife, and conflict. This is all the more reason it should be a priority to love other people with the same love God has for us. Loving others unveils to the world the great and loving God who loved us first.

Years after Jesus’ resurrection, the apostle John wrote three short letters to followers of Jesus. In his first letter, he takes the time to talk to them about how to love, and why it matters. John wrote: “love is from God … if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another … we love because He first loved us.” (1 John 4:7, 11, 19) 

He even goes as far as to say, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (1 John 4:20 ESV) 

There’s no way around this. John makes it clear that our love for one another is proof that God’s love is in us. So if we say that we love God, then we should be committed to showing love to each other.

As you reflect on today’s verse, ask yourself: Is there anyone in my life that I need to show love to today? Is there anyone I need to forgive? In what ways can I love my brothers and sisters in Jesus?

Credit: YouVersion


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An Example Worth Following

Jesus stood there in silence as he was stripped, spit on, beaten, and mocked. He stood there as they twisted thorns into a crown and shoved it onto His head. He watched as they gambled for His clothes. He was rejected, accused, and crucified—and He endured all of this willingly, because of love. 

Imagine having unlimited power and authority, and giving it all up. Imagine voluntarily sacrificing your life so that others could also experience God’s deep, unconditional love. This is what Jesus modeled for us.  

"You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges… When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.” 
Philippians 2:5-8 NLT

Jesus knew He belonged to God, and He knew what He was called to do. He knew that selfless service mattered more than selfishness. He knew that humility was greater than pride. And He knew that obeying God would lead to our freedom and His glory. 

Jesus modeled humility by laying down His life so that we could know the love of God personally. And if we say that we follow Jesus, then we need to have the same attitude and outlook on life that Jesus did. But we can only do this by staying united in Jesus as we follow His example together.  

So, how do we stay united? We show love to each other. And how do we show love to each other? By thinking about other people first, and choosing not to hold onto bitterness. True love requires a willingness to let go of pride, and to serve without expecting anything in return. 

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” 
John 15:12-13 ESV

So who can you show love to today? Spend a few moments allowing God to reveal how you can practically embrace humility, stay united in love, and serve others selflessly today.

Credit: YouVersion

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God’s Power in the Process

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is on the record for speaking the following words: 

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Due to many other texts in the Bible, we know that God’s ability to be with us is not hindered by a crowded stadium or an empty room. He’s able to be just as present whether there’s more or less than 2-3 people gathered.

So, in this case specifically, what did Jesus mean?

When we look at the surrounding context, Jesus is actually explaining to His disciples how to correct a believer who has sinned against them. He encourages them to:

- First, go talk to the person alone.
- Second, if they don’t seem to listen the first time, bring one or two others along.
- Third, if they still don’t listen, bring the issue before the church.
- Fourth, if they still refuse to heed the wisdom and counsel of the church, treat them like you would an unbeliever.

So when Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them,” He’s reminding them that, as they navigate church-discipline situations with humility, grace, and love, He will be with them in the process. 

Throughout God’s Word, we’re given instructions for handling various situations—whether it’s money, relationships, sin, health issues, etc. And even when things don’t appear to be black or white, we can listen to the Holy Spirit and look to the leaders He’s appointed.

Jesus knew that conflicts and issues would inevitably arise, so He taught His disciples to ask for whatever they needed (see verse 19), and promised to be with them on the journey.

Credit: YouVersion


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Masterpieces in Process

There’s a verse in Proverbs that’s often quaintly quoted when referring to a close friendship or marriage…

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Yes, we want to encourage each other, cheer each other on, and sharpen each other emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But when you truly think about the implications of such a description, this verse is anything but quaint. 

Iron is sharpened through heat and friction, through cutting and slicing. As it is beaten, it is reshaped into something beautiful and purposeful and even better than before.

Sharpening is purposeful, but it can also be painful. It’s intentional friction that often results in a purer, stronger, sharper character. We aren’t sharpened by thoughtless, careless, or unintentional relationships, but we are sharpened by those who lovingly help chip away the excess junk—who can recognize and visualize the masterpiece God wants us to become. 

We can be sharpened by mentors, pastors, spouses, teachers, and friends. But we can also be sharpened by the dearest friend we have—the Holy Spirit. The part of God who’s considered the third “person” of the Trinity, the One who does the refining work. The Holy Spirit is like a personal and professional metal-worker who is skilled and deliberate, focused and detailed, trustworthy and true. 

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

When we surrender to God’s refining work inside of us, we can help others see the work of art in themselves. So today, allow God to sharpen you. Ask Him to reveal the parts of your life that need to be refined, and then surrender to the work He wants to do inside you.

Credit: YouVersion


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Made For Community

Have you ever worked in a group with other people who only slowed down your progress? A lot of people actually prefer working alone so that they can manage priorities the way they want. While this may be a good method in some cases, it’s not usually the best way to live.

From the very beginning of creation, God created us to be in relationship with other people. We are created for community and friendship, and God intended for us to work together and help each other through life.

And yet— a lot of people live their life in isolation from others. They believe that as long as they have Jesus, they don’t need anybody else. But you and Jesus can’t make it through life alone. You were created to share life with others.

The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us that there are many things that one person cannot do alone. We need others to help us when we fall. We need others to encourage us when we’re down. We need people to accomplish tasks in life that are greater than us.

Most people who have gone through difficult seasons of life wish there had been someone to walk alongside them. We long for connection and community.

This is how God designed us—we were created to share the burdens of life together. 

God created the Church to be a community of people who all love God and love others. When we find community within the people of God, we will also find people who can walk through life together with us. You don’t have to walk through life alone—God has provided other people to help you along. And you are also called to help those in your life. 

Take some time today to thank God for the friends and community He has given you. Thank God for each of them by name. As they come to mind, be sure to let them know that you appreciate their friendship in your life. Seek out ways that you can continue to build a healthy community of friends.

Credit: YouVersion

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