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Perhaps it's my reasoning, or choice that affects my decision, I stand to believe, that for me, Naruto will always be better than Boruto. There are various reasons for my words to be inaccurate, but currently as both shows stands, though we are yet to see the finishing or rather say "End" of Boruto, I would like to go with the fact, that no matter the extent it strife's to, imma prefer Naruto over it. Now it's not my thought to discard the entire show, and neither will I bring down another's opinion of the show. Am merely saying my own fact, from my own reasoning. To others it might be better than Naruto, but to me, in terms of Storyline/Plot, battles and action, adventure and fantasy, I'll like to stay with my idea that Naruto Stomps it...
“Naruto Will Always Be Better Than Boruto - Here′s Why - CBR - Comic Book Resources”



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