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Bullying s Bully

Bullying s Bully
There was a little boy named Leo who was shy. He had just moved to a new town with his parents. It was his first day at a new school, and he was feeling nervous.

At school, there was a bully named Felix. He was big and noisy, making fun of kids to feel strong. During break perious when Leo went to the the canteen , Felix spotted him right away. “Hey, new kid! What are you doing here? You lost?” he yelled.

Leo felt scared and looked down staring at the floor. “No, I’m just getting lunch,” he said quietly.

Felix laughed and pushed Leo’s lunch tray onto the floor, making a mess. “You should go back to where you came from!” Felix shouted.

Leo felt upset but promised himself that he wouldn’t let Felix keep bullying him. That afternoon, while walking home, Leo noticed that Felix took the same shortcut near his house. An idea popped into his head.

The next day, Leo had a plan. He had a young dog who was very loyal. The dog understood a limited Number of instructions.

The next day, Leo watched from his window as Felix walked down the path, laughing with his friends. Leo felt excited and a little nervous.

When Felix got close to the trap, Leo whispered to his dog wagged his tail, ready to help. As Felix stepped over the rope, he tripped and fell flat on the ground!

Before Felix could get up, the young jumped forward, barking loudly. Felix’s eyes grew wide as the little dog ran toward him.

“Get it off! Get it off!” Felix yelled, backing away from the young dog, who just wanted to play.

Leo laughed and shouted, “You think you’re tough? Try dealing with my dog then"

Felix, who was once the bully, was now scared and running away from a small dog.

After a while, Felix managed to run off, looking embarrassed. Leo called after him and laughed his intestines out..
In school the next day, the bully kept his distance from Leo.

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