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Stories posted on Sun, 19th Jan. 2025
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Broken bones

Broken bones
I slept so deeply yesterday after completing my daily routine and night chores. I took a warm bath, feeling exhausted, and drifted off into a heavy slumber. When I woke up in the morning, I was met with a sickness that took me by surprise. I felt so weak that I could barely extend my hands.

My joints ached, My bones felt like they were broken and my muscles were weak. I couldn’t do anything for myself and lay in bed, whimpering softly, like a child in pain. Headache clouded my thoughts, making it nearly impossible for me to focus.

Just getting up to brush my teeth felt like an impossible task. Finding something to eat felt equally challenging as if each small movement was a fight. Someone who was strong before sleep and took for granted my health just the day before.

In my state, I reached out to my neighbor, hoping he could help me buy some medication. He informed me that he was heading to church, and that’s when it hit me that I had completely lost track of time and missed church service myself. The reality of my sickness weighed heavily on me.

As the minutes ticked by and no one came to my aid, I realized I couldn’t wait any longer. Picking up the smallest of strength, I decided to go out and get the drugs myself. It was quite a distance, but somehow, I pushed through. With determination, I made the journey to the pharmacy and back, feeling a mix of tiredness and heightened headache.

Once home, I took the medication and managed to eat some fruits which was the only thing in my stomach from morning until evening. My stomach felt empty, and I longed for real food, but my body was too weak to handle anything heavy.

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My dad loved listening to the radio, but ever since the last one got damaged, he hadn’t replaced it. With so many necessities competing for money, and the rising cost of everything, buying a new radio just wasn’t a priority for him.

So on the last day, I decided to surprise him. I went out and purchased a quality radio, one that I hoped he would love. Despite our family’s habit of keeping things low-key—my dad isn’t one for big birthday celebrations—I thought this would be a perfect way to show him a little appreciation for all the sacrifices he makes to provide for us, his children.

When I presented my gift, a brand-new radio, you wouldn't believe the joy on his face. He was so taken aback, his eyes lighting up with disbelief and excitement. He examined the radio carefully, then looked at me and smiled. It was a moment filled with gratitude and warmth, a reminder of how much he valued even the simplest gestures of love.

The next morning, we were greeted with the heartwarming slow hymes from the popular 92.5 dream FM. These songs formed our childhood and I was glad that I had bought the radio despite the large cost.

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First Experience in Hostel

First Experience in Hostel
The first time I moved into the hostel, I never once considered that people could be so mean and cruel. After washing my clothes, I approached the public line to hang them up, only to find that all the lines were occupied, leaving no space for my things.

As I touched some of the clothes already hanging there, I realized they were dry. I decided to carefully move them to one side to create some space. I stacked the dry clothes neatly and spread out my new uniform, my selection of white shirts on the line I had just cleared for myself.

I felt a sense of happiness and satisfaction once I was done. However, when I went inside and returned two hours later, I was shocked to see my clothes and white shirts lying on the ground. Someone had taken the clothes I had moved aside and thrown my garments onto the ground. I was deeply disappointed.

From that day henceforth, I usually woke up very early each time that I wanted to wash my clothes with the lines free at that time of the morning.

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My Sour Kitchen Experience😂

My Sour Kitchen Experience😂
I have been complaining of blood shortage for a while and even collected money for blood tonic but unfortunately, I used it for another purpose. Only lately i wanted to cook veggies and a lot of it, so i was like, Oh! This knife is so blunt 😂 and my Senior sis was laughing at me that look at you 😂, is that knife not sharp enough? I was like No! It is not. So i went ahead and sharpen it to my satisfaction. While i was at it, slicing the veggies and feeling good, Boom!!!! It happened 😫. What exactly happened? I lost focus. How did it happen? At my peace, in my comfort and at my own pace, i was focused on the veggies and slicing with all sweetness, someone came to call me seeking my attention and i lost focus. So looking back, i sliced my finger alongside the veggies and then it dawn on me 😂. My finger !!! blood !!! 😂 I lamented but then another thing is that I already have blood without even taking tonic but i got a sour kitchen experience that fateful day.

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