My Sour Kitchen Experience😂

I have been complaining of blood shortage for a while and even collected money for blood tonic but unfortunately, I used it for another purpose. Only lately i wanted to cook veggies and a lot of it, so i was like, Oh! This knife is so blunt 😂 and my Senior sis was laughing at me that look at you 😂, is that knife not sharp enough? I was like No! It is not. So i went ahead and sharpen it to my satisfaction. While i was at it, slicing the veggies and feeling good, Boom!!!! It happened 😫. What exactly happened? I lost focus. How did it happen? At my peace, in my comfort and at my own pace, i was focused on the veggies and slicing with all sweetness, someone came to call me seeking my attention and i lost focus. So looking back, i sliced my finger alongside the veggies and then it dawn on me 😂. My finger !!! blood !!! 😂 I lamented but then another thing is that I already have blood without even taking tonic but i got a sour kitchen experience that fateful day.